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Slipper Guyquad

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Everything posted by Slipper Guyquad

  1. Oh, yesterday for part of the day, she was either at a cookery class, or at least learned a new recipe at some gathering.
  2. What, if you're suggesting i don't have much to smile about in life well, you're right sadly! Apart from that, let's just say, things over there are progressing nicely....😉
  3. She came home about quarter to 2, so was only out 4 hours. I didn't hear her cough, so i guess she didn't have much, she was saying to Paul just before leaving about 'Which flavour' to choose there.
  4. Yeah i know, not like she's been coughing anyway last few days. Oh wait, yes she has. Great idea. 🙄
  5. She's gone to a Hookah place, last time they were there, one of the girls drank until she passed out. Nice.
  6. It's like a red rag to a Bull with you. And yes i wrote that phrase deliberate.
  7. Yes, but the travel plans didn't involve flights.
  8. As i write this, yes, the plan is still most definitely on. From yesterday, it all sounded very positive. But things can change, let's hope nothing spoils it.
  9. Judging from her expressions just now, i guess that not only has her auntie arrived, but she is kicking her way in this time.
  10. And to think, i've been publicly admonished in the past for having the sheer audacity, the gall, of mentioning Malia on the 'Leora Fan Page'. Ho, and indeed, Hum. 🖕
  11. Yes that's true - So Paul keeps calling her and being daft to make her laugh and cheer her up, he's just done it yet again. Good lad!
  12. Because it happens so often, i'm sure she must have said to Paul ages ago "Whenever we Skype, please be bare chested". 😮
  13. Leora laughing at a Boney M reference on TV. Wow, who's next on Prague primetime tonight - Mike Yarwood, followed by Late Night Line Up?
  14. Tonight she had one of her enormous calls, with her old friend in (or at least from) Krasnoyarsk, after speaking to Paul about nineteen times today. Lots of talk about the war, in fact it was obvious they had a difference of opinion as she more than once said she didn't agree, and started to look at bit miffed! But plenty of reminiscing later, even right back to school days, their gig-going days, talking of when she met and fell for Paul 11 years ago now, talked about Malia's woes etc. She explained that although her married mate is technically her best buddy, she feels closer to Malia as they 'Are like twin sisters'. She did get a bit sentimental talking about Eva, tears welled up and said that when she is reunited with them she'll be 'The happiest person in the world'.
  15. Not surprised she's knackered, how little sleep she got, still up after 5am arguing about the war on social with people, as well as texting Malia (They exchanged over 30 messages!). Unless i've made it all up.
  16. She didn't use it long because it was too clogged up with months of dust.....😁 Meow! (It's a joke Leora!)
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