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Slipper Guyquad

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Everything posted by Slipper Guyquad

  1. She's doing Stretchercises, which is a word i've just made up but i like it!
  2. And this is exactly what she has been arguing/Discussing with people on her phone, this kind of thing. And the propaganda that can exist on both sides in any war is something she hates, because of the personal involvement, as she said only this morning -".....And Malia is right in the middle of it all".
  3. Not tomorrow or next week No, but the plan is most definitely still on. She is looking at this all the time as, in her own words, "It changes every day" - I love it when she agrees with me! 😄
  4. I wrote this in the last section - "....Malia and her husband are ready to try and go back home as parts have been declared safe but Leora is worried and warned them to wait a while." Someone decided that this was deserving of a 'laugh' reaction. Like to see this spineless coward in a war situation.
  5. You misspelled that - There's no F in the word.....
  6. Yeah coz it can be used as collateral by the Mafia or something.....🤪
  7. Well, it happens to the stupid doesn't it. When they realise they are the ones who are wrong, they disappear faster than a pool thermometer from Michael Barrymore's house.😳
  8. No frigging chance! Don't forget, i've been described as a Liar!!
  9. Let's not get into that, over here many think Blair should have been in the Hague years ago. But yes of course.
  10. @StnCld316 Anal and Brown stains. That's made your day hasn't it!😃
  11. Not as bad as that, but certainly that area has been attacked badly, but because the people started to fight back and as soon as they recaptured places, for want of a better word, they began to start again. Lots of people have travelled back to where they left (If possible), Russia are now concentrating on the western border regions, to cut the country off from the rest of Europe, so places farther east have now been declared safe enough. It is only an idea, no actual 'Yes, let's go home', lots of families will be saying the same. If they are now approaching where people went to evacuate, they naturally will leave go the other way. Yes, there is a chance her husband could be called up but nothing happening so far, though Russia have recruited over 100,000 new soldiers since the war started. So like it was 2 weeks ago, 3 weeks ago, anything could change overnight. Even people back home originally didn't think Malia was in such peril until they saw it themselves on the news.
  12. She's gone for a walk with one of the salon girls. She has been watching Servant Of The People, that's the series with Zelensky in it. Malia and her husband are ready to try and go back home as parts have been declared safe but Leora is worried and warned them to wait a while.
  13. I knew there was something from ages ago that explains how rumours and theories are put together here. Remembered it finally. 🙂
  14. That's an office block you can see on cam, the building looks much closer than it actually is. The apartment block opposite is actually at the other end, you can see the stairwell windows on the side on cam 1 at times.
  15. It's for the plant - You've answered this yourself!!
  16. The eagle eyed may recognize the actor in the show she's watching now.....
  17. In front of the LR drawers, just about see it on cam 8.
  18. Talk about catch 22. He is preparing to leave, thanks to what his country is doing. Yet the plans are being hampered.....Thanks to what his country is doing. (Eva is having a few problems again though).
  19. I can see why it could look that way, but it's not.
  20. She does like it, it's a cross Russian/Ukrainian show but mostly in Russian. She was saying to Paul last night how because of everything, Russians are looked down on more in the Republic, and she feels more for the Ukrainians due to that as well as obviously other things too. She also said to Paul she wants to go on bike rides with him! Or maybe i made all this up. 🙃
  21. That's what fucked me off, to spend so much time to provide accurate (as possible) info, to separate the fact from fiction as well as we can, takes a lot of hard work, believe me, GH would attest i'm sure. And as soon as you do, it's 'No, not good enough, not juicy and salacious enough'. Like, ok then, get fucked!! The truth can often be very mundane.
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