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Slipper Guyquad

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Everything posted by Slipper Guyquad

  1. She probably will be too hungover to be any use to anyone today. Last night she drank a third of a glass of wine - Outrageous behaviour! 😆
  2. She did say that she wasn't originally going to go, as she had headache but changed her mind, so this was something on offer anyway. Then after coming home made a quick call saying she forgot to pick up the gift package she'd been given. It's true the pipe is still there, but maybe she just meant she is no longer smoking (which is also true, when you realise it's been quite a while now). It had nothing to do with any work, just the girls she knows.
  3. I had a funny feeling these reports were slightly less than accurate, especially as it clearly was a 'she' who she was speaking to.
  4. I can probably guess the answer to the other part now....
  5. I'm not getting into any argument with anyone but as far as i'm concerned there was none at all, the opposite in fact. We'll wait to see what Gag has to say, he's the best translator there is.
  6. At what point is there any reference to LB in that call?
  7. All what i've heard points to meeting the girls, mentioned getting food. Been invited out.
  8. I can only report what happens. I can't explain the reasons behind any of her actions though!
  9. She referred to Paul as the 'Love of my life' only about 2 weeks ago.
  10. nothing to do with anything. totally missed the point.
  11. And to think. If i mention Malia or the sink, i'm the world's biggest shithouse. .....Sitting on their doormats, must be.
  12. I give up! You've no idea about what i'm talking about. None at all. Completely missed it.
  13. Funny you say that, same thing happened last night/This morning. Not always a great happy fucking day like we keep being told every fucking day.
  14. Sorry Jugg for not talking about what you want yet again. Bye.
  15. No, it's she obviously likes to relax hearing him. There is no evidence whatsoever that he watches.
  16. She only needs to hear Paul's voice and.....They're out!
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