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Slipper Guyquad

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Everything posted by Slipper Guyquad

  1. Plus she said he is one of the people that she will only contact when drunk. And he knew Malia was more drunk than him when making repeated passes at her, which is not a gentlemanly thing to do with anyone.
  2. Nags. No word of a lie. Yes she does! She and her hubby got one after October the (censored), and she was holding it when she was on to Leora the last time they Skyped. I know, i know......But it's true!! 😀
  3. Oh fuck off! The same trick, for the third time. Logged out. BULLSHIT.
  4. Yeah, she complained about the 'F**king connection'!!
  5. If all goes well, she is looking for somewhere to start take on clients of her own in the new year after training ends.
  6. Nothing like that, someone i think from her talk group she goes to or similar, when they've all gone out afterwards etc. Just friendship, nothing more.
  7. Well i have suggested before that a nice idea is for both to get drunk one night and 'Reminise' on Skype. Would be wonderful but not holding my breath!
  8. Don't think she can because the tablet is pointing upwards so she probably can only see her top half.
  9. She needs to move to the couch, so we can see if Malia is as relaxed! 🤩
  10. I've a feeling someone gave her the roses as a present. But i don't know who.
  11. Red roses and a bottle of wine. Ah! The drink is to have with Malia on Skype. Hi Little Star!! Tell her i said hello Leora. I'll wait.😀
  12. Yes but she is now living in Ukraine, that's what Pulo meant.
  13. There's only one person who replies in 0.0004 seconds. 😉
  14. Urgh, someone's sending very quick replies to her texts. Oh, wonder who that will be.....😒
  15. To be fair Corvette, she's the only person actually awake!!
  16. 2 totally different words though, phonetically spelt as Koroche and Koroshow. She does say them both a lot but they are not the same word.
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