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Slipper Guyquad

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Everything posted by Slipper Guyquad

  1. Unless i can be corrected, i can only see 2 calls this morning, and both were to Paul. And this is who she's talking to now.
  2. Shortly before midnight. It was almost the intermission from last night, she called Paul before 7pm, still talking to him after 3am.
  3. Thank you. A happy new year to you too. No it wasn't calls. And i have virtually no family left.
  4. Should have realised when she said spending NY with Paul meant HIS new year, not hers, down to the time difference. Never dawned on me until it happened. As to where she went, i simply couldn't care less.
  5. Paul's still back home. She plans to be on Skype or at least phone with Paul for the new year, however as i previously said, one girl did invite her over to hers, but that seems to be second option. It looks like the idea to bring Eva by road is still on course unless that changes. Her cold is quite bad so i guess she'll be home, having said that, she's out now isn't she. I'm wondering if she went out of town today, possible but only a guess based on previous times where she's met a family. As far as LB goes, i really don't know what it's all about now, as despite her being home so often and everything with Paul etc, they are still in regular, (almost) daily contact. So really, nothing's changed.
  6. Hi. Yeah that's pretty much it, she brought it back then sent Paul a picture of it. She spoke for a while but not as long as the night before, when they were on together most of the night. Her cold is pretty bad right now, but she already planned to be home for NY with Paul anyway, so her cold won't really cause any change i guess. She called him about an hour ago too.
  7. There does indeed appear to be what looks like a lemon hanging from it, so yeah i also imagine it's a traditional thing.
  8. I think the tree is from a nearby store that sells Russian items, she took a picture to show it to Paul. Called a New Year tree.
  9. Here in England to enter a discotheque it has to be 1968.
  10. That was nice at the end again. Says a lot. Not saying what though.
  11. Aww the Lapdog musn't be saying all the right things. 🤢🙄
  12. Your Xmas and Boxing day update. Plenty of contact with Paul. Plenty of contact with LB. Both spoken to tonight. Merry fucking christmas.
  13. Didn't know that bit, i look a twat now. My fault. sorry ste and everyone i got it wrong. i am a twat like she thinks
  14. The first call was to LB. Second was to the real Paul. So her insane love life goes on and on. Poor gullible LB!😆
  15. Catching up on chat. So - The canvas i believe is a present for someone from her, possibly the young son/daughter of a friend. The whole Eva/Paul situation regarding travel is still complex and not fully sorted yet. Things may not happen until after the start of February. She has spoken to Paul today. She has also been in regular contact with LB today.....
  16. This line is what i dispute, because each time he's there, suddenly people who never comment appear thinking something will happen. The chat was full last time with "Who's this?", "Will they fuck?" etc etc. THAT is what happens. Those of us in the know, WE KNOW nothing is there, but there are enough who don't. And those people ONLY appear when he's there, not any other time. And THAT is important to remember. There are plenty who still think/expect/even hope something would happen. Despite being told, they still ignore it. There's plenty of gullible viewers to go round.
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