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Slipper Guyquad

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Everything posted by Slipper Guyquad

  1. fuck me one brief mention and its all ooohh lovely little dick can save us. fucking retarded cack.
  2. In theory! However, i am hedging bets as it could easily be the opposite. She had a bit of a fall out with Paul 2 days ago (Nothing major, nothing massive) but she had a brief chat earlier this morning with him and it was all fine. It can change with her day by day, not week by week.
  3. Can't say as it hasn't happened yet (obviously), but she may decide to be out more over this weekend, which could be related to what i've seen and heard, the result of less contact with one since late last night, and (typically) more contact with another since then.
  4. That call with Paul has literally only just ended. i.e She'd already started.....Again.
  5. Yes and No - It's the same call! All the time in the kitchen they were still on.
  6. Forgot all about that! 😄 She's had that screen for a while, her and 2 of the salon girls (Obvs, no names mentioned here).
  7. Paul only has an old Yamaha, decent enough but hardly great, so Leora, buy him one of these - Epiphone J-200 AANG – Thomann UK WWW.THOMANN.DE Steel-String Guitar with Pickup Inspired by the Gibson J-200, Design: Super jumbo, Top: Solid sitka spruce, Back & Sides: Solid flamed maple, 2-Piece neck: Maple with mahogany centre strip, Fretboard: Indian...
  8. Paul, your A string is a little sharp!! It's making the chords sound out.
  9. Worth pointing out as i think some won't know. She is the actual co-owner of the phone business. It's not just his and she happens to help fund it - Her name and everything is on it too. She also orders things, spare parts etc, checks advertising, and works out (virtual of course) paperwork. Recently they worked out all new prices for repairs together.
  10. Thanks Ste, but that then invites the question "As opposed to what side of me?"
  11. No i disagree Blue, because he could have done it ages ago. He could have walked away, yet never has. But he still doesn't take shit from her, he's the only one who doesn't. He knows when she's being awkward, being funny. The one time LB hung up on her, she went mental and called him back immediately to yell. Paul does it often enough - But she tries to forget it and leaves it for a while. But he will answer, and they pick up again. He doesn't need to....Yet does. This is what i'm saying really, we know there is this glue that holds them together, and it probably always will do despite the changes, the distance etc. So it's too easy to say move on. Because i don't think either wish to, that's the key.
  12. Fair points, and to be honest, would we be surprised if things like that weren't possible. But as we all know, money only goes so far and personal feelings mean a heck of a lot more. So she may indeed get what she wants, but that's because he's allowed it. And as i said that's something people can easily forget. And if it was the other way round, how willing would she be to hand Eva over? Maybe not as much. And i agree - If they don't need each other, they have a funny way of showing it! Who does she call when she's unwell? When she needs some advice? When she wants to recount the dream she's just had???? It ain't LB, is it.
  13. And this is what i've been saying all along - Not just on rlc, where anything can happen and often does, but in life anyway. I've never seen a situation like it, where fact is indeed stranger than fiction. When you think, 2 years without any physical contact yet still talk and behave like they saw each other this morning. We know she is not letting go, but neither is he. Paul could have easily walked away, but he's still there every day, any time. And this is an important thing to mention - Handing Eva over (If this is what the deal/situation is) has to be commended as a big, brave decision. It's not just the fact that Paul has looked after her for 2 and a half years by himself, but as we know, she's been unwell and had plenty of treatment that has upset him and concerned him. So to then give her over to Leora is something that must be a difficult thing for him to do. The fact he would shows how much he thinks of Leora. Forget anyone's personal opinion of him, that in itself is a big thing to do. It really is like they have an open relationship in a strange sense. They were both ok for the other to date as they were apart, but she couldn't stand him being with someone else, even just casual. It ripped her apart. If she falls out with him, she gets genuinely upset - If she falls out with LB, she just gets angry. The sheer amount of times we've seen her call Paul as soon as she comes home, or wakes up etc. The amount of calls to him that outweigh the number to LB. Things she has said to him over time, little things that speak volumes, that she's never said to LB. And his more-than-a-passing resemblance is a key factor. I know a lot don't like Paul - And as i always say, i understand fully why, regarding certain 'situations' - But at the end of the day, he really is her true love, her soulmate, the love of her life. And probably always will be. Because she's said it herself.
  14. The only person she spoke to last night INSIDE the apartment was Paul (3 times). As for who she went to speak to before her bath on the OUTSIDE.....Hmmm, let me guess.
  15. Exactly what i think. Too coincidental the timing. And also, totally inevitable.
  16. So LB's back in your good books i see Leora. Quelle Surprise. ❤️ 😒
  17. Unknown. In every aspect. The only regularly mentioned thing is something to do with Eva, the beginning of February, and arrival in part at least by road. To be totally honest, i don't know if Paul is as much part of this. She may only get 50% of what she wishes. There's so many confusing pieces of the whole thing that it is full of contradictions. Even those of us in 'the know' still can't properly work things out yet. And that goes as well for whatever is happening/Not happening with LB too.
  18. She took it off in the hallway to the bathroom and puts it back in the drawer when she got undressed.
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