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Slipper Guyquad

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Everything posted by Slipper Guyquad

  1. Well at the moment we can't say obviously, but she has placed these new clothes along with new tights on the ironing board, and also tried on a black overcoat. So i will be very surprised if she is in tomorrow night/Sunday day.
  2. I will always refer to it as Malia's room, because it was her room. I am certainly not prepared to write the Little Star out of history, even if Leora is.
  3. She's bought herself a new 2 piece black number, skirt and turtle neck. So, possibly a Halloween party this weekend? She did mention Halloween to LB the other night on a call - Ok, it might have just been talking about the time of year. But worth remembering.
  4. You normally pin on on your coat. The pinhole might spoil it!! That's probably why knowing her!
  5. A Poppy, a paper flower sold at this time of year to remember and commemorate the fallen soldiers.
  6. Yeah so did i, but obviously not, and the military connection, makes sense.
  7. Home 20.43. Bought a Poppy (which is good of her) and pinned it on the Koala.
  8. Yeah take it easy, don't over do things, when you're tired, stop.
  9. It often changes, where it seems she doesn't call as much but yes, they will speak outside i am sure, and on the call she said she would let him know about whatever it was they were talking about, so they will text a lot too don't forget. And no call to Paul last night, but no call to LB either, remember that.
  10. Hi Patou. She didn't have any calls last night at all, in fact it looked as if she was just looking at social media all night (And it was virtually all night too!). She spoke to Paul yesterday morning in bed.
  11. I went to watch Adele in concert and it was such a rip off, the shortest concert i've ever known. She walked out, sang the first line, and it was over.
  12. Another room yes sorry - BUT just decided to click on Masha as a guy was playing guitar there, and there she is singing Behind Blue Eyes! Quickly singing along! Not often i do that with Leora's choices i have to say 😄 Trouble is - They were doing the shitty Limp Bizkit version.... Tsh Tsh.
  13. And just one of the last six Thursdays has been missed out.
  14. Well the latter could depend on the former!😉 How much she has planned this weekend....
  15. I guess this is the start of Thursday Big Show night.
  16. This Cam 10 thing is becoming regular i notice? Just an observation.
  17. You're not the only one Blue. But it's gone. Thanks for the memories etc. And we got much more than we ever imagined we would. I know not everybody liked it, and i accept that but for me, it was always a joy to watch. And, also what could have been.
  18. Ok, put it this way. They get on the bed on Saturday night. The 'Action' only starts at 2 minutes past Midnight. So, do you say it happened on Saturday or Sunday? See what i mean? Anyone would say something happened 'Saturday night', but technically, it happened 'Sunday morning'. And - We say she bated 'Last night', but actually she bated 'This morning'....! 🙃
  19. You know what, technically yes! The amount of dates that actually are wrong! Like the first time they had sex. It can be down as Saturday May 16th, whereas it was actually Sunday May 17th, because it started after midnight!
  20. The other night she had a proper full fry up, tonight she is sitting down to just plates of veg. I know which one i prefer.
  21. Looks like she's in for the night. She missed last Thursday's big night! 😄
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