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Everything posted by billycox

  1. thanks wake me when it;s over. and yes that is reliable #22. do you think he has a clue about all or some of the others? would you like to be #22? would make me nervous.
  2. at least you'd have some control over the outcome.
  3. have you considered golf?
  4. what the hell! ok. i give up. i'll just wait for someone to explain it to me. i'm just sayin'...
  5. hold on i just checked back and he;s not in the living room and the lights are out. did she just send out for like one of her pizzas? this is getting too casual. i'm just sayin"
  6. am i the only one watching this? a guy comes in about 20 minutes ago. it looks like #22. he makes himself a drink and lies on the floor. she sits near to where he is in her underwear. tries to engage him in conversation. he seems more interested in watching tv. she then gets up and leaves the room. questions: why did he come over at 2am? does he not own a tv? does he not know misty is ready for something more? is he dead from the knees up? i'm just sayin'
  7. let's see if i have this straight. the girls are over at edda's, half dressed, preparing for a fun evening. the boys are on the stained and soaked couch watching tv. do i have this right or am i just hallucinating? please start listing what is wrong with this picture. thank you. i'm just sayin'...
  8. too bad it's not possible just to send rockhead on vacation with jimmy hoffa. with just him gone, there might be progress made here, i'm just sayin'
  9. pahman...this is one of my favorite pictures. maybe this is the answer to both of their quite different problems. maybe they should be together and go on with life. at the present time, neither seems overly happy with their respective situations. i'm just sayin'...
  10. yes she is. that was quick. one minute the new boy is having a snack, the next minute he;s out the door and lisa is there. lisa is probably getting away from the adolescent sex hounds who are camped out on her couch.
  11. i'n pretty sure that this is a new guy, although it;s hard to tell. they all look so much alike. enough is never enough with her. i'll take a wild guess and say she may have a problem. the bottom line is that this endless parade of sex clones will eventually become boring for us and an endless one-way street for her. in either case...
  12. ditto. i've been avoiding rockhead, now i have to put george at the top of the asshole list. from now on, any time i see him, i'll just go elsewhere. bon soir
  13. right. and in the middle of giving her pleasure, managed to slap her hard in the crotch. is this supposed to be erotic? or is it just asshole george teaching her who is boss? i'm sick of the whole thing.
  14. i think we mostly agree that george is just a selfish asshole. however, i totally agree with amy from about an hour ago. i've said it before and i'll keep saying it: alan is an angry little boy. look out for the day when his anger erupts into a problem. he's the real danger here, not that jerk george.
  15. i assumed, for legality sake, that they were of age. it just struck me as unusual; especially for lisa. thanks for clearing it up.
  16. is the babysitting taking place in the bedroom? is anyone checking on this? i can't but i'm sure wondering what she's doing with these youngsters.
  17. i've lost the thread here. has joe gone to bed? is he crazy or is this part of the overall scenario? is this "scripted"? if so , why are we watching it" if not, what the hell is joe thinking? [or not] i'm jusy sayin'...
  18. yes. maybe love will blossom and we can kill two birds with one stone. these two were meant for each other. and, by the way, zoifan was absolutely correct in his recent comments.
  19. right. george the asshole is with him. hope they stay there.
  20. now let's see...4 adults massaging and caressing each other without george and man-boy alam? gee, i wouldn't want to watch this for more than a couple of hours.
  21. i think this once again points something out: lisa is a very special person. as far as i'm concerned. she's in a class by herself on this site.
  22. she seemed fine earlier when she cleaned the hell out of her living room, kitchen and outdoor patio. maybe she just needs a day off to let the engine cool down.
  23. they just put up a kind of curtain - seems like it's made of metal - on the entrance to the bedroom/living room. it doesn't improve the view. let the complaining begin.
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