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Everything posted by billycox

  1. thank you very much. i'm new at this and feel helpless. you're a good person for coming to the rescue.
  2. meanwhile, back at the ranch, something i've been worried about for weeks may be taking place with the man child alan. he is quite capable of going off his chump and becoming dangerously violent. can't something be done about him? this is serious stuff.
  3. serena has returned to joe and edda. the excrement has hit the ventilation system with george.
  4. right. and in the u.s. it can also be 1500 miles across two time zones. in any case, highly unlikely that she will ever encounter alan or george. lucky her.
  5. thanks. in the u.s. that would be a distance of at least 750 miles. a long way to go for dessert no matter how good she looks.
  6. aren't they two time zones apart? or am i reading that incorrectly?
  7. there is one guy who has been sleeping in various places for the last 3 or 4 days. he's new here and moving around. i say we call him lazarus.
  8. there is a painting at the art institute of chicago entitled "american gothic". their ancestors could have posed for it. look it up.
  9. it just goes to show you...clear the field of rocks and dead wood and things will blossom. i'm just sayin'
  10. just an observation...they seem to be going outside now to smoke. much better than when rockhead, #5 and the neanderthal guy were lighting up in the kitchen every 30 seconds. others did it outside earlier also. i'll bet amy approves.
  11. totally agree. that would be a sad day indeed if we ever see him again in the neat vicinity of ana. just ;eave her alone for a while and she will be ok. lot of adjusting for her to do after all the abuse from that idiot.
  12. those two assholes alex and drew have been behind a closed bedroom door with anastasia for 15 or 20 minutes now. are they discussing rent increases or is something else going on? is no one watching this? is no one paying attention to the increased tensions between them and anna and bree? did anyone listen to the recent conversation - in english - between bree and her floor partner the other night which lasted an hour? does anyone care about the real story going on here? or is all just coincidence? sorry, don't believe in that much randomness. and sorry for butting in . i promised myself that i wouldn/t do it again, but just couldn't hold back any longer.
  13. yes. he's probably a slow reader. he's unsurprisingly slow with other things also. not to worry.
  14. there goes my lunch. the problem here, of course, is the ******* rockhead. not her, not the subject matter, just his presence. what a shame that he can't be out of the picture...for good.
  15. people are worried about her getting pregnant. have you checked out her stomach lately? sometimes looks like she already is. [see recent photo of her in shower with latest guy.] of course, it could just be all the booze she puts away. we'll know soon. one way or the other, that's for sure.
  16. so i was made fun of when i asked what the hell was going on. let's see where this leads in the future. maybe there's a plot to get rid of the rocky one. #5 canary boy is not exactly a prize either, but he does treat her like a human being.
  17. right. and would they be "watching tv" like this if old rocko boy was around?
  18. it's late, but is anybody watching this? what the hell is going on on the couch with ana and canary yellow boy? someone please explain.
  19. fat chance of anything happening with these two guys. the big guy is drunk and more interested in wrestling with yellow man that he is with ana. she sat right next to him with her shorts pulled way up and he didnt even give her a glance. finally, he just bailed and went to bed. she got up and went to the sauna. game over.
  20. her dancing was great until rockhead got up and screwed it up. he has to be the center of attention like trump. drives me nuts.
  21. this has suddenly become interesting. rockhead and ana started yelling at each other. he left. she went back and took off her pants and started dancing for yellow bird. she touched his legs several times. yellow bird was not interested or was afraid of rockhead or was just yellow. then rockhead came home and immediately got pissed off when he saw her sitting close to yellow bird and talking to him he yelled at her. she yelled back. he ordered her around. made her change the music, etc. yellowbird came over and sat real close to rockhead while they both talked to ana. the whole thing was very strange. i wish for two things: 1. i could speak Russian other then that...
  22. you're welcome, jabbath. hope it wasn't too exciting for you.
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