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Everything posted by stash

  1. Ben is a fuck toy, they all are... 🤫 With the exception of Scott, of course, who wishes he were a fuck toy... 😁
  2. She definitely looks better naked... 🤗
  3. I don’t’ the like this couple, he looks really strange and violent, both of them look like they have just picked up from the street, living rough...
  4. Head protection most important as everyone knows... 😳 😂 He has been carrying that mask for ever, must be infested with germs by now... 😷
  5. Not sure her, she is a guest, but Karolina (and bf) will be back... 👍 I like Karolina 🤗
  6. Sam & Anita were listed as a couple, but on my opinion were much less one than for example Karolina and her bf who is not even named...
  7. Goldie came back at around 9.20, same cloths she had when she left almost 10 hours earlier. She had something to drink and eat before lying down on her favourite couch...
  8. She must have an economical arrangement good enough to be there.
  9. Watching the timeline she seem to have left around 22.00, so a decent time, and not really drunk to me. She said goodbye to Stiffler and Scott and left. She hopefully has a place to go. She was the most sober I have seen her though.
  10. I am not sure who is who, but one between Yuriko or Naruto one day stays in one apartment, the next to the other, and she keeps moving... She does always the same , same poses in front of cameras and antiques with women. It’s non stop... I doubt she adds anything to the apartments she shows up, on the contrary. The Elf is the same... All the people in this group have a problem: they are not attractive and to compensate they try to spicy things up.. They fuck almost 24/7, paint each other and try weird role plays. Everything they try is just weird and mechanical. They look like a horror porn show. They are not the only ones, in VHTV a lot of people look like ugly porn actors, but here it’s a concentration...
  11. I would suggest to relocate Yuriko and /or Naruto + Elf in Anita place, so they may stop to look for shelter in other apartments...
  12. all these people and the manager of all their flats have some issues... and I am watching them 🤣 🙀
  13. abstract art 👇 and foreign objects 😁 lovers
  14. barbie efforts to make the place look nice can be undone in few strokes... 😁
  15. It was but they have probably technical issues and it has been taken off. Hopefully, will get back online soon.
  16. One picture is from Dayana kitchen and the other from Milana/Robien kitchen. I think he is the same guy... Anybody knows who this guy is?
  17. I use the reply window and attached the file to it...
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