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Everything posted by stash

  1. I can't find in the list of apartments... Anybody knows if something happened, seen anything or some technical issues maybe?
  2. I must have missed it completely then... I am sorry for her. If he is violent now it can just get worst...
  3. I can't judge them, but I hope she will stop him if she doesn't like it.
  4. do you remember her name? Who choked who?
  5. It's going to be closer to 40 than 30, on my opinion...
  6. Must say if English is not your native language, as in my case, you need to work hard to understand some expressions... 😆
  7. He is probably dreaming that he is actually fucking the pretty woman in the kitchen... it should help with the hard task in hand 😳 😆
  8. The highest points of those parties are alcohol and drugs consumption and people who partecipate are often most of the time stoned or addicted. In Ken and Barbie parties at least they seem to know where they are and often these people are more interesting and we are happy when we see them again. You can’t really compare Ken and Scott, too much difference in age and behaviour. Say that there are almost 40 apartments, some of them so anonymous that are never mentioned and nobody ever say anything bad or good of those. You can at least remember Ken and Barbie so they must be of some value. in any case watching Barbie is always a pleasure 🤗
  9. Demi reminds me an Italian actress of the past, Alida Chelli, lips and eyes mostly... Demi is probably more beautiful because although the quality of the cameras are not great she still looks stunning...
  10. Dr. Scott 👨‍⚕️, your assistance is needed... 👇 DR.Scott 1.mp4 DR.Scott 2.mp4 DR.Scott 3.mp4
  11. some commotion - Lyla is crying 🤔 cry lyla.mp4
  12. Add screenshots of VHTV that could help those values... A picture is worth a thousand words... 🤗
  13. She was losing her patience, it was a bit uncomfortable... but she is a demon though... a good one?
  14. I have not seen the young man recently. His girlfriend is in the flat though. Did they have an argument?
  15. Of course, they have never done anything unless they do scenes, which they do regardless the number of people are in... I keep an eye on it just in case...
  16. Hopefully the young girl may be coming at some point. If they keep having girls coming to have sessions with Romeo, now will meet two Romeos though, that could be interesting... 🤭
  17. Kennedy (this guy ☝️) is a sexual maniac 🙀 and he may have fucked up the best action of the day 😝 interfering with Chester... although Chester seemed a bit out of the world tonight 🤪
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