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Everything posted by stash

  1. There few I think are worst, Nina & Kira, Hector & Maria... etc... at least there's beauty here...
  2. Who is the manager? And who are the managers of the other realms, by the way... if we can know who they are...
  3. By extension a mainstream actor can be viewed as porn actor whenever perform sex, simulated or unsimulated, or nudity on screen. Reality shows often have sex or sexuality, are they porn actors as well?
  4. I don't mind Scott, he is weird, the weirder the better 🀭 but I should really would like to see more action and less talking from his part 😁 These girls don't do it, just change girls, if you can... πŸ€— Ben or Scott should leave anyway because this is too chaotic or change the plot... no more shelter for disadvantaged kids... 🀫 Said that this place is still better than most of VH anyway (I can't believe there are places like Hector & Maria... etc...) 🀣
  5. I am not sure how it works about residency. If Scott is the resident here why it is Ben the name of the realm on? Anyway, the big problem about Scott is that he is blocking the flat because he is occupying the main room without accomplishing anything... She should have already had something with Goldie or try someone else... or leave the bloody room... If it was Stiffler at his place would have had so many girls up there... Scott is crap, let's admit it...
  6. not necessarily, it could just a moment of weakness, it happens, but because they are on camera all time we may spot it.
  7. Well if she is happy then... πŸ€—
  8. there we go again... πŸ˜’
  9. πŸ€”... maybe few hairpins too many on that one... 😝
  10. when you think it can't get any weirder... it can... πŸ€ͺ Archi & co for... Anita 😏
  11. They seem reasonable people when not acting like fools...
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