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Everything posted by stash

  1. Shame Renata didn’t join the party, in her best form, though. After the consequence of the night with Victoria and the short chap she probably is still fragile.
  2. It’s more dark for us than for them, I think. But if you start asking to change that, switch that light put that that’s better, it is like a set !!!
  3. Right now my favorite couple across the board, wonder how old they are...
  4. Cat and mouse running and chasing around Violet legs... interesting... hope it won't end in tragedy... I wouldn't let the mouse in bed when you sleep though...
  5. I agree with you, firstly because the very concept goes wasted, and secondly nobody should read and care about the comments expressed here. If you do you start to empower some people who already think to own CC they will think they can manipulate you. However, it also depends on what residents think of their experience to be. Some may want to listen viewers because they are performing for the cameras. Some just don't bother. You have to mix and spice up to attract more viewers. The difference with other sites is the once the performance is over, cameras are still on.
  6. I feel Markus is not adapting very well to the situation, he seems bored, annoyed and he just has enough. I don't know what to think of his relationship with Adeline, either. He doesn't seem to tolerate her much. I don't like his attitude at all. If you don't like to be there just leave.
  7. Wow!!! I missed the first, lucky me I got this one :) Considered how soft and delicate she is in her sessions in the bath this encounter with her man could have satisfied her for another year at least !!!
  8. She didn't seem to have any problems when leaving, so I guess it must a bit a short visit, trip, by her own.
  9. I may wear caps if she likes, I can wear whatever she likes... I hope they pick the dog before leaving, though.
  10. I have seen Martina packing but Alberto has not done anything, I am wondering if it is just her going somewhere, taking a break?
  11. I am a fan already. Hurrah! for Adeline and her companion and good luck for the adventure!
  12. They have put quite an effort setting new cams, we just wait for Adeline now, whoever she is she shouldn't disappoint us, I hope...
  13. thanks. I wish they could stay at Zoya place now it is vacant.
  14. They probably barely know each other but they are great. I just hope he doesn’t destroy her, he is a machine, could be a porn star. She seems in need of some rest
  15. Amber & Paul have left and Anna & Jane seem to be going as well. Nothing much is left to watch, as I have just recently re-subscribed after a while it looks like I will be watching at empty flats and if I am lucky dogs and cats. Is it the whole project collapsing? Edit: it seems I jumped the gun here... sorry
  16. stash


    I don't think so. They are all very strange, not sure what are they doing there. It looks like a play but I can't understand what they say. They seem to drink a lot, though.
  17. I don't think they were "together". Stacy meets up with guys who accept to stay in the flat until she has enough. This is what I understand from what was said at the beginning. She did with Paul and now Nick seems in the same position. The last seems more her type, but he may be just a one-night stand.
  18. Stacy with a new guy, while Nick was out and when he came home he had to sleep in the living room... I wonder if it means she is kicking Nick out
  19. and they don't sleep much, like yesterday, they were up in the bathroom mostly having a bath together until past 3 am and they slept probably 4 hours and today Amya came home, stayed maybe half an hour and went out again and she is still not at home and it is 1 am... and this is a trend for few days a week until weekend when they stay away more. Alya had a similar pattern although she tried to sleep in the afternoon but had a call and left after a couple of hours...
  20. I like it because it cover all the room while the other 2 only the bed, for example when she is doing some exercises you don't see her at all. I presume it could be also good when they are in bed because you can see both of them and no need to switch from cam 5 and 6... but I need to see it in use before having an real opinion on this.
  21. What I guessed is that Kant is the guy sleeping on the couch because his room (or where his clothes are) it doesn't have a mattress yet, just few days ago they received the bed. I can't recall Amy fucking anybody, just making out with her boyfriend I presume, who I saw after that but briefly. Kant actually had sex with two women, the first was a bit chubby and the second is I think a tattoo artist, as far as I can remember, who visited them before and after.
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