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Everything posted by stash

  1. Revenge for what he has done to her probably 😁
  2. I have asked them and they said they don't have any information at the moment.
  3. Hello, Request for : Apartment : Helena & Christopher, Demi & Ashton Date and time : 04/04/2021 from 14h00 Cameras : 6, 7 Thanks !
  4. I can’t wait to see what’s next for Leya...
  5. If they team up with Archi and his gang will be epic... 😱
  6. “Quite a lovely animal, captain. I find myself strangely drawn to it.”
  7. The young man seem very nervous about this... Like the first time they were here...
  8. So I think I am confused: Sina is the woman and Sky the man, or the other way around?
  9. They left at 22.00 and haven’t gone back. It may or may not related to Ilyas illness.
  10. This gang is so annoying... I can’t believe they are still being invited. Ben sleeps almost all the time and do nothing... Scott doesn’t seem to have any valid alternative... this should be shut down and put someone more interesting in charge, maybe from the group of Reese?
  11. This is getting boring quickly, and the elf is not helping at all. Sam and Anita should try to go the other way and invite a swinger couple... more orthodox... some for Anita too... to the elf: give us a break, please go home and stay there...
  12. Maybe bad chemistry between the girls? Sina is very explosive though... she went off and now she sleeps on the coach with her good friend... She plays submissive but she has character...! I have not followed this group though, I don’t know them at all, just thinking aloud after watching yesterday’s events...
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