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Everything posted by stash

  1. If my favorite translator is correct it sounds a jinx, specially MORT sounds bad ;D
  2. I have just popped in while the discussion was already going and the reason of the fight is that one works and the other stays at home, so curly seems to think that the other doesn't appreciate what she does at home and she in turns argue that curly thinks she doesn't do enough at home, but both denied the charges ;D Then they moved over who is nicer to the other and probably will go on on until they go to sleep... I don't know their names yet, only the name of the dog...
  3. My first favorite scene in RLC involved sex and it was about a couple of guests at Diana & Efim flat, in the living room... The guy had very long hair and she was quite pretty and young. The second must be a very intense scene when Diana was screaming at, punching and kicking Efim after she had caught him trying to have a threesome the very first day at RLC (the infamous Woman in Red and her boyfriend).
  4. Curley speak to Mia, the dog, in Italian but speak in Spanish the the chap. She definitely said she fuck both men and women and with men she likes being in command, with her woman it's the opposite. They are drinking Lambrusco, and talk and talk... I have switched it off...
  5. Yes, he is and they are both Italians... At least I can understand something...
  6. This board is really instructive. Again, I learned a new word :D http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=flamer I have learned 2 words but I am not sure if Chink is applicable to the chap... I have also discovered that one of the girls is Italian or maybe bi...
  7. I am really surprised, but can't say I am really sorry, for Snaky because he was also a "Paid Member", but I guess he had been advised for misbehavior or rule he violated.
  8. Because her brain is as big as bird's one... :D Really? Oh dear...
  9. I suppose that we are going to have at least one new apartment, after Marta left. However, it wouldn't do much for me. I was an RLC subscriber for months and honestly I would like to see the old apartments and the two Spanish couples to be replaced before thinking to subscribe again.
  10. This site doesn't have a real structure and closing down "annoying threads" could be a poor decision, besides saying that something like Buster is correct send a very negative message of what this site is about...
  11. There are two recurring issues in CC: languages and/or translators and UL downloads. In both cases if you don't like them just move on or you'll sound like a broken record...
  12. Bored and boring people watching more bored and boring people...
  13. My reason for the love seems to be over. :-[ All these noobs carrying on like it's the first pair of tits they ever saw. LOL Tits?
  14. That's nice, something I can read from the other side of the room Admin, sorry, Squirrel...
  15. I think the relationship between Efin & Diana has much to do with money and convenience. They seem to do ok and live together almost all of the time until something happens and they start being crazy or stupid, specially after drinking heavily. I remember the very first day they had a huge fight, she was screaming, crying and kicking because he tried to have a bath with the infamous woman in red and her boyfriend... Nothing has changed much... I can't judge their behaviour because they live under such a crazy situation and we can't forget that, and I don't understand a word of what they say, but I tend to be biased and be more on Diana side, her backside is still lovely ahahah, but it is a matter of taste I suppose... I add I can watch and enjoy the show, although all of this had become a bit boring with time, I am afraid.
  16. did you really need all this topics to say you are in love with kira. I think everyone understanded that after reading the first topic (I'm in love with Kira... I would like her to lick my pussy) ...... Do you really need to complain and go on and on and on about other people posts? If the admin is happy with that why don't you just let people say what they want? Besides adding comments to posts you think are useless make those posts even longer...
  17. Thank you, kzsjzkdjs. At least someone gets it, although I wouldn't go as far as to claim 'lauralavie' posts shit just yet, but he/she is heading there if he/she continues to start new threads for no reason. I find it funny that the people here on CC (myself included) have been jumping on am400 for being a dickhead because he starts some of, if not THE most useless and asinine threads here, yet I'm the one being insulted when I call out the fact that 'lauralavie' is starting to do the same thing. Just absolutely hilarious. I've said this plenty of times in the past, I don't care about being insulted, but please let there be some kind of intelligent merit behind them. 'lauralavie', I see your a newbie member here so let me give you some advice. There's nothing wrong with posting random thoughts about whoever you want. Just don't start a new thread every time you want to do so, unless you absolutely feel it can warrant some kind of discussion. Please keep all random thoughts to one thread. The problem with you is you don't even watch RLC, just keep pestering CC users who feel like opening discussions that actually are related to RLC... If you had half the brain you seem to think to have you would never write a second post...
  18. Really the only shit which is not necessary and never has been is your presence in CC...
  19. I hope he is ok... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elvis_Costello
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