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Everything posted by Ozi

  1. Don't normally waste my money on raffle tickets but a fully restored 1967 Mustang caught my eye, 10 tickets worth! Apparently it comes with $430,000 in gold bullion in the boot. My wife can have that.
  2. Why do I have to read that report to be taken seriously? I did take particular note of one critical line: © Parliamentary copyright 2007 prepared 30 March 2007 The report is 8 years old, it's out of date, it doesn't include current data, current trends, current issues. I can find many, many places to live in Australia where muslims are not an issue. I have no doubt I could find many, many places in European countries where muslims are not an issue. YET. That doesn't mean that there isn't a problem. The Telegraph 8 Aug 2009: Britain and the rest of the European Union are ignoring a demographic time bomb: a recent rush into the EU by migrants, including millions of Muslims, will change the continent beyond recognition over the next two decades, and almost no policy-makers are talking about it. The numbers are startling. Only 3.2 per cent of Spain's population was foreign-born in 1998. In 2007 it was 13.4 per cent. Europe's Muslim population has more than doubled in the past 30 years and will have doubled again by 2015. In Brussels, the top seven baby boys' names recently were Mohamed, Adam, Rayan, Ayoub, Mehdi, Amine and Hamza. Europe's low white birth rate, coupled with faster multiplying migrants, will change fundamentally what we take to mean by European culture and society. The altered population mix has far-reaching implications for education, housing, welfare, labour, the arts and everything in between. It could have a critical impact on foreign policy: a study was submitted to the US Air Force on how America's relationship with Europe might evolve. Yet EU officials admit that these issues are not receiving the attention they deserve. ---------THAT WAS SIX YEARS AGO, BUT DON'T TELL ME, THE TELEGRAPH IS A RIGHT WING PROPANDA TABLOID AS WELL. YOU CAN READ ALL THE REPORTS YOU LIKE, FOR EVERYONE THAT'S SUPPORTING YOUR ARGUMENT, THERE'S ANOTHER ONE TO DISPUTE IT. THE WEATHER REPORT SAYS FINE AND WARM WITH CLEAR BLUE SKIES, BUT LOOK OUT THE WINDOW IT'S PISSING DOWN WITH RAIN. SO WHICH IS RIGHT? MY STREET, MY SUBURB, MY CITY, MY COUNTRY, MY WAY OF LIFE HAS BEEN CHANGED AND IMPACTED BY ISLAM, MUSLIMS AND FUCKING REFUGEES. I CAN'T BUY MEAT AT MY LOCAL BUTCHER ANYMORE, BECAUSE IT NOW ONLY CATERS FOR HALAL APPROVED PRODUCTS SO WON'T SELL PORK. MY LOCAL SHOPPING CENTRE DOESN'T PROMOTE CHRISTMAS ANYMORE BECAUSE IT'S DEEMED OFFENSIVE AND PROVOCATIVE. MY GRANDDAUGHTER'S KINDERGARTEN DIDN'T CELEBRATE EASTER THIS YEAR BECAUSE ONE CHILD BELONGS TO A MUSLIM FAMILY AND THEY DIDN'T WANT TO OFFEND THEM. MY LOCAL COUNCIL NO LONGER STARTS THEIR MEETINGS WITH THE LORD'S PRAYER, EVEN THOUGH ALL ARE ANGLO SAXON HERITAGE BUT ARE SCARED TO OFFEND OUR LOCAL MUSLIMS. IN SYDNEY RECENTLY I WAS REFUSED SERVICE BY SIX TAXIS, ALL LEBANESE DRIVERS, BECAUSE THEY WOULDN'T TAKE ME OUTSIDE THE CONFINES OF THEIR OWN SUBURBS. SO PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE SHOW ME A REPORT THAT STATES THAT IS'NT ACTUALLY HAPPENING. PLEASE SHOW ME A REPORT THAT STATES IT'S ALL JUST A DREAM. OR MAYBE I WILL SHOW YOU HUNDREDS, THOUSANDS OF SIMILAR SITUATIONS RIGHT ACROSS AUSTRALIA AND EUROPE. You can quote all the fucking reports you want, walk around with your fucking blinkers on, but none of that changes what is actually happening.
  3. I don't need to read newspaper reports, I don't need to watch videos of what's happening in Europe, I don't need to see what's happening in the Middle East, I don't need to read pro asylum seeker propaganda or anti muslim rhetoric. I don't need people telling me I am wrong and I can't get my facts right. ALL I NEED TO SEE IS WHAT MUSLIMS ARE ALREADY DOING TO MY COUNTRY. When you have an infestation of vermin of any kind, you don't just kill what you can see, you hunt out and destroy the nest.
  4. Two white cops were on foot patrol on the streets of Ferguson. Suddenly a black male runs out across the street in front of them. Before he can get to the other side one of the policemen shoots him. "What are you doing?" asks his partner. "Curfew" replies his mate. "But the curfew isn't for another 15 minutes." "Yep, but I know where he lives, he wouldn't have made it".
  5. US arms maker markets Christian-themed assault rifle. An arms maker in Florida is engraving Christian symbols on its assault rifles, in a marketing ploy denounced by a Muslim group as fomenting "hatred, division and violence." The "Cruzado" assault rifle is inscribed with the cross of the Knights Templar, a religious order that fought in the Crusades, and a psalm from the Bible -- features that its maker, Spike's Tactical, says are intended to keep the weapons out of Muslim hands. "We wanted to make sure we built a weapon that would never be able to be used by Muslim terrorists to kill innocent people or advance their radical agenda," said Ben Thomas, spokesman for the company, which is based in Apopka, Florida. LOOKING FOR AN AUSSIE DISTRIBUTOR SO I CAN PURCHASE ONE.
  6. John P's response to me: Is that the best you can do,strange your sig is on about stupid people.If i was you, i would take a good look in the mirror then you might see who really is stupid. As everything you have said, in this thread is pure bs.And goes to show how much of a dumb stupid fuck you are and a racist one at that. The grammar and poor punctuation looks awfully familiar, but whoever he is, he's still around, not that his rant worries me. Somebody coming up with an argument that makes me question my judgement, that would worry me. Hasn't happened yet but I keep looking just in case.
  7. Plenty of cats, a few dogs, lots to keep you amused.
  8. I didn't get to read your posts as they were deleted before I logged back on, but I was surprised to see them deleted and the thread locked.
  9. Damn, I was really hoping that was a New Zealand flag.
  10. American officials disclosed on Sunday Sep 15, that at least seven giant Russian Condor transport planes had taken off from a base in southern Russia during the past week to ferry equipment to Syria. Their destination was an airfield south of Latakia, Syria, which could become the most significant new Russian military foothold in the Middle East in decades. Moscow’s military build-up in Syria, where the Kremlin has been supporting President Bashar al-Assad in a four-and-a-half-year civil war, adds a new friction point in its relations with the United States. The Obama administration initially hoped it had hampered the Russian effort to move military equipment and personnel into Syria when Bulgaria, a NATO member, announced it would close its airspace to the flights. OOPS, LEFT OUT A CRITICAL ELEMENT TO THE STORY: The seven giant Russian Condor transport planes had taken off from a base in southern Russia all passing through Iranian and Iraqi airspace. American diplomats raised the issue with the Iraqi government on Sept. 5, hoping that the Iraqis would follow Bulgaria’s example and declare their airspace off limits to the Russian transport planes. The Iraqis responded that they would look into the matter, but more than a week later, the Iraqis had yet to take action. A spokesman for the Iraqi prime minister declined to comment on Sunday, asserting that he had no information about the Russian flights or the United States’ concerns about them. SO DESPITE ALL THE SACRIFICES THE COALITION, AND PARTICULARLY AMERICA, HAS MADE FOR IRAQ AND IRAN, ALL WE GET IS A SLAP IN THE FACE. SOLUTION:- WITHDRAW ALL TROOPS, ALL SUPPORT, ALL EQUIPMENT, POSITION IT ALL IN ISRAEL TO MAKE UP THE SHIT WE ARE CAUSING THEM. LET THE REST SORT IT OUT AMONGST THEMSELVES. ONCE THEY’VE EXPENDED ALL THEIR AMMUNITION KILLING EACH OTHER IT WILL BE EASIER TO MOVE IN AND CLEAN UP WHAT'S LEFT.
  11. Works for me, a win for the wrong or right reason is still a win.
  12. Awesome. Maybe the Norwegian government can run a master class for other governments. Have a look at the stats in Norway, since deporting muslims that are criminals or members of terrorist groups, serious crime has dropped by 31% in just two years. Not government figures police figures. And yes, they don't play games, they don't just deport the individual, they deport the whole family. Get rid of the criminals and the terrorists and keep the moderates that want to assimilate, if there is such a thing. I'm moving to Norway.
  13. Apologies in advance, I know it's not the right place for this, but one of my favourite Pink Floyd lines: “Did you ever wonder why we had to run for shelter when the promise of a brave new world unfurled beneath a clear blue sky?” ― Pink Floyd
  14. Maybe if you idiots used your computer for things other than porn and playing games, you might actually learn something about the world. Palms or no palms, Norway has a huge problem with muslims and has deported thousands back to Afghanistan and other countries in the last few years.
  15. Meanwhile back in Australia, the ruling Coalition government is about to vote on a new party leader tonight. If Turnbull wins, my neighbours daughter who was born on 21 June 2010 would have seen 5 Prime Ministers already, as if 4 isn't enough. Nothing like stability to strengthen a country. Yep, done. Tony Abbott no longer Prime Minister, Malcolm Turnbull is, 5 Prime Ministers in 5 years.
  16. Interesting concept. So what you are suggesting instead of Scotland having a referendum to see if they want to stay, England has a referendum to see if they want to get rid of them. Awesome.
  17. Sometimes the country is being attacked and the pacifists' lack of patriotism is exposing the country to danger. I guess the trick is knowing the difference, if that's possible.
  18. Wow, bet your mum's proud of you. Can't wait to see what you post next. (Try writing in English).
  19. Corrections ■ CBC previously reported the family of Alan Kurdi had applied for refugee status in Canada. In fact, no formal application for refugee status was made. An application on behalf of Alan's uncle, Mohammed Kurdi, was received by the Department of Citizenship and Immigration Canada but was returned because, the department said, it was incomplete and did not meet the regulatory requirements for proof of refugee status recognition. Sep 03, 2015 4:08 PM PT Why not just post some facts. .....................and I'll show you where you're going wrong again. Yeah right, won't hold my breath waiting.
  20. I couldn't care less what you believe or don't believe. It's obvious you couldn't fill in a simple crossword puzzle even if you were given all the answers because you would still debate the accuracy of each word even though it matched the clue, was the right number of letters and fit in with all the other words. Maybe English isn't your first language. Or maybe you are dyslexic. Going back to our Syrian father of the year candidate, I didn't say he was a people smuggler, I quoted what somebody reported and stated that, with my experience and looking at the facts, in all probability he was. What he isn't is a refugee, he is a migrant. Big difference, look it up yourself if you want to learn something. And where the hell did the Turkish camps come into the equation? The aunt in Canada said she had been paying his rent for fucks sake. And 75% of refugees are men and what do I think happens to women out there? Out where, Turkey? Or back home in Syria where the MEN left their women and children to fend for themselves. Thought you would have matured by now.
  21. NEARLY 5000 people marched through the centre of the Polish capital on Saturday chanting anti-Islamic slogans, joining similar anti-migrant demonstrations across Europe. Agence France-Presse reports the protesters in Warsaw joined other demonstrations in three eastern European capitals after leaders from the Czech Republic, Poland and Slovakia opposed an EU scheme to fix refugee quotas. Organisers claimed the rally drew 10,000 people, but police would not confirm the figure. Banners included slogans such as “Islam will be the death of Europe”, while demonstrators chanted “Poles against migrants” and “Migrants today, terrorists tomorrow”. Police in the Czech capital, Prague, said some 800 people protested, holding up banners saying “Send them back!” and “Protect the borders”, according to AFP. Demonstrators called on the Czech government to resign and for a withdrawal from the European Union which it joined in 2004. All poorer members of the EU, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia and the Czech Republic on Friday ruled out accepting refugees under a compulsory quota system outlined by the European Commission, rejecting German pleas for European solidarity in tackling the crisis, AFP reports. Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban has promised to seal the country's borders and arrest any illegal migrants. The country is close to finishing a 4m-high (13ft) fence along the border with Serbia. More than 4,000 Hungarian soldiers have been brought in to help police enforce a ban which Mr Orban has ordered must come into effect on Tuesday. YES I KNOW THERE WERE PRO REFUGEE DEMONSTRATION BUT THIS SHOWS THE EU IS NOT ALL COMMITTED AFTERALL.
  22. Edge has an alternate extra for the window - Open with Internet Explorer, so I did. Crashed in 5 seconds flat.
  23. Approx 75% of the so called refugees / asylum seekers, are male. Many are now claiming to be persecuted as minorities, having converted to Christianity. Many are following the same TTPs they follow in the south east Asian routes, destroying their documents en route. Passports and IDs are being found dumped along the borders. So how many are genuine refugees and asylum seekers? How many are terrorists that have now bypassed all border protection procedures? And the potential for Germany really is a total change of culture. Of the 800,000 they expect this year, if 75% are male and get asylum, sponsoring their families, that figure will jump to at least 2.6 million. And if as suspected they are mostly muslims, that's a game changer for Germany. Multiply that across the EU, they are fucked.
  24. ...............but noone showed any pictures of thousands of same-like kids being murdered for nothing in the very Syria...................by other Syrians and the Assad regime, long before ISIS became involved.
  25. I changed to W10 with Edge about 2 weeks ago and since then very little works. I can't add a smile (not that I do) can't make text bold, etc. Same issue with a lot of sites, not just CC.
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