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NOT all Americans will be mourning 9/11 victims and their families this Friday on the 14th anniversary of the attacks. Hundreds of college kids across the country will instead be taught to sympathise with the terrorists. That’s because their America-hating leftist professors are systematically indoctrinating them into believing it’s all our fault, that the US deserved punishment for “imperialism” — and the kids are too young to remember or understand what really happened that horrific day. Case in point is a freshman-level English class taught at several major universities across the country called “The Literature of 9/11” — which focuses almost entirely on writings from the perspective of the Islamic terrorists, rather than the nearly 3,000 Americans who were slaughtered by them. The syllabus, which includes books like The Reluctant Fundamentalist and Poems from Guantanamo: Detainees Speak, portray terrorists as “freedom fighters” driven by oppressive US foreign policies. Source: New York Post Even highly ranked University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill has adopted the curriculum. The 9/11 seminar is taught by UNC associate English professor Neel Ahuja, who specialises in “post-colonial studies.” In Ahuja’s twisted world view, al Qaeda terrorists are the real victims. “Abu Zubaydah’s torture may be interpreted as simply one more example of the necropower of US imperialism, the power to coerce and kill targeted populations,” Ahuja recently wrote in an academic paper criticising the war on terror. He says America’s depiction of the 9/11 terrorists as “monsters” is merely an attempt to “animalise” them as insects and justify “squashing” them in “a fantasy of justice.” This colonialist “construct” of an “animalised enemy,” he added, “dovetails with the work of mourning the nation after 9/11 (which in the logic of security must be made perpetual, melancholic).” To him, it’s all cynically designed to justify more “imperial violence” against “Muslim, Arab and South Asian men.” Ahuja goes on to decry the US “colonisation” of Afghanistan and north-western Pakistan, along with “aerial bombing (and) indefinite detention” of al Qaeda terrorists at Gitmo. In other writings, the professor bashes Israel and sides with Palestinian terrorists, further revealing his agenda. He clearly has an axe to grind, which critics say the university gives him license to exercise through “The Literature of 9/11” curriculum. A group of concerned UNC students has complained to administrators that the 9/11 course, also taught at the University of Maryland and other campuses, is being used to brainwash impressionable underclassmen. “These readings offer points of view that justify terrorism, paint the United States and its government as wholly evil and immoral and desecrate the memory of the victims of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks,” the UNC College Republicans said in a recent letter to Chancellor Carol Folt. “There is not a single reading required that focuses on the lives of the victims, the victim’s [sic] families, American soldiers (or) families of American soldiers,” they added. “Nor is there a perspective that portrays the United States as acting in good faith before, during and after the Sept. 11 attacks.” The course, moreover, “does not teach students how to think, it teaches them what to think,” the letter continued. “And the material it presents is an apologetic for the violence and murder against the United States.” The university replied that freshmen should be exposed to differing points of view, even radical ones. “Part of the college experience is the opportunity to learn from those who have differing points of view. Carolina’s first-year seminar program is part of that growth,” the administration said in a press statement, while insisting “the university isn’t forcing a set of beliefs on students.” But several students who have taken the course warned in a professor review blog that Ahuja, who earns $US72,100 ($A104,094) a year spewing his unAmerican propaganda, does not tolerate dissent. “He favours kids who share his views, so learn to do that,” said one reviewer. “A very interesting guy, just don’t disagree with him.” Added another student, in a January 2014 post: “I would avoid contradicting him openly.” “AGREE WITH HIS STANCE IN YOUR PAPERS!!!!!” advised another in November. What’s happening in Chapel Hill is not isolated. Presenting terrorists in a sympathetic light and the US as an imperialist nation is standard fare. This is what, in varying degrees, most college kids are learning today, all over the US. Paul Sperry, a visiting media fellow at the Hoover Institution, is author of ‘Infiltration: How Muslim Spies and Subversives Have Penetrated Washington’. Email him at [email protected]. This article originally appeared on New York Post.
Not dangerous for them, dangerous for most of the posters on these threads. If people knew what they were saying how could they post all their bullshit and crap.
Current Events in the News (commentary) Split #2
Ozi replied to Foamy T. Squirrel's topic in Worldwide Political Discussions
Tonight, THOUSANDS of Melburnians are attending a candlelight vigil to honour the life of a refugee boy who drowned as his family fled Syria. A HUGE crowd braved a cold, drizzly night to gather in the Treasury Gardens in memory of Syrian boy Aylan Kurdi. Sadly, no one (except his mates) is honouring the life of Iraq veteran Matthew Millhouse who died this week, aged just 36. He was in an ASLAV that was blown up by an IED in 2004, suffered severe concussion and went on to develop dementia. Matthew had been living in a nursing home for the last few years of his life. I found out from a mate who was in the same unit, 2nd Cavalry Regiment. I didn't hear anything from the Army's media and found the article in a regional report. Dying from dementia means it is likely that as the disease progressed, Matthew didn't remember his wife Terese and their young daughter Eleanor. Fortunately, his mates will remember and be supporting them even though the nation doesn't seem to care. -
One quiet Monday afternoon, a hairdresser was contemplating how slow business was for everyone and decided he would do one good deed for someone every week. Next thing, the local butcher came in for a haircut. When he went to pay, the hairdresser said no that’s my good deed for the week. The next morning he found a tray of meat on his doorstep. The following Monday afternoon, quiet again, the baker down the road came in for a haircut. When he went to pay, the hairdresser said no that’s my good deed for the week. The next morning he found half a dozen loaves of fresh bread on his doorstep. Another week and another quiet Monday, the milkman came in for a haircut. Again, the hairdresser wouldn’t let him pay, his good deed for the week. Next morning, fresh milk and cream on his doorstep. Week four and the hairdresser is feeling good about his good deed idea, it was catching on and all the businesses were supporting each other. Another quiet Monday afternoon and the local politician came in for a haircut. Once again the hairdresser refused to let him pay, explaining it was his good deed for the week. The next morning he found 6 politicians on his doorstep, lining up for their free haircut.
Current Events in the News (commentary) Split #2
Ozi replied to Foamy T. Squirrel's topic in Worldwide Political Discussions
The whole NATO, ME Coalition, UN Security Forces etc etc is just a total blur. The Kurds are probably the most effective local army on the ground fighting ISIS, if for no other reason than they are fighting them head on, not turning and running. When the Iraqi army abandoned Mosul, they left ISIS a fleet of Humvees as well as other US military equipment. In addition, ISIS has between 50 and 60 Russian tanks in it's arsenal. As for support from the coalition to the Kurds, that appears to be a lot of talk. There is a huge difference between what the US Govt promised to supply and what has been delivered, the reason being that the supply has to be approved by Baghdad first. The UK appears to have provided just 40 heavy machine guns to date. France apparently may be limited to just moral support. Germany however, maybe finally realising they are under attack by the muslims, have just committed nearly USD$15 million in advanced military equipment to the Kurds. The real agenda for Obama in this instance, has nothing to do with fighting ISIS, it's not giving the Kurds any recognition that might aid in their quest for independence, which would greatly upset Turkey, Syria, Iraq and Iran. In addition, now that Turkey is bombing them consistently and the shortfall in supplies of equipment, there is every chance ISIS could cash in on their vulnerability and severely weaken the Kurds, killing off any chance of independence. Interestingly, Pentagon figures put ISIS fighting forces at between 20 - 30,000 troops. Pashmerga (the Kurdish army) at around 190,000 troops. Imagine if the Kurds were adequately equipped, without the constraints of outdated rules of engagement, fighting for their survival. -
Current Events in the News (commentary) Split #2
Ozi replied to Foamy T. Squirrel's topic in Worldwide Political Discussions
High and dry ... The United States says it does not want to get invovled as Turkey launches air attacks against Kurdish fighters who have been resisting Islamic State jihadists in northern Syria and Iraq. Source: AFP So if the Kurds are being armed and supported by the UK, France and the US, which aligns them with the coalition, why has the US turned a blind eye to what the Turks are doing? The Kurds are having a significant effect, directly or indirectly supporting the Syrian government. Russia is supporting Syria, so what would happen if Russia accidently helped the Kurds against the Turks? Far fetched? The US doesn't want Russia involved because they fear the possibility of accidental conflict with coalition forces. They think it's possible. I was going to say this is a total cluster fuck, but this isn't a military mistake, this is a calculated political decision and further undermines the credibility of the US government. Who benefits, potentially Obama's muslim mates. -
Pictures of Nora, Rita, & Jenny Split #14
Ozi replied to StnCld316's topic in Nora, Kamila, & Kristy (11/21/14 - 09/07/15)
Not often I bother looking in on this thread. Doesn't look like she's enjoying any of that. -
Current Events in the News (commentary) Split #2
Ozi replied to Foamy T. Squirrel's topic in Worldwide Political Discussions
So the body of the three year old washed up on a beach has focused the world’s attention on the refugees fleeing Syria. The father so far, has given three different versions of the events: - The boat overturned and he didn’t know they had drowned until he was informed after his family were found on the beach; - He was controlling the speedboat after the smuggler abandoned them and he held his dead wife and children; - He held his two kids in the water and saw his wife floating off. There are claims that his application for asylum had been rejected. Turns out not to be correct. His brother’s application is on hold because he hasn’t provided enough information to prove his refugee status. An application had never been submitted for him. His aunt, in an interview has described in the minutest detail a second by second report of how the boat departed Turkey up to the vessel flipping and the three family members drowning. And I mean second by second, word for word, as supposedly described to her by her nephew. Her version of events is the most heart breaking, saddest of all, so is probably the storyline they will stick to. What has been cut from interviews with her and is not being reported anymore is; - they weren’t fleeing from Syria, they were actually living in Turkey and she had been paying his rent; - the decision to pay people smugglers to cross to Greece was because she expected his application for asylum in Canada would be rejected; - they had decided to attempt to reach Canada illegally; his wife didn't want to go because she knew how dangerous it could be, but he insisted (according to the Aunt's story). What has also been conveniently left out of the Aunt’s interview is the fact that they left Syria for a number of reasons, including the fact that he couldn’t afford a $14,000 bill to fix his teeth, which he could probably get done for nothing if he was a refugee in Europe or Canada. Despite all the bleeding heart stories for this guy, he is not and has not been accepted as a genuine refugee by any organisation, including UNHCR. It would appear he was a financial refugee who paid people smugglers and caused the death of his family out of nothing more than greed. -
Current Events in the News (commentary) Split #2
Ozi replied to Foamy T. Squirrel's topic in Worldwide Political Discussions
Mate, the list is too long to write down here, but people like you are certainly on it, one of many that has no idea of what happens in the world. Here's an example, easy to follow: Australia has 1,308 hospitals spread around the states and territories, based on 2010 figures, but nothings been built recently. Many of these are small, regional hospitals that don't offer all services. Example, not all private hospitals have ERs. Example, not all can carryout major surgery due to a lack of specialists. Etc, etc. Our hospitals are swamped, over-flowing. It's not unusual to be parked in a bed in a corridor due to lack of rooms or more seriously, left propped up in a waiting room, or sent home, due to a lack of beds. Most medical staff pull at least one double shift a week, with wards grossly undermanned after hours. People do die because they can't always get adequate treatment. So that's 1,308 hospitals servicing 23,700,000 people. That's just over 18,000 people per hospital and remembering, every hospital is already beyond capacity and not all provide every service. Now throw in 20 -30,000 refugees, not progressively but in one hit, nearly all high maintenance unable to contribute anything to the system. That's two more hospitals and resources to manage them. Where do we get them? E-bay? -
Leora & Paul Pictures - Split #1
Ozi replied to cowboy655's topic in Leora & Paul (06/28/13 - 06/19/19)
One is more than enough. Sexy outfit, nice photo. -
Current Events in the News (commentary) Split #2
Ozi replied to Foamy T. Squirrel's topic in Worldwide Political Discussions
Not sure why I even bother responding to that diatribe, particularly when you ignored half the comments I made in that and previous posts, then comment about things you obviously know very little about. We have a government that is right of centre, yet bashed by most of your so called right wing media, especially the ABC, funded by the government. Linked is right, watch Al Jazeera but then do some of your own research if you are really interested. Australia has a population of about 26 million, much less than half of many European countries, with a smaller economy to go with it, therefore less capacity to handle refugees. Yet up until this recent problem, Australia had a larger saturation of refugees than many countries, including Italy and Greece. We have an intake of refugees every year, under the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) arrangement. We don't refuse refugees entry, just the illegal ones. And they were coming in the thousands until we stopped them, many drowning on the way. Once we turned them around, started processing them off shore and relocating them to other countries, they stopped coming. Some even returned voluntarily. Why? The countries we sent them to weren't their "countries of choice", just like what is happening in Europe. So much for desperation. NOT ALL REFUGEES ARE POLITICALLY MOTIVATED. MANY ARE FINANCIALLY MOTIVATED. Spent time in the ME? Obviously not. Like Linked stated, it's normal to see just about everyone armed in some locations. Are you that naïve that you don't think or know that our governments are already arming and training militia as well as military and other groups in the ME? Groups like the Kurds, who Obama has now betrayed and left to the Turks to destroy. The trouble is, we have given them just enough to fight, not to win. If the military had been given the resources it asked for, there would have been less coalition casualties and the ME could have been cleared of most of this trash. That's what the military wanted, it's not what our governments want. Arming old men, women and children? Is that because all the young men aren't there? Come and visit some of our detention centres in Australia, full of young, fit men. Some deserters from their own armies, or deserters from their own families. Capable of fighting and rioting over here to get their so called rights and privileges, too gutless to fight for their countries and families back home. And whose shit is it? Bush's, Blair's, Cameron's and Obama's? Spend some time in country, learn about the various religions, factions within religions, factions within factions, false borders, family feuds, the list is endless. Our current governments didn't create this shit, we just moved the goal posts around, replaced one tyrant with another. This shit has been going on for centuries, we were stupid enough to think we could control it. Muslims are killing Christians and any other religious group they can get their hands on. Muslims are also killing other muslims. Assad, saviour of the ME? Presiding over a four year civil war that has wiped out 250,000 people so far. Or are we talking about Assad, Putin's man in the ME? Assad who is being armed by the Russians. Oh, and did anybody mention Israel? No? Gaddafi once said “We have four million Muslims in Albania. There are signs that Allah will grant Islam victory in Europe – without swords, without guns, without conquests. The fifty million Muslims of Europe will turn it into a Muslim continent within a few decades. Europe is in a predicament, and so is America. They should agree to become Islamic in the course of time, or else declare war on the Muslims.” Obama won't declare war on muslims, yet Gaddafi suggested we should. Coincidently, did you know that the Italian Navy had an arrangement with Libya to turn back refugee boats while Gaddafi was still in power? Approximately 800,000 refugees in Germany alone this year. How many are muslim? Gaddafi is about to be proven right. We are all being taken for a ride mate. You need to understand the bigger picture to understand what is currently happening. Should have never opened the borders in the first place, now it's too late to close them. -
Current Events in the News (commentary) Split #2
Ozi replied to Foamy T. Squirrel's topic in Worldwide Political Discussions
The CBS affiliate in Detroit reports, “A Muslim flight attendant has filed a complaint with the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission… claiming she was suspended from her job for not serving alcohol—which is against her religious beliefs.” Charee Stanley states, “I don’t think that I should have to choose between practicing my religion properly or earning a living. I shouldn’t have to choose between one or the other, because they’re both important.” How the EEOC will rule is not known, but Pamela Geller notes that the agency “is suing Star Transport for rightfully terminating two Muslims who refused to do their job” and deliver alcoholic products. “If these Muslim truck drivers don’t want to deliver alcohol, then they shouldn’t have taken a job in which part of their duties would be to deliver alcohol. It’s that simple.” At JihadWatch.org Robert Spencer writes, “We see it again and again: wherever Islamic law and custom and American law and custom conflict, it is American law and custom that have to give way. Charee Stanley and Hamas-linked CAIR [Council on American Islamic Relations] talk a great deal here about rights, but what about the rights of the passengers? It is not illegal (yet) to drink alcohol on flights in the U.S. Stanley has no right to be a flight attendant and to force ExpressJet Airlines to change the way it does business in order to accommodate her. She could instead get a job that didn’t require her to serve alcohol. But the objective here isn’t really about her rights or her job at all; it is to reinforce yet again the principle that Muslims must be accommodated at all costs, in all situations, no matter what.” Timeline suspects that CAIR instigates many of these incidents by having Muslims seek jobs they know are incompatible with their religion. -
Current Events in the News (commentary) Split #2
Ozi replied to Foamy T. Squirrel's topic in Worldwide Political Discussions
And their government probably sold them to the terrorists. -
Current Events in the News (commentary) Split #2
Ozi replied to Foamy T. Squirrel's topic in Worldwide Political Discussions
The Guardian and The Telegraph? I don't need to read some left wing greenie rag, (and yes I know they claim centre left) to find out what the mainstream media is promoting. We've had lots of people drowning trying to get to Australia, women and kids as well as men, but not anymore. Why? BECAUSE WE STOPPED THE BOATS. WE TURNED THEM AROUND WITH AMPLE FUEL AND WATER TO GET BACK. IN SOME CASES EVEN PROVIDED THEM A BETTER BOAT. WE STOPPED ENCOURAGING THEM WITH FALSE PROMISES. WE MADE IT QUITE CLEAR THAT NONE WOULD BE ALLOWED TO SETTLE IN AUSTRALIA IF THEY TRIED TO COME IN THROUGH THE BACK DOOR. Flooding Europe with refugees will achieve nothing except guarantee bankrupting countries that are already struggling financially. At the peak of the war in Afghanistan, America had approximately 100,000 troops on the ground. The other members of the UN forces brought this figure up to around 150,000 maximum. Germany alone is expecting 800,000 refugees just this year. You could probably double that figure if you add in all the other countries struggling under the current influx. Are you really trying to tell me that there aren't enough fit and capable men and women that could fight to protect their homelands, instead of expecting every other country in the world to do it for them? Everyone keeps telling me that the radicals are only a minority. Good, then let the majority do something about it and fix there own problems instead of fucking everyone else. -
What? No fucking way. They did mention a cost of 10p. Isn't that the Brits?
Current Events in the News (commentary) Split #2
Ozi replied to Foamy T. Squirrel's topic in Worldwide Political Discussions
So why do you think the West has really done a deal with Iran? Anything to do with the fact that it has the fourth largest oil reserves in the world? Keen to sell their oil, they could potentially flood the market, destabilising the world oil price and other Middle East economies. Maybe the fact that many countries are already geared up to sell millions in consumables to 77 million people, deprived for all these years, who will be keen to buy with their new found wealth. Or maybe it’s because Iran is the main Shia power in the Middle East, which may aid in creating greater co-operation in the fight against the Sunni Islamic State. However, has anyone considered the fact that countries like Saudi Arabia and other staunchly Sunni countries, now consider a richer Iran with so much Western support could be more of a threat, with a real danger and fear that they may support Shia militias or rebels in countries like Yemen or Iraq. Israel, who has been betrayed by the Obama administration, will never trust Iran to stop developing an atomic bomb, despite its promises. As Iran has always expressed a desire to destroy Israel, the Israelis will no doubt increase their military posture to defend a potential attack, now made easier with the lifting of sanctions. The reality is, the deal in the short term will have financial gains, but in the long term, has more potential to destabilize the Middle East even further, something the US and their allies have always been successful in achieving every time they interfere. -
Current Events in the News (commentary) Split #2
Ozi replied to Foamy T. Squirrel's topic in Worldwide Political Discussions
As with almost everything that has occurred with this administration this action will be surrounded with outrage, dramatic claims, dire predictions, rumors and conspiracy theories. What action? -
Current Events in the News (commentary) Split #2
Ozi replied to Foamy T. Squirrel's topic in Worldwide Political Discussions
Which administration is that? -
Aussie tribute to the Canadians. Often forgotten like us Aussies.
Current Events in the News (commentary) Split #2
Ozi replied to Foamy T. Squirrel's topic in Worldwide Political Discussions
Dream job? What the fuck do you think I do now? AND I sleep well at night. Australia doesn't have the same degree of problems as other countries, YET, because we have had a 'turn back the boats' policy in place for a while now AND it works. Just need to work out what we are going to do with the fuckers that are already here. AND, don't be fooled by the biased media, they are not all poor, hard done by women and children, most of them are young, scumbag males, too scared to stand up for their rights in their own country, leave their women and children behind, THEN DEMAND everything when they get here. IF you had understood the whole text I wrote, not just pick on the bleeding heart crap, you would have noticed that Refugees International promotes returning refugees to their own country WITH Peacekeeping Forces that have some power to ENFORCE peace. I then highlighted that the UN is not serious about it's Peacekeeping Role, otherwise they would send in military forces that were capable and had the resources to ENFORCE peace. ALL our forces should be PEACEKEEPERS or rather PEACE ENFORCERS, you need to achieve peace before you can keep it. None of this bullshit PC crap with restrictive rules of engagement where you have to wait till your mate next to you gets shot before returning fire, or watch warlords and gangs killing their own to steal the food, who are safe if they don't fire on you. Declare a state of emergency and impose marshal law. You see some fucker with a gun that's not meant to have one, as in not part of the coalition forces, you shoot them. No ifs, ands, buts or maybes, young or old, male or female, they are dead. And you keep doing that until all the scum that want to keep fighting are dead. Then you round up all the war lords, gang members and scum that are left and shoot those fuckers as well. The Officer in charge of the patrol can handle that, no need to bog the system down with fucking lawyers and bleeding hearts.