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Everything posted by Ozi

  1. But lets be honest, enlarging them to post blurry photos is getting pretty desperate.
  2. I really don't think Nastya belonged in this kind of environment. She fell hard for Messa after only a day or a few days of being there. This is NOT the kind of place you develop feelings for people, especially strong feelings of love like I'm sure Nastya had. That short paragraph is typical of many of the strange thought processes that make up this really amusing thread.
  3. Some of the most highly trained, highly skilled soldiers on the face of the earth. Better than anyone, they would have known exactly what the outcomes of every action they took was going to be. Trained killers, chose not to tie innocent sheep herders to a tree, which, if you had any experience in that terrain, would know could have been a potential death sentence, even with all the risks that decision brought upon them. That's not caring about peoples feelings, that's caring about peoples lives. But you, with no skills, no training, basing your opinions on a movie based on reality, would have what? Yeah, right.
  4. Hopefully, a change in policy, teaching officers, who they hope will pass it down the chain, how to think rather than what to think, ultimately improving the application of common sense. They are teaching the principles of how rather than what to think in a number of schools. As for your scenario, that has to be the original "cluster fuck". For those unfamiliar with the phrase, the Army is run by Sgts and Warrant Officers, but managed by Majors and Lt. Colonels, the middle management (I sit in between them). Middle management cause most of the fuck ups and cluster fuck refers to the oak leaf cluster worn by Majors and Lt Cols.
  5. Right, 70s and 80s thinking. The world has moved on since then, training people to develop and improve their common sense has been around for years and it's certainly part of what the Australian Army teaches. But I guess you do need to approach it with a positive attitude, not a negative "that the Army would teach any of those skills to anyone" viewpoint.
  6. Rational thinking, problem solving, even common sense would help.
  7. Sadly the Army taught you nothing.
  8. Bantam weight champion, thirteen fights and she's only lost one. Grow up.
  9. Khartoum, awesome classic movie. But Charlton Heston as a British General? I grew up thinking actors in American movies with twangs, drawls and the like were from somewhere up North, like Liverpool or Manchester, or maybe down south, like Somerset or Cornwall.
  10. Countries that had soldiers killed as a result of the 2003 invasion of Iraq: Australia - Azerbaijan - Bulgaria - Czech Republic - Denmark - El Salvador - Estonia - Georgia - Hungary - Italy - Kazakhstan - Latvia - Netherlands - Poland - Romania - Slovakia - South Korea - Spain - Ukraine - Thailand - United Kingdom - United States.
  11. So do you really think Australia would have sent troops to the Middle East if the US hadn't asked for help? And they did ASK. How many other countries would have gone without the request for support. Without that support I doubt the US would have gone it alone and bear in mind if they did, they would have suffered ALL the casualties and probably more. Twenty two countries lost at least one soldier in Iraq. One death doesn't register I guess, except to the family of the soldier. But it does show that at least 21 other countries were there, supporting the US when they asked for help. And when I say help, the top of my chain of command, the guy ultimately pulling my strings, was an American General.
  12. While they were fighting each other for "thousands of years", they didn't have terrorist groups killing people in America, Canada, Europe and Australia. This phenomenon started when WE decided to move in and interfere, divide up the nations between various super powers, promise autonomy which we never gave them, attempted to control the flow of oil, replaced governments with leaders of our choice, verbally supported regimes while secretly funding their enemies etc, etc, etc. WE didn't create this monster?
  13. The typical knee jerk reaction has come faster than I expected. Our very eloquent Prime Minister, who back home tends to promote a hearts and mind policy, is now in Europe on the international stage and has already suggested peace keepers on the ground in Syria. I guess he wanted to get in first to receive the accolades. Funny how ISIS can kill 224 innocent Russian tourist and no one really seems to care but we all want to instantly go to war when they shoot 120+ French. ISIS is ISIS, no matter who they kill and in this instance Russia is just as much an ally as France. First of all, you have to have peace before you can keep it. That was always the issue, we weren't allowed to enforce it to start with. You need peace enforcers, front line combat soldiers not rear guard administrators. Secondly, and more importantly, you can't fix the problem if you don't remove the cause. It's like buying buckets to catch the rain coming through the roof instead of fixing the roof. Whether you like the reasoning or not, we don't belong in the middle east, anymore than we belonged in Vietnam. We created this monster, lets back off and leave them to it. If it's only the minority that are the issue, then let the majority sort them out. We don't need their oil, there is enough growing technology in solar, wind and wave power generation to resolve our power and pollution problems, even nuclear as a last resort. But that will put the multi-national oil companies out of business and we can't have that. The workers will get employment in emerging technologies but the oil barons will go broke.
  14. Closing the borders didn't mean what you think. What they meant was stricter vetting of people leaving to ensure those involved in the terrorist attacks couldn't escape. They haven't stopped people coming in.
  15. Some have posted comments and others have 'liked' them. This is a personal thing, nothing to do with CC or RLC.
  16. Glad we cleared that up. Army tend to do tours, rotations or deployments, it's mostly those airforce guys that like to fly combat missions. I think the other word you are looking for is depression.
  17. That's right mate, you tell em. Just to clarify, was that 8 combat missions you were on? Just that once before you posted that you did 8 combat tours. And how's your pstd going? Hope you are getting help for it. I do a lot of voluntary work with guys that have PTSD. Hope it's not as serious.
  18. There is a huge difference between voyeurism and being so obsessed it becomes unhealthy. You have definitely crossed that line.
  19. Not the only Guinness drinker in the house! (The Image Content is no longer accessible and has been removed).
  20. (The Image Content is no longer accessible and has been removed). This is getting too painful to watch, she is going to do herself a serious injury. Looks like I'll have to volunteer my services as her personal trainer.
  21. You could also just leave the poor girl alone.
  22. Seriously? Please tell me you are all fucking joking. I've seen some weird and dumb shit on the internet, but this thread is one of the dumbest. For fucks sake move on.
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