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Everything posted by wathou

  1. Mike i agree with you but it's not only the customer fault ^^' back then you were paying a fraction of what we are paying now (75$/month) so it's quiete normal that poeple have higher expectation ^^'.
  2. So now irma & belle spend their days on their phone then go out at night, and stella doesn"t even bother coming back to the apt xD It's getting better & better everyday
  3. she maybe just getting in the mood to go out with irma ^^ edit: and it looks like it , i almost had false hope xD
  4. I'v noticed something the only three girls that have a notebook and write stuff in it are: belle,irma & stella are they starting a buisness over there xD With all the time they spend on their phone + stella is the field officer with all the time she spends outside the apt xD ( and irma & stella have the same calendar in their room :P)
  5. that's true and lately i noticed a Goddess 2.0 with all that dancing/bating ( + bonus anal :) ) right in front of the cam. She is really a gem but rlc can't only rely on her with their price ^^'
  6. indeed plenty of time for rlc, but also for Vh and now i'v been keeping an eye on them since jan 2017 and they are really communicating ( they told me they might considering opening an b1 / b2 apt like) seriously if they do that and they increase their cam quality for the price they are offering ( really cheap & replay + video library included) i think i might seriously switching over to VH. The 75$ that rlc are charging us doesn't bother me (it's really not that expensive) IF the quality would follow. i guess i'm just gonna wait & see :)
  7. lucky you mine runs out in august ( i always took the 6 month deal never have been dispaointed before), but now the only intersting to watch is angeline but even her is getting boring with those bad cam angles from the room :X (except the bathroom which is perfect) I really hope rlc is planning something else than bringing more (boring) couple apt before they had the number advantage over their competition but Vh has now the same number of couple. They still have the quality advantage and b1 & b2 & k&k (the "only" girls apt type). But soon Vh will catch up ( i'm keeping an eye on them). If rlc doesn't do anything i think they'll slowly fade out. Just my opinion but i think it's close to reality (sadly)
  8. I don't know actually ^^' i'm just praying to the RLC god :P if they do like danaya only seeing him outside of the apt to use him as a taxi i'm fine with that :P
  9. Btw i just listen again. And Alex asked pictures from belle, ( that's when she said irma is my boss) and irma said : "like "X" yes ( didn't catch the name), but not like mine (irma's)" .... getting more & more funy everytime he is in the apt ... I just want to fastforward to the 4th april :)
  10. Wow cam 5 is in LSD vision mode xD ? new feature when there is nothing to see the cams goes into LSD mode :P ?
  11. I just listened to the whole english conversation and i have to say i'm glad there's no english apt i would spend so much time listening to them xD ( no it would be amazing actually :P) if anyone intersted: that's what they talked about (because kristy is having a english class so she has to pratice): -kristy wake up late (9am) and doesn't like to wake up late because she is late everywhere and has to run to catch up ( that's her bad habit ^^') - kritsy had a blood test done today. - She went to heidi's make up school to be make up model for heidi - Kristy was jealous of the hamster, because kamilia loves it( she taught she loved it more than her :P). But now it's okay - Today was the first day that the hamster slept on the 3rd floor of his cage. because they put his food on the 3rd floor xD - They both agreed that the pig was disgusting and didn't want to see it again ^^'. - Heidi is not intersted in her boyfriend, she went to vacation with him together but didn't enjoy it ( they talked about 500$ for romantic evening, don't want to start any theories so i'll just put it there :P) => but after that heidi is talking about a wedding ring so don't know about that ^^' and they talk more about her bf after that and it seems serious so maybe it was another man that she went on a trip with. -heidi also talk that her bf ( actually don't know if it was her bf) let's say the man she went to vacation with wanted to take drugs with her but she doesn't want to take anything stronger than weed, she is afraid of anything stronger. - The day after tomorrow is kritsy Birthday party ( so saturday it's party at k&k) - Kristy talked about she has a more healthy life now, 4-5 years ago she was partying, drinking,having a lot of men and didn't taught of her future ^^' but now she is more healthier and think more about her future. and her passion is dancing, but she realised now she has little chance of making a living out it ;X. - and they finish by talking about wedding/divorce and their taught on that. Btw i love those english conversation that they are having :)
  12. Ho come on you have to understand him for once a nice and young man show up and they go out they don't show any openess
  13. THAT'S WHY I PUT THE "...." .... Dude when will you understand i don't give a shit if there are dudes from time to time ! ...
  14. I never heard you said you were only interested in the "only" girls appt, and since you like couple so much that's why i told you to go watch the others ( 14 of them). Their are only 3 "only" girls apt so it's not the same ...
  15. that's easy to say of course there are plenty apt but the only ones i'm intersted in are b1 b2 and k&k&h so when one is rotten i got pissed sorry ... ( or not )
  16. don't talk about that stuff let angelina away from this dude ! she is maybe the only one i kinda like with gina & the twins. let's hope they don't get infected !!!
  17. Sorry for the word but irma & alex are starting to make b1 looks like a brothel ( he was after the twins but irma said they were too young, he went after stella proposing her "sexy" pics for iphones, and now he is after bell) this whole thing is really starting to disgust me from rlc
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