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Everything posted by wathou

  1. and belle left only two reamaining in b1 & b2 are gina & one of the twin all the rest are out
  2. i think it was the doorbell from the lobby not the door but yhea porbably her bf, so gina , stella, one twin, angelina out and irma & the other twin about to go out :) i guess we are back at b1 & b2 being hotels that's cool :)
  3. i don't think he is directly connected to rlc, when angelina spoke to him he talked about internet & wifi, then ask for someone probably the emperor but angelina said he wasn't here but still had to do it and call him. With the recet fail at 1080p i think it's most likely an upgrade for the upstream bandwidth to avoid the drop in bitrate when there was movement on the cam
  4. i'm not talking the after "era party", but before when she was in b1 with anna in the same bed, she was like she is right now ^^' ( more naked, yes, but because all the girls around her were not afraid of walking around naked ^^') ( btw i'm not critisizing belle ^^' it's just she can't show her full " potential" with the routine that the girls have now, she is more fun to watch when she is around real friend like anna, carolina, ... And i think same goes for the twins right now they are in the same bed with two girls that they didn't know or at least were not good firends with them, and i feel there is some kind of "censorship" resulting from that. but that just my point of view i don't have any facts to rely on ^^')
  5. actually belle is behaving like the first time she was in b1 ( i was sorting my old recordings the other day and noticed that ^^') she spend quiete a lot of time on her phone / sleeping / outside. It was only when the "party era" started ( in b2 a bit in b1) that she started "lighting up" ^^' but since the girls are not that much into partying ( i don't include the painting show that are getting ridiculous) at least not in the apartment she has no reason to be energic like she once was. And this comment goes aswell for stella.
  6. i don't know either just making hypotheses from what i heard ^^' but it's the most likely possibility that they needed a mower powerfull upstream bandwidth for the 1080p that they want to install ^^' and if you ask me i'd rather have them working on a b3(or any other apartment like b1 , b2, k&k) than the 1080p ^^'
  7. changing isp for more upstream bandwidth, to have better bitrate and therefor no more pixalate when someone moves
  8. it was someone for internet not her bf, and he asked if "X" was there ( i think the emperor) angelina said he is not here then gina call him i guess. I think they are upgrading their internet for 1080p
  9. i don't think rlc would put a maintenance for a guest, but nothing would surprise me anymore xD
  10. i was looking at the replay to see if they put back the 1080p and no, still 720p and i couldn't find any changes. Like i said it was just another mysterious maintenance ...
  11. Wasn't alex nor superman (and probably not cleaning lady) he was speaking russian (thank god ) :P
  12. yhea i don't even know what i'm trying to look for, it's just going to be another mysterious maintenance xD
  13. At 9:58 the doorbell rang and gina open the door, (only the bedrooms cam were working) someone open the door by him self ( it was a man) and gina & angelina talk to him and at 9:59 gina went to angelina's room to talk they were laughing
  14. yhea but what i don't understand is why the hall cam was down at 9:42:49 and the rest at 10:01
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