Let me tell you something Amy, I was not referring to you with my comment about bitchin. I guess not calling people out personally does not fit your rules huh? I was trying to be nice but I tell you what, if I got anything to say to you I'll fucking call you out personally. And now that you've pissed me off thinking you can read my mind: Yeah, it does seem all you do is bitch and whine like a little bitch. The others may not be brave enough to call you out but I sure as to shit will. Who fucking died and made you queen of CC or VH for that matter? Once again, you don't like it go over to RLC. There they really don't give a fuck about their subscribers. You'd fit right in and have something to really bitch about. It seems like forever since the last time you had a constructive or nice comment inhere. Boo Hoo Hoo, Amy don't like VH.. Tell you what, excuse me for an hour or two while I try and find someone who gives a shit! You wanted a call out, you got it. And when I get home from work, you want to keep this shit up; I'm your huckleberry!