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Everything posted by catalonia

  1. Totally agreed, what she would have to do is find a good boy and look for a job ... but if she is here we have the right to expect her to do something right? I want to say something other than making breakfast, showering, sunbathing, etc.
  2. They play with us to "see if something happens", but I think nothing will ever happen.
  3. They all seem to have the problem with the nose and there is more sugar in the bathroom than in the bakery on the corner.
  4. ... and they put their nose in the cup, now I get it
  5. Ah well then let's say they must be nose fetishists
  6. I'd say it's a cocaine center
  7. It was good but could have been better. I would have liked a more fluid relationship between the girls, without interrupting the action every two minutes by the camera, the phone, the music, the wine, ...... But hey, it was a good attempt with a very pretty guest
  8. At the moment it seems like a party of two fifteen-year-old girls
  9. It seems like a server problem, nobody sees anything
  10. Well, it seems to me that they take us for an asshole with so much theater and so little sex
  11. Have you ever cried before or after listening to Henry play the guitar?
  12. Personally, I like both of them very well and I understand that it is not easy to maintain the level of attention of the early days. I like variety and lately seeing the three or four usual guest couples bores me.
  13. Right, that girl looks new (thanks for warning). In any case, I reaffirm that this couple has ceased to be as interesting as it was in its early days when they received new guests very frequently.
  14. In this apartment I have the feeling of being confined. I always see the same faces.
  15. In the old apartment he had some experiences. I do not know their degree of satisfaction or if they were only looking for ours.
  16. When Beverly visited them, the three of them spent the night together and nothing happened between the two girls.
  17. When Elaine appeared as a guest at Mira & Henry's house, she gave the feeling of being crazy to fuck anything that moved. Since she got her apartment I see her much more relaxed.
  18. A great advance, to see if they repeat it without Jericho present and without the acceleration of coca
  19. For my part, they can all stay where they were, the only thing we can expect from them is a few silly parties like last night and a low intensity lesbian show, little more.
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