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Everything posted by catalonia

  1. The guest looks a lot like one of them, I don't know who Lexa is and who Waverley, I mean the lowest, I would say are sisters.
  2. Well, maybe they think of trying to ride a broom
  3. What surprises me is that I connected this morning at 10 am and they were sleeping, it is 11 pm and they are still sleeping. Maybe I don't fuck so much and I'm more rested ...
  4. Many bottles, many people, personally prefer smaller visits, one or two people. But it is a personal pleasure ...
  5. Magnificent statement, certainly written by an excellent person. A big hug and a kiss from a stranger.
  6. For reasons that we can assume, they have erased every trace of what happened last night. As for Lilka, ... she will have gone to a hotel with the young man ... LOL
  7. By the way, I see that the apartment is back in operation. I am glad if the subject has been clarified, of all the apartment offer is my favorite.
  8. The reason I think is the possibility that this boy was not of age, at least because of his physical appearance did not seem so. And the main thing that I noticed was his attitude, the boy seemed to be scared, he stood in a corner, closed his eyes ... seemed to want to disappear from that place
  9. To do so in front of the cameras, I'm afraid so, as you will see the apartment has been removed.
  10. Someone has noticed the boy in the apartment of Jakar and Lilka, but it seems very young, ... too much, and his attitude is that of a child scared and overcome by what he is living
  11. I do not like the roll of this couple, with their chaturbate sessions, the sinister pope, etc ... But I must confess, I like Vicky, she is beautiful .. And I see her sad, I don't know, it is a sensation, maybe she thinks, Like me, what an apartment shit they have given them.
  12. My answer is that I will not see that apartment again or comment on anything that happens (nothing will happen). I encourage everyone to do the same.
  13. Well, one was naked, given the context this has been hard sex
  14. I hope that many wonderful people attend the concerts of their wonderful managers as the one who follows this farce
  15. So that everything is not negative, the brunette girl is a 10 and also bathes like normal people ... naked
  16. Oh my God!!! At least the blonde I think she wears. I give up
  17. Wow!!! I see that they are in the bathtub, has anyone seen if they wear a swimsuit or not?
  18. At this point I guess we are all looking forward to someone, whoever it is, do something "interesting" in this apartment
  19. By the way, Jakar would be sent to spend an afternoon at Angel and Odri's apartment, ... to see if they manage to comb it, of course, nothing sexual.
  20. I commented yesterday, of the three cameras two did not work, today is one. In any case, I particularly like the apartment that I like the most right now, there is usual activity, many guests, hetero and lesbian relationships .... Jakar seems a little crazy but seems nice, but Lilka is a charm ... I prefer two cameras in this apartment than nine in others, which does not mean that I don't think they should solve the problem
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