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Everything posted by Howard

  1. DAMN! Really like Nora. She has a sensuality about her that is rare on RLC.
  2. Now starts either the 2nd or 3rd sessions of the day. These two are nearly as horny as Mario & Carla.
  3. This was towards the end of their first (of two) romps for the night. Stepan had a hard (pardon the pun) time getting off. During their second romp (not on this video), he came within a couple minutes.
  4. BIG TIME sex on the couch. Whatever music they're playing in the background has Maya turned on. She's on a music drug Edit: Game over: Maya wins 3 to 1 (yea, she was really into it). Edit 2: After 30 minutes (and a dog walk), they're at it again. Maya initiated with foreplay (don't see foreplay much from them anymore). Now hot-n-heavy (again) on the sofa/bed. Looks like they are watching porn (and for some reason, a hunch tells me they're watching what they self-recorded during a previous romp).
  5. Do you think Maya & Stepan know that when they are away, poochie jumps onyo the cat stand and eats their Purina cat-chow?
  6. Didn't know Nora swallows. Camera positioning wasn't favorable but when she was through, Nora was very considerate taking hold of Kiko's dick and placing it gently town on his stomach. Yea...she's a keeper.
  7. I agree with you but I'm a bit of a romantic. Not one who believes in meaningless sex (for the most part). All these two do is fuck. I think he fucks mostly out of boredom. Not too much passion between these two. If they fuck less we might see more quality in their sex which in turn I would find more enjoyable to watch.
  8. She likes making his wiener go 'boing'. Nevertheless, just not into chubbies.
  9. Thanks for the uploads. :drool: I saw this live and can't recall Susan taking the initiative as strongly as she did. Also, prior to this encounter she gave him one helluva a blow job and he reciprocated accordingly (these two links were their second go-around within a couple hours).
  10. I've seen him get verbally loud at her 2 or 4 times in the past couple years but NEVER physically abusive. As a westerner, I see these two as a typical Russian couple. Well...OK, not typical as it seems neither work and I rarely see them drink alcohol. But he does a good job of ignoring her often while she does hang around and seem dependent on him (at least emotionally).
  11. Anyone notice the "docile" dog that once was now jumps onto tables when they are gone? Lately, he also jumps onto the first and second level of the cat scratch table and eats the cat food.
  12. There are times I wonder if Daniel was a Proctologist in another life? With each encounter he inspects that orifice as if there's gold to be found (and not fudge).
  13. They just keep fucking and fucking and fucking and fucking and fucking and fucking and fucking and fucking and fucking and fucking and fucking and fucking and fucking and fucking and fucking and fucking and fucking and fucking and fucking and fucking and fucking and fucking and fucking and fucking and fucking and fucking and fucking and fucking and fucking and fucking and fucking and fucking and fucking and.... When I was in my early 20s, I can do 3x/night with the right girl. Anything after 3x and I'd have to put my dick in a cast (I'd be sore). But these two, they just keep fucking and fucking and fucking and fucking and fucking and.....
  14. IMO, I don't think a "professional actor" - one who wants respect among his peers and fans, would put his life front and center as he/she does on the internet. Just a hunch but whatever acting career they hoped for has been flushed down the RLC drain.
  15. Damn right Leora better watch her back! Nelly has a tighter ass then Leora.
  16. The way these two flirt is an example why sometimes when saying "no", she really means yes.
  17. These two have me baffled. I'm not sure who wants sex more - Carla or Mario? He wags that thing at her constantly and sometimes turns him away. On the flip side, both will be fully clothed when she straddles him. She works him up a bit and when he gets frisky, she'll back off. Either this is how they both flirt with each other or...? Nevertheless, they seem to bang twice (or more) daily.
  18. FWIW, she's a bit too chubby for my taste but she gets my respect. In a world where 95% of us are focused on how we look and the impression we give onto others, in all her chubbyness she gets butt naked for the Internet to see. Gotta give it up for bravery and courage.
  19. Yea...these guys like each other a lot. They seem very loyal to each other. They don't verbalize much but they seem to have a good understanding what the other wants (before he/she says anything).
  20. ...and for the best solo performance in a reality series, the Emmy goes to....
  21. As in past weekends, they seem to be away on Sundays.
  22. OK.. a few minutes have passed, they had a brief discussion in the bedroom. She's still pissed (may have shed a few tears). She's back to the living room couch cuddling w/ Scooter. Looks like she'll be sleeping on the couch for the night.
  23. They just got up from the couch - she's pissed!! She followed him into the bedroom in disgust. Not sure if he can't get it up because he isn't interested or maybe there is a medical problem. Looking at the past few videos, when they are engaged HE would much rather manually stimulate Leora then have intercourse.
  24. Leora needs Stepan's dick. Afterwards, she'll realize how lousy Paul is.
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