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Everything posted by Howard

  1. Disagree. There isn't a finer body on RLC than of Leora. She may be quasi-nutso in the noggen but definitely a bod that has no equal (if you like that 34C-23-34 figure).
  2. One of the better videos here in the forum. Not just the quality but (and I'm getting corny) with these two it isn't about the sex. There's emotion in what they're doing. Nothing routine...no 'muscle memory' involved. Just heartfelt interaction. Thanks for posting.
  3. Yea, the way she's been its as if she's going through menopause...in her late 20s.
  4. They're complacent with each other. While we know Stepan (appears) to put little effort in their relationship, Maya use to spice things up wearing a french maid's outfit or other frilly attire. But haven't seen her do that in a few months. And when they have sex, rarely is there foreplay. She jumps his boner for a couple minutes, he turns her over and after a few more minutes, he's looking for tissues. They have become the grandma and grandpa of RLC in many ways.
  5. She's not looking at the camera - she's watching a cartoon on TV. Dude needs lessons. He's been at it for 10 minutes. You can see she's bored.
  6. Got a good chuckle about the gossiping. I mentioned fucking for money because in the past, as they were fucking while looking at the laptop, I heard the 'ka-ching' sound a few times. Every time 'ka-ching' was heard, they became more active or changed position. ...and why not assume or speculate? If these knuckleheads (your opinions may differ) open themselves up to the world.... Part of the RLC experience is to make assumptions on these couples. Why are they on RLC? For money...fame...they need a place to live in lieu of being on camera?
  7. From my original post, my opinion of these two take a different direction. She's a slut (big time!). He is a gigolo....and yes, I'm judging the two (and they are entitled to do as they please). Part of what I like about RLC is the passion couples show for each other or some spontaneity; not to mention watching their every day behavior. These two....they have little to no passion for each other. They only fuck for money. They get the laptop positioned correctly and go at it. They don't look at each other when fucking - they look at the lap top (and it ain't porn they're watching). Indeed they are fucking for money. What I laugh about is there are people paying on-line to see them fuck while we have the same front row seat and don't pay a dime. From a business perspective, is this helping or hurting their endeavor? If they were bright, it could help them. But here we are, watching the show for free. Go figure.
  8. She's getting her cookie but....in all the times they've fucked, has anyone seen ANY passion from either one? Maybe a kiss while they get busy?! Looks to me the fucking is all about the $$$ (The Image associated with this comment is no longer accessible and has been removed). ...and a few minutes later and they are world's apart. This ain't gonna last. (The Image associated with this comment is no longer accessible and has been removed).
  9. Think about it...their actions can be interpreted as insulting the audience (us!).
  10. Ya'll enjoy these skimpy outfits. Once winter comes, they'll all be dressed head to toe in squirrel skin.
  11. I came across this video (a few months old) of Nora and Kiko. What is amusing (maybe there is some irony) is the title given this video. (The Video link associated with this comment is no longer accessible and has been removed).
  12. Carla is dressed fancy (not 'clubbing' fancy although I think her make-up looks trampy) and going out at 9:40PM local time Sunday night. WTF?! Where could she be going?
  13. Up all night (5:37AM local time) and can barely keep her eyes open. (The Image associated with this comment is no longer accessible and has been removed).
  14. Assume the position. (The Image associated with this comment is no longer accessible and has been removed).
  15. (The Image associated with this comment is no longer accessible and has been removed).
  16. Likewise. Appreciate the upload but going thru several pop-ups just isn't worth it.
  17. Don't blame the guy. No way can a dude fuck 3-4 times a day (plus the continuous foreplay 'hard-on') and not eventually have his dick placed in a sling.
  18. Carla is insatiable. A nymphomaniac. As I write this, an hour ago they fucked for the third time today. It's 01:30 local time and as Mario is trying to nap/sleep on the couch (his eyes are shut), she's sitting besides him topless holding one of her hands on top of his on her tits while she takes her free hand and gives him a rub down (to get his motor running). This girl drips as she walks. I'm sticking around as long as this ride lasts but expect it will burn out sooner then later. Dude may have to put a cast on his dick for it being twisted, used and abused as much as it has. :)
  19. These are kids! They know how to fuck (I should say they THINK they know...) but haven't a clue how to make love. I don't give them much time before they go splitsville.
  20. Looks like a good video. But Malwarebytes blocks access. Even Leora ain't worth having bad shit installed on my computer.
  21. All this guy does is either lay on his back and snooze or be a boy toy for Carla. This dude is running a close second to Stepan as being the laziest guy on RLC.
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