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Everything posted by Howard

  1. Never understood the reason to "announce" that they are having sex. If you haven't already first gone to RLC before coming here,... And if you visit this site first to check on the current status of couples who are boinking or fornicating, well your 'priorities' are misguided. Whatever floats your boat.
  2. Much of the culture is taken from the west. I'll go as far as saying many generation x-ers envy what we have in the US (as they should). Look at the shirts they wear, posters on their walls, etc. NOt to take anything away from their way of life, but until a foreigner has experienced the "west's" way of life, their quality of life is lacking.
  3. SAY IT AIN'T SO! Don't care if I offend anyone as it's my opinion but there is nothing attractive about a tattoo. I think when a young person (under 30) get's a tattoo, there are psychological issues behind that ink. I'm not going to get "Dr. Phil" in this post but generation X-ers have an omnipotent mindset; which often gets them into trouble. If the tattoo is to be looked upon as make-up and is temporary, so be it. But permanent ink reflects underlying issues.
  4. I'll be the first to say this is a foolish question but as I've never traveled to Russia, so I gotta ask. I noticed as Nora was making herself a meal in the kitchen, a flying insect kept buzzing about back and forth. Now for the foolish question: Is the typical house fly found in the U.S. the same found in Russia? I've been to England, Israel, Mexico, Spain, France & Canada. With the exception of Mexico, I don't recall seeing the typical house fly we have here in the USA in these other countries.
  5. About three weeks ago she rolled a condom on Stepan. Unless she found out within the past couple weeks she expecting,...
  6. I can't figure these people out. It's like the bizarro world of The Big Bang Theory without the intellect. There's man-love between two guys and nobody sleeps when the sun is down. They live on-line and I don't know whether they're horn dogs, hackers, gamers or...who knows! Yea, we all just wanna see fucking but I've learned quite a bit watching these various channels about 20-something's behavior. I'm out of the typical RLC demographic but watching everyone, I didn't realize how dependent EVERYONE is of their smartphones. If there was an app that simulating taking a pee or crap, they'd all still be sitting on a chair or couch doing something on their phone. And thankfully there are AC cords because if the battery would die,...so would they.
  7. My own Nora observation (and purely superficial). I don't like skinny gals but for a skinny gal, she has some curves. She also carries herself well. The sense of confidence and self-esteem are portrayed in her behavior (i.e. walk, posture). Nevertheless, whenever I see her topless it doesn't look like her boobs developed - makes me feel like a pedophile when I see her without clothes. I find her more attractive with her clothes on.
  8. If Rita is packing and moving out because she find the cameras uncomfortable, I applaud her. She may actually be a "normal" person with a self-esteem and with goals for her life.
  9. All this bitching about Nora. I don't speak her language so I will assume 1/2 of what I'm reading here is true. But on a lighter (and maybe related) topic, does anyone recall the last time Nora got fucked? Unless she's spotting, it's been 10 days minimum that I recall since Kiko's plunger cleaned out her pipe. Maybe she could be unpleasant in part to being sexually frustrated?
  10. I hope the dude doesn't flame out. Thanks for sharing. You might want to see a doctor. Fire cock sounds painful.
  11. Umm...errr....somebody has an unhealthy obsession. 1,000 photos?! Oh My!!
  12. She didn't blow him outside. Probably went out for a smoke. . She needs more wine and to lose some inhibitions. Also, get rid of those implants. Doc did a bad job (but I've seen worse).
  13. Well..I think he got his cookie (looked like doggy style dry fucking) but sure looked uncomfortable.
  14. "Fuck me. Fuck me. But don't touch me". That's kind of what she's saying. If she wants more romance, take it upstairs. I say they will bang but she'll manage to keep her shorts on.
  15. She's being a prick tease. She doesn't want to get seen fucking on-line but she reluctantly lets him drop her top and finger bank her for 15 seconds. Yo - your dignity was lost long ago. This is junior high school crap.
  16. I don't mind the dog but Scooter is getting fat. They better start taking him for 30 minute walks or his name will change to Porky.
  17. Even when she's being screwed, she has always "overacted" (or over-reacted). It's either her way of being in the moment or she has seen too many American soap operas. Always wondered about the legit of the site. Didn't complain then tho! Innit? Some people complain that they don't masturbate enough then when they do they complain that they didn't masturbate in the "right way"! Sorry, I was not complaining, just speak out my suspition that's all. I have nothing to complain about Leora and her hot body...
  18. These two ARE not introverted. They may have only a handful of friends (that we know of), but being on camera 24/7....you can't call them introverted.
  19. I'm guessing the two are in their late 20s and possibly married. But they act like they have been together for 30 years. There is very little passion shared. No foreplay (I remember when they fiddled with each other before doing the deed). They get naked, bang (not fuck), grab a tissue, clean themselves (it is Maya that usually does the cleaning for Stepan) and go to sleep. I'm not saying they don't love each other. But their love is like an old married couple; which is something many strive for (that comfort & security that comes with a strong relationship). But...THEY ARE NOT 60!! My gut tells me because they are young, if they don't put some passion back into their relationship (more importantly, lovemaking), one of them will start rubber necking. I say that because they are 'kids', not the old farts that they appear to be.
  20. They're Boris and Natasha! Now waiting for RLC to give Bullwinkle and Rocky an apartment.
  21. I think he secretly would rather boink that pooch.
  22. All I gotta say is Leora is the horniest gal I've seen in a looong time. Insatiable is the best word to describe her.
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