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Everything posted by Howard

  1. This is both the funniest and one of the saddest videos I've seen. SAD because not only does Paul last only a minute but did does absolutely nothing to help her get off. He watches her and when he wants to kiss her, she turns away so she can finish the job that he can't. FUNNY because the dog is the true star of this video. Not only was Rover trying to show Paul how its done (with the pillow). But after he came and Leora slides on her back to get herself off, I expected Rover to crawl between he legs and show Paul how to get 'er done. In all, I give the video a 10 out of 10 because of the pooch and a 2 out of 10 for Paul as he at least supplied his dick (if only for one minute).
  2. Have you ever watched a movie or TV program only to talk back to the screen? Of course you have. RLC is an Internet soap opera.
  3. Dumb-Dumb has returned 08:45AM local time.
  4. SURPRISING how the ADMIN hasn't responded publicly to those who can't find a link for membership or to those having trouble with their membership. Probably best I don't join as it appears the admin has little interest in this site (other then taking money from those already a member). I'll keep riding the wave - surfing is free. Kawabunga!
  5. Not understanding people's hatred for Kiko. He adds more to the channel (Nora interaction) then being absent. While I don't mind Nora taking care of her own business in the bedroom, I'd rather have the variety of seeing her solo and also w/ Niko then one (or the other). Also, I think Kiko brings out Nora's shyness. Some see it as if she's bitchy to other house guests. I think she's more of an introvert (as introverted one can be fucking on camera) and possibly lacks social skills. Kiko brings out some of her social anxieties. Normally I agree with most of what you say but this time i'm going to have to disagree. Nora & Kiko's sex is very boring in my opinion, they go out of there way to hide the actual act which once again does not fit into the whole "Real Life" theme that RLC is trying to portray! I'm sure if there was no cameras Nora would still hide her head under the covers when she gives him a BJ, yeah right! I personally don't care for the gay looking dude, I get sick of seeing him really quick when he shows up. He looks anorexic if you ask me!! I haven't seen them hide. And I'd think if they made a habit of hiding, the RLC admin would have something to say about that.
  6. Not understanding people's hatred for Kiko. He adds more to the channel (Nora interaction) then being absent. While I don't mind Nora taking care of her own business in the bedroom, I'd rather have the variety of seeing her solo and also w/ Niko then one (or the other). Also, I think Kiko brings out Nora's shyness. Some see it as if she's bitchy to other house guests. I think she's more of an introvert (as introverted one can be fucking on camera) and possibly lacks social skills. Kiko brings out some of her social anxieties.
  7. Howard

    Paid Memberships

    I'm trying to find the link (or a banner) to pay for membership but this site (the admin) makes it difficult to do so. Unless I want to pay in Bitcoin (which I don't), there is no obvious messages or link how to proceed to buy a membership. The front banner (when clicked) should lead me straight to payment options. Instead, it says... Paid memberships are now available through Payza and Bitcoin! Click on the buy now button on the forum homepage to purchase. (If you purchase a membership you need to provide me with your forum username otherwise I have no way of knowing who you are) THERE IS NO BUY NOW BUTTON and either the words PAYZA and BITCOIN should be a link to make payment. Am I missing something or is this just poor site design? Thanks for reading/listening.
  8. It posted Howard. I see other photos from other posts but not those I just posted (even logged in using another browser but still see nothing). Oh well...if you say they posted that's what matters.
  9. She may have experimented trying it but it's likely not her thing. I've been with lots of girls that like the anal sex but I'm not into getting my tool in no Hershey Highway. The anus was made for exiting purposes not entering but to each their own. Three gals I've been with who have had their pooper poked didn't like it. All of their responses were they don't get any pleasure from it. Secondary issue was the initial discomfort. They did it to keep their guys happy. For myself, no thanks.
  10. If Leora gets any darker, she'll start craving fried chicken & watermelon (relax folks, it's a joke). Her constant quest to get a barker tan reminds me how 20 & 30-somethings often feel omnipotent; as if there are no consequences to their actions. OK to properly tan but when you're going 20 shades darker,...
  11. I saw that. It was Nora being the DJ. The other girl was highly buzzed. It was the perfect situation for a threesome if only one of them would have made the initial move.
  12. Just an observation... Assuming these gals survive week to week (maybe month to month), they sure drink a lot of wine and eat 'healthy' portions (I don't think RLC provides them a food allowance).
  13. People spent time with their family...read books...conversation. The term 'family unit' meant something back then.
  14. Question is...did they split up or are they just moving on (away from RLC)?
  15. What is pathetic about this photo is a few minutes after it was taken, she starts trimming his beard. I'll give him a mulligan for not cutting his own hair, but dude is too fucking lazy to trim his beard 2-3x/week - she has to do it for him. Just as she walks the dog, grooms the dog, cleans the house...and so on.
  16. I didn't see this but FYI, their are scissors designed to cut meat/chicken/fish.
  17. These guys didn't interest me. Of what I could see how they lead their lives, they disgust me (but the two seem to be a good match for each other).
  18. It didn't happen unless you have pictures/video ;)
  19. Spoon, Go take a knife and fork yourself! (that was just too easy :).
  20. Has ANYONE else heard her say she was pregnant? Her behavior on Saturday with Kiko doesn't lead me to believe she's expecting (unless it is a wanted pregnancy).
  21. OBSERVATION: Looks like the forum crashed and most recent back-up is from seven days ago. Looks like they lost a week's worth of posts (and links).
  22. She does that to him on occasion (there are other vids where she did the same thing). Gotta give kudos to Maya - she's done her homework on how to be sexy in bed. She pays attention on how to get him off. More to it than steady pumping.
  23. Initially I was your typical voyeur horn dog (look in the mirror if you forgot what one looks like) but that has changed. RLC sex has become same ol same ol' - kind of boring. What has kept me tuned into RLC the past few weeks is the behavior of these 20-somethings from a culture different then mine (USA born and raised). When I was 20-something pagers were on their way out and cell phones started becoming affordable for the masses. The original iMac became the "it" must-have computer and Atari was a distant memory. iTunes was in its infancy and nobody knew what an 'app' was. The Internet was around but my generation didn't watch HULU but "borrowed" tunes from MP3. Anyway, times of changed from nearly 20 years ago and entertainment for you "kids" are different then it was (as is behavior). People don't fear HIV today as they did back then. It's not so much that we are more knowledgeable of the virus but today's generation doesn't look forward - they live in the "here-and-now". They believe the government will take care of them (propaganda from the democrats here in the states) and not bother about saving money for the future (or even six weeks from now). So I'm finding the behavior of RLC couples (and their pets) more entertaining then any intimacy they may have. And is it true intimacy or just sex?
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