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Everything posted by Howard

  1. I use Chrome... with Pop-Ups Not Allowed (Settings, then Advanced Settings. Go to Privacy and click on Content. Scroll down to Pop-Ups and mark the "Do not allow...") and did not get one pop-up. Downloaded in about 3 minutes and plays just fine. :) I'm a looong time Chrome user. I have the browser set to no pop-ups yet they still...pop up. Same w/ Firefox.
  2. Lately these three are dressing in skimpy outfits when with each other (can't recall Nora wearing a see-thru teddy outside the bedroom) and doing some indiscreet petting/touching. If their behavior continues, I'd be disappointed if there isn't some girl-on-girl action within the next four weeks (if not sooner); assuming Nora would be the weakest of three and therefore succumb first to temptation. ...I can dream, can't I?
  3. Transparent top boobies (a message from Nora to her roomies), side boobies and all around hotness. (The Image associated with this comment is no longer accessible and has been removed).
  4. Too many pop-ups - not worth it (no matter which browser is used). It's like reliving the 1990s all over again.
  5. Oh myyyyyy! I tell ya...as soon as my g/f gets home,.... By the time I'm done with her she'll walk funny for a few days. :D :D :D
  6. OK...I've been off-line for a couple hours. How many more times did she fuck him? ;D
  7. This chick needs to go to a BA meeting (Bangaholics Anonymous). She's always horny. Always needs dick. If the dude isn't careful, she's going to sprain his dick.
  8. She raped him! Dude is lying on his back on the couch motionless. She crawls on top of him, removes his pants (without his help). Removes her shorts and...starts riding him until he has "no choice" but join in. I say you're not that ill if you can maintain a hard-on. Nevertheless that girl can't get enough cock. If her insatiable desires continue, this relationship will flame out within 6-9 months. Until then, let's enjoy the ride. ;D
  9. I agree. Could be a Vitamin B booster. Just saw her go to the kitchen (to get tea?) 9AM local time holding her tummy.
  10. Dude has a legitimate point. Whether fucking, lounging or sick, the cams stay on. With that said, I don't mind the cams being off when someone is sick. From the start, (I) you're a miserable piece of shit when you get ill. Don't want the world to see me puking or having uncontrollable bowel movements.
  11. hey asshole!!!! she is sick, emergency is coming Go easy on the guy. Dude was right that he's a turd. But he also didn't know she was ill.
  12. Maya is sick. Stepan got dressed so maybe they'll go to a clinic/hospital to check her out.
  13. Makes him look less like a douche, pedophile, bum, moron, fool, loafer (I could go on if you'd like).
  14. I saw a video of her from about 2-3 years ago. I'd say she put on five pounds or so....but not complaining. I've probably put on as much weight the past three years.
  15. She worked soooo hard for her big O. Took 30+ minutes until she came (or did she???).
  16. Civilized heart-to-heart conversation continues (but it is heating up). (The Image Content is No Longer Accessible and has been Removed)
  17. Viewing the last few posts and how obvious Leora makes it that she has the home fire burning, PAUL will have nothing of it because HE is on his period (there could be no other logical explanation). Unless....Paul is glued to the computer learning all about being a transgender and how Bruce Jenner turned into Caitlin Jenner and wants the same for himself (or would that be herself?).
  18. Aside from the camera positioning, what was most disappointing was Paul had absolutely no desire to get her off. Of course for him that is typical behavior. I have to wonder how low Leora's self-esteem is to put up with that bullshit from him (it goes beyond sex).
  19. Vertical smile and holding a broomstick. Hmm.... (The Image Content is no longer accessible and has been removed).
  20. Appreciate the effort but too many pop-ups/spam using Chrome.
  21. - 4 lesbians - alcohol - game of Truth & Dare Let's see where this goes (click on image to enlarge). (The Image Content is No Longer Accessible and has been Removed)
  22. I found this video of Maya & Stepan on-line in their younger days (at least 3 years ago). - She is thinner (not by much but how many of us weigh less then we did a few years ago) - Her tatt is a work in progress. - Has her natural hair color. - I find his last thrust comical (think of him saying "I'm King of the World!"). - Both are more more animated with Stepan not being the lazy shmuck he is now during coitus (then again, those of us in a stable relationship do get complacent if we're not careful). Enjoy - (The Video link is no longer accessible and has been removed).
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