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Everything posted by Howard

  1. You always love...your first love. That she hasn't let go of Paul is unhealthy. If they are no longer a couple, they need to part their ways. It's rare to remain friends as if they don't have a romantic/emotional attachment (not that Paul was ever romantic).
  2. Was she at her happiest??? Or was she sheltered from other experiences and didn't know any better?
  3. Assuming you're using Chrome, clear the browser's cookies as soon as you leave Hotscopes (or similar site). Only clear the last hour (or so). You'll then be good-to-go.
  4. Copyright infringement. Don't you think RLC reads this forum? If they can match the information provided here w/ whatever information you provided them, dude, you'll be in a world of hurt.
  5. Respectfully, you are defending the characters in this play as if you have an emotional bond to them. No woman sits leisurely on the couch in a see-thru nightie, no panties, reclining with their legs spread open (directed to the camera). Neither would they casually take a bath together, soap each other. My girlfriend (including past girlfriends), wouldn't behave like this if they were amorous. Years ago, many live cams were genuine. Today, that number might be 10%. RLC has turned into theatre. That's how this industry changed. Nobody will pay $30/mo to watch two girls dressed in pants and a blouse gossip while they enjoy a bowl of borscht with crackers. But they will pay good money when those two girls wear next to nothing and tease, tease, and tease some more - thinking they only have YOU in mind to please. As far as what goals they have long term, I've said repeatedly (and get bashed for it). As long as Leora is on RLC, her personal growth is minimized. She lives in a comfortable bubble that pays her rent, subsidizes her nighties and probably food. Don't know much about Malia. As for subscribers, that she hasn't had dick on camera for 12 months, I'm surprised people still subscribe to see her (unless again, there is an unhealthy emotional attachment to a girl acting in a play). Theatre.
  6. 90% of what they do is theatre. People have a right to complain if they are spending $20..$30 or more/month and get 'theatre' and not real life (as they have been sold on). You can describe RLC in one word: THEATRE
  7. Leora has been in the RLC bubble for about 9 years. That's not healthy. As for her outside activities, rumor is she works with (or is part owner) of a dog sanctuary. But who really knows what goes on outside the bubble. IMO, she has decayed as a person while being in the bubble (she doesn't use her mind or creativity as she once did. Also not as jovial as she use to be). Don't want to see that happen to Martina. That's why I hope she doesn't stay in the RLC world as long as Leora has.
  8. Let's hope, for Martina's well being, she doesn't stay in front of the cameras as long as Leora.
  9. If she would have put that thermometer up her butt, at least some people here would have been satisfied they've seen some 'action'.
  10. 95% of the time when either are sitting on the couch or on Leora's bed, their legs are spread farther apart than the width of mother Russia. If I'm throwing crap your way (speaking figuratively to the CC populous) because you're a subscriber in this RLC game, so be it. You've found your home and RLC welcomes your $20 - $45/month (laughing on their way to the bank). You're better off at Chaturbate or other similar site, where the tease you'll experience is assured a happy ending for all.
  11. Has anyone mentioned that maybe....maybe Leora is.....PREGNANT?! We know she's not getting dick inside the apartment. 99% of what she does outside the apartment is conjecture. She could be getting dick from her boy-toy. Maybe getting dick for the past few months and either the condom broke or he didn't pull out in time (or just trickled enough fluid to bust through an egg). Leora use to take birth control pills. Is she still (not that they are 100% full proof). ..and yes, she just had her aunt visit. But that doesn't completely take away the possibility. Anyway, just throwing it out there. Something else to gossip and blabber about.
  12. I agree with most of what you say. But that's the price she pays for living in her bubble. You would think after 8 years on RLC, she would want to expand her universe. Maybe she eventually wants to settle down, have kids, etc. But that future (should she want it) is cloudy when you live within restrictions (directly or indirectly).
  13. Kidney stones? I had it once - no fun. For men, it's often a sign of not drinking enough water (and drinking/eating too much dairy and soda). But women rarely get stones. Could be something else.
  14. Since your post is the equivalent of two chapters in the book Moby Dick, good idea that you take time off from the forum, if not RLC for a while...maybe a long while. Not to dismiss how you feel, but too much time writing such a lengthy 'essay', might be time for you to reevaluate....life.
  15. I'll have to side with grandpa Jimbo. Jimbo4 may have attacked me for my views on Leora on numerous occasions, but he was generally consistent (consistently wrong, but that's for another thread). 😀
  16. From past Christmas' of these two, it is a special event (excluding the beej). Tibor gets sentimental. I've seen in the past where they stand by the tree and sign Carrols (I don't celebrate but find the traditions endearing).
  17. Wouldn't that be sacrilege getting blown by the Christmas tree? He got his gift, and all she got was eggnog.
  18. We're nearly saying the same things using different words/approach I'm taking a long term outlook regarding mostly her mental health. Everyone speaks about her (conjecture for all, of course) for the present. After 'getting to know' her the past several years, my approach is different. Sometimes we just need to bang - no romance involved. We've all done that (I hope). I also hope, if desired, everyone has had, or is in, a romantic relationship. It appears that's what she's getting is physical satisfaction on her terms (for now, I don't care what his objectives are). I've been saying that for her to grow as a person, she needs to get uncomfortable. WE ALL NEED TO GET UNCOMFORTABLE FOR PERSONAL GROWTH. She needs to get off cam and find her direction. She can't do that spreading her legs for money on camera, (harsh words, but that's what she's been doing the past several years). Whatever 'activity' she does outside the apartment will always pale in comparison to what she does on cam and how people perceive who she is. She is so much more then that (as she's shown in the past), and capable of tremendous growth as a person. But as long as she keeps on camera, a meaningful life (as I'm sure 99% of us strive to achieve) doesn't progress for her (I doubt this is what she dreamed of doing when she was a teen-ager).
  19. I read what you rote the first time. I'm saying if that's the case, the 'relationship' will fizzle because it's not genuine (IMO). She's 28...29. Most girls (and I'm sure that includes Leora) her age date to get a long term mate. Not only will dude not come to the apartment (I don't necessarily blame him for not wanting to be on camera), but she will not break away from RLC. That relationship has (or will very, very soon) reach a crossroad. Either he'll have to come to the apartment so there is a mutual balance in an accepted lifestyle. Or she'll have to leave RLC for the relationship to advance (I hope the latter, if they are compatible). As far as I'm concerned, for now, dude is only satisfying her DICK needs.
  20. If so, then he's a dick for hire. For a variety of reasons, nothing meaningful can come from it Assuming she's getting dick, her bigger problem is (and she doesn't realize it), her life lacks romance. To get dick to satisfy a need is one thing. But to have a romance w/ dick involved, a person elevates themselves towards better things. And that's one of the reasons why I say she needs to be out of RLC. Not because I don't like watching her. But for her own good (to be a better person, grow as a person).
  21. FWIW, if Leora and Paul are still a couple, then he (or she) would meet up often. Long distance romances rarely work. The last I saw the two together was 10 months ago (assuming they haven't met up outside the apartment). Whether or not I believe anything I read about Leora in these forums, one thing is certain: She needs DICK. IMO, she forgot what dick feels like. If this dude on the couch can be a flying fuck (a one-n-done), and give her the dick she needs, then he will have served his purpose.
  22. You kind of just described the average, paying RLC member. They expect Leora and Malia will go down on each other, and.... OK ya'll. Just a quasi-joke. Don't get your panties wrinkled.
  23. You need to take this 'screenplay' to Hollywood. I live in Los Angeles - I know people. Send it over and.... 😄
  24. I don't disagree. But I'll add, in part, she also moved because she prefers the comfort of what RLC gives her. Without RLC, she would have to face the world and ear an (honorable?) living. AS I've said previously, RLC is her poison to living an overall better life. As for Paul, I never have understood why he didn't come along for the ride. Is there something that ties him to where they once lived that makes it difficult to transition to a new city? We know it wasn't his place of employment. 😄 As for their relationship, as someone else stated, if it's over, stop talking to each other. The first thing (that is best to do) when ending a long term relationship is someone needs to move away and create distance. Leora did that - good move. But I don't think you can remains friends with someone you boinked for many years. There are exceptions, but its rare.
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