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Everything posted by Howard

  1. WTF? They've been talking for over two hours! That's 2 hours more the Obama or any other recent POTUS the past 30 years. Even if nothing comes of this summit other then a "meet & greet", pessimistic hatred from liberals is to be expected...cuz that's how ya'll roll.
  2. If a meme of Obama existed where his nose grew and grew whenever he said 'if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor' regarding Obamacare, liberals would call conservatives racist until their faces turned red. FYI, its been documented that Obama knew as much as 10 weeks prior to his 'speech' that for 70% of those already with health insurance who were not on Medi-care, you wouldn't be able to see the same doctor under Obamacare.
  3. Truer words couldn't be said. Campuses have gotten to the point (Berkeley comes to mind) where freedom of speech is restricted. Remember the Ann Coulter mess? She's a conservative that the university hierarchy did everything they could for her not be allowed to speak. OK for liberals to speak. Heck - colleges will even provide security. The same can't be said for a conservative. And on a related note, billionaire George Soros goes about (like the Palestinian Authority) paying liberal voters to protest when a conservative is scheduled to speak at an event/auditorium. He also openly threatens to withhold donations to colleges that will allow a conservative to speak to students. It pains me to compare George Soros (whose sir name is Schwartz & born in Hungary) to the PA. Here's a (self-hating) Jew who survived Nazi Germany, where all his freedom (and that of his parents, bros and sisters) was taken away. And now he's doing the same thing - taking away the freedom of those to speak who differ with his theology based either on the threat of withholding donations or paying people to protest (and/or do so in a threatening manner). I would like to hear the argument for those IN FAVOR of liberalism. Something not based on emotion (don't care how you feel) but on fact. On data that shows (historically) liberal ideas are more beneficial to society than conservative idea. While I wait for a response, I will always remain standing, no matter who is POTUS, for the national anthem (as I did for Obama, Clinton & anti-simetic Carter). The honor & respect of the office is far greater then any man occupying it.
  4. Republicans cut the fat in education spending. They cut the fat out of most expenses. How much out of each dollar spend on education goes towards administration, union expenses - at the end of the day, not much goes to text books. I had read a couple years ago in California, 43 cents out of every dollar allocated for education goes to funding teachers pension. And with almost each state bringing in hundreds of millions of dollars annually with lotteries that are suppose to fund education, kids are not nearly as well eductaed as those in Japan, Spain, China, etc). Its not the money allocated - its how its spent. Liberals control education.
  5. Howard

    Real Life Cam

    You need to offer more then just sayng I am wrong. What evidence or theory do you have to make such a claim?
  6. Howard

    Real Life Cam

    RLC is trying to be the Lexus of on-line cams with the customer service attitude of a 1st generation Hyundai. VH is like a backroom massage parlor. Its a revolving door of casual sex. I did a write up on them recently in another forum on this site, so I'll summarize. Now,...what RLC does well is they have apartments occupied by couples that are romantically involved. They have a service that shows the lives of couples who make love, not have sex (3 or 4x/daily). Realistically, can anyone reading this post have sex 4x/day, 7 days a week? Of course not - your wiener will get numb by the end of day two and within a few days, you'll desensitize yourself to what having sex is all about. Anyway, RLC couples stick around for awhile (RLC closets are usually filled with clothes). Unlike VH, which seems to have a revolving door. It seems VH is like a pimp that has subordinates that recruit kids to have sex on-line (with free room and board). RLC caters to a mature voyeur market. Unfortunately for them, a mature market is tighter with the wallet then the people VH goes after. RLC is what you watch if you're a romantic. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ VH is all about banging. Few couples are romantically involved. In fact, I would classify many of them as social outcasts (or grunge-like in their behavior). The way many are tatted up and their general behavior is conducive to "living in the moment" (casual sex, 3-somes, lots of drinking, un-kept apartments, etc). Have you seen a VH closet? You'll notice there is little clothes in most of the closets (as these kids don't have much to their name and/or live as vagabonds). They'll wear condoms to avoid pregnancy - not necessarily to avoid disease. VH caters more to the US market then RLC. If you notice, all the 'kids' stay up until dawn and bang (or party) between 4A-7A local time (which is 8P-11P US east coast time). To have 90% of your apartments stay up until dawn (local time) to bang,...that is a VH directive and VH wants the US dollars. Getting back to the poll, RLC is slipping because they are not adjusting to what the market wants (or where the money is). The market wants what VH is showing. Just fucking - no romance. To a certain degree, the people on VH reflect the people they want to attract in the US. The 13 - 25 yr old impressionable and 'live for the moment' males that only know about banging. Kids in high schools who get head, get laid, treat sex as an activity/sport/dare/contest among friends. VH knows it, caters to those people, and wants their money.
  7. Disagree. Clinton was impeached and the stock market didn't flinch enough for there to be any concern. Historically, stocks do well under a Republican administration. FWIW, I do think the next time a democrat holds office (whether in 2022 or 2026), the market will sink. Two reasons come to mind: Trump is building up the military (someone will have to pay for that down the road). With a liberal in office, its spend, spend, spend on social programs using the band-aid philosophy. Liberals generally do not invest in infrastructure to fix a problems. And if they do, by the time a project is finished, it becomes outdated California's "train to nowhere", now 2x the cost at $80 billion and only 2% complete (state still acquiring land to lay tracks down on), is the perfect example promoted by a liberal governor. Train is suppose to eventually make travel cheaper between Los Angeles & San Francisco. How taking a train for 7 hours for a projected $59/one way will be cheaper by 2025 then a current $69 ticket for a 50 minute plane ride,.... The only reason this got funded is because it employs blue collar, uneducated people. This project does not fix a problem but it creates many problems (and guarantees many, many years of unnecessary administrative costs). The financial consequences or practicality of the project are just a minor issue. ..and this is tyical liberal behavior. Below are phrases I remind my liberal friends (and they never deny it - they just change the subject): Feed a man to fish, he eats for a day (liberal). Teach a man to fish, he eats for a lifetime (conservative).
  8. Nothing you say hasn't been realized among the EU for the past 30+ years. But they have always had Big Brother to lean on. They will still have BB to lean on but this time, reciprocation needs to be near equal. Time will tell, but I think those trade partners who now have additional US tariffs will either soften their stance or let their economy absorb the impact. If this was a bad thing for the US, the stock market would be 10-15% lower then it is now (same percentage drop for NASDAQ & commodities) and we will see a jump in unemploment claims. The Dow, NASDAQ and commodities markets look 6-9 months down the road. I don't see either bracing for an impact as if an asteroid will hit. Eben with rates set to rise 1/4 point in a few days, the 'market' has already adjusted for that. The only thing that will turn the market significantly south (for a short period of time), is something stupid coming out of Trumps mouth. In which case we'll see a 300...400+ drop with an equivalent rebound within a week. Why? Because fundamentals don't lie. Side note: Lets see how tech stocks do come next month when results are announced. 1st & 2nd quarters are generally weak. Apple had a great 1st quarter. If the 2nd quarter holds up,...no worries.
  9. Don't disagree with most of what you say. Keep in mind though. Mainstream media HATES Trump because he by-passes them w/ information and uses Twitter. Again, unconventional for any elected official. Old school Washington gets their publicist/spokesperson to release a statement. Trump uses Twitter and it pisses off the media. Its something we need to get used to. As for Cohen, he is in DEEP SHIT but not because of Trump. He has some skeletons in the closet (not Trump related) that will have him see jail time. But CNN makes everyone believe that Cohen & Trump scheme together because of Cohens disgresions with other clients. And...still waiting to see one item of proof that Trump and Russia worked together. Personally, I think the evidence was lost in one of those thousands upon thousands of e-mails that mysteriously disappeared from Hillary's server.
  10. I'm also tired of hearing him talk about fake News. On the flip side, during the past 18 months, how many times has CNN, NY Times among other media outlets been correctly called out vs conservative media?! My educated guess is 5:1. As for what the rest of the world thinks of the US w/ Trump in office,...they think the US ain't gonna take it anymore! The bank vault of free money has closed. Say whatever you want about POTUS' foreign policy. Compared to Obama, POTUS shines like a new penny. Obama had absolutely no foreign policy. The only democratic nation that went through third party channels complaining about Obama was Israel. Why? Because Israel knows they have strong support among the House and Senate. And Israel has too many Jews in the US that will first support their right of existence then support Obama. If it was for AIPAC, Israel would have suffered worse (but survived) during the Obama administration.
  11. Not my favorite couple but I know some of you like them (her). Here ya go: Male orangutan & pierced zombie-like female get it on (video a little jumpy - hopefully someone else can u/l a better copy). https://mab.to/o3WZemxsR
  12. Its an understatement to say that Trump is an unorthodox president. Here you have a successful businessman who approaches governing as if running a business. Washington still doesn't know how to react to that. Let me think....Obama, Bush43, Clinton, Bush 41, Jimmy 'anti semetic' Carter - none of them had hands on experience running a business. For politicians, its about what do I have to give up that in return, will benefit me (financially). I haven't seen that behavior in Trump. For Trump, its how little (if anything) do I have to concede to get my way. Trump comes from the school of having to sign checks (can't say that of the previous few presidents). That mentality doesn't go away when he became POTUS. Trump makes deals that overwhelmingly benefit him (as POTUS for the people). Getting out of the Paris Accord, Iran deal, cuts in regulations, tax overhaul, federal appointees...yet the economy is thriving, consumer confidence is up and his poll numbers are the same (maybe slightly higher) than Obama;s was this during their presidencies. People's hatred for Trump gets convoluted with how they feel about the job he is doing. And we have the liberal media to thank for not separating the two. And on a side note, its not a coincidence that CNN's ratings are at their lowest in several years Why, you ask? Because those that watch the news and are aware of current events, 42% are republicans, 30% democrats and the rest are undeclared (I think that source comes from Nielsen as of the end of the May sweeps period). Hate on the guy all you want. But results don't lie. Learn to separate the hatred you have for him as a human being vs the good he is doing as POTUS. I (and I think most people) can admire Obama for the person he is (i.e. family man). But his policies stunk. No time during the Obama presidency was ANY RACE or economic demographic better off then they were just nine months into Trumps presidency. Argueably, the safety of the US was weakened during Obama's presidency (that yodeling boy from Walmart could have done a better job with foreign policy then Obama).
  13. So its not the amount of lies told. Its that its being done. But I am suspicious you post these numbers to disgrace Trump in a back-handed way. Of course Bill Clinton lied when he said "I did not have sex with that woman". And he still refuses to apologize to her for all he put her through (issue isn't consent, its the abuse of authority). Nevertheless, welcome to the US (and probably world) economy. Where lies are said minute by minute to get your money (or vote).
  14. They must be paid by how many times they bang within a 24 hour period. I think this is #3 (that I have seen). They will burn out within a few more months at this pace.
  15. I am not aware there was a count how many times either lied. What we do know is Hillary got the questions asked for the debate BEFORE the debate (by a CNN reporter).
  16. So much truth to this that I don't know whether to laugh or cry.
  17. Not gonna happen. For the past 25 years its been a world economy that evolves around the US (dollar).
  18. Enjoy the cat while I prep for another upload.
  19. Sorry to ask this as I've 'walked' in the middle of it all. But they all came to the apartment (dressed) in nighties, expecting there to be a fuck-fest. Why is Misty upset? She didn't think people would 'share' among others?
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