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Everything posted by Howard

  1. Classic Leora from Sept., 2016 (you can thank me now). 🙂
  2. We can discuss and discuss this topic but wrong forum for it. 😞 But as I mentioned, as a capitalist its a good business plan. But I firmly believe if you don't add morals and ethics into your business strategy, better chances it will fail. My guess is the average subscriber sticks around for 3-6 months. And, they are competing for US dollars from Pornhub and the tens of thousands of other subscription-base services out there. With about 100,000,000 million adults (just in the US), if they can find just 1% on a rotating basis over the course of 10 years, they'll make mucho $$$ (and that's just in the USA). For those with the entrepreneurial spirit, there is PLENTY OF ROOM IN THE MARKET for one more (and one more after that).
  3. Interesting thoughts...but if you noticed, its not by coincidence most of these couples stay up until 2..3..4AM. Its due in part to catering to the North America time zone. And if you look at RLC, those couples don't go to sleep until 6AM. Do you think its normal for Russians and the European market to stay up that late? Working folks go to sleep at 10-11PM.
  4. They market (if you can call it that) after the American/Canadian market. The world sees folks in these countries as wealthy beyond imagination. The unfortunate part of this is there are enough horn dogs and people who live paycheck-to-paycheck to support their business model (think blue-color alcoholics). As a capitalist, I applaud their business model. At the same time, a business owner needs to adapt moral and ethical statutes (and values) to their service (even if it is smut).
  5. Every...EVERY apartment on both RLC and VH has at least one person who reads/has read the garbage we spew of them here on CC. If they have any brains (IMO most do not or they wouldn't be showing their hoo-haa or wiener for the world to see), none of them would read what we write. They should avoid CC like its a contagious sexual disease (which again, as promiscuous as some are, it is too late for that).
  6. Not sure what ya'll are chatting about. Just state your opinion but don't make it personal.
  7. A guy's nightmare coming true. Nina giving Alan a beej/hand job in the LR. They got into an argument, Nina extremely pissed and yanked his wiener (might have harshly slapped his nuts) to the point of excruciating pain. She walked away and he was grimacing for a couple minutes. Lesson learned: Don't argue with your woman when she has you by the balls.
  8. That sad part of it all (and we are all contributors) is we're supporting gratuitous sex; which devalues relationships and what most grew up knowing what love is/should be. Hear me out: We've all had one nighters (a few times for many). But VH (and to a much less degree, RLC) support that its OK to continuously bang, bang and bang again w/o consideration for romance (or love); let alone even knowing who you're matched with to bang. What makes VH terrible from a general society perspective is, maybe 80% of the apartments are inhabited by couples who just want to bang for a paycheck and roof over their heads. We've seen many times (especially the last 3 months) VH gets couples together who barely know each other. The Craigslist advertisement must read like "Free room and board. Bang for money, inquire at [email protected]". I'm as guilty as ya'll in tuning in to see whats going on. But I'm scaling back. *I* think, in part, what is seen on VH contributes to the continuing moral and ethical decay of society (or humanity). Another reason why I have scaled back tremendously on post content/video. I'm not preaching - just verbalizing my thoughts. Life goes on no matter what I say. I know I am not your keeper or your moral conscience. I realized a couple weeks ago *I* needed to account for myself and how much I contribute to the decay I just mentioned. For me, it has been like losing weight. You can't instantly drop 10 lbs. But it is possible to do so over a few weeks time.
  9. Just curious... Does anyone know what Boy-Toy's given name is? Sometimes referred to Stepan v2.0. But has anyone heard Maya call him by name (other then face-sitter)?
  10. Get your facts straight. Malwarebytes was NOT developed (or ever owned by) Symantec. As for using it for 15+ years, a bit of a stretch. I checked my license and I started using it in 2008 (still a great product). Do your research - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Malwarebytes But as you implied, everyone has an opinion (no matter how wrong it may be).
  11. If she can fit that bottle up her hoo-haa, game over.
  12. Whatever works! It's not about you. I'm just saying make the d/l process as simple as possible. As to how many have to deal with spam/malware, proceed with caution (no hand-holding here). At the very least, those who choose to roll the dice and d/l from that site should immediately clear their cache and delete cookies used within that hour (option available in Chrome).
  13. Copy & Paste doesn't work (I'm not the only one saying this). Re-post is useless if using the same domain (use another domain). Upload the file to the domain that 98% of other users use. If it gets pulled after a day, S.O.L. to the person who missed it (that's not on you). Even better, BECOME A CC MEMBER AND UPLOAD THE FILE TO THE CC SERVER!! The file will be available for a looong time. It's only $20. The cost of 4 trips to Starbucks for a fancy drink that probably is bad for you (all that sugar and whipped cream). Don't make things difficult. Most people wont/don't go through the steps required to get to the file (you graciously uploaded). It becomes a meaningless endeavor (its already a thankless endeavor) if only 10-20% of the CC viewership are willing to go through multiple acrobatics to retrieve the file (and to roll the dice through the spam/malware path to finally get the file). I'm done talking sense.
  14. F-secure...NOT the best program for its job. Neither for some may be Malwarebytes or Defender. All I can say is for the past 15+ years, I've used Malwarebytes on my home computers and 11 networked stations (and server) in my office. Between Malwarebytes and ESET NOD 32, we've been virus & spam free. Data on these computers much more valuable then trying to download any smut on the interwebs.
  15. IMO, you're making it too difficult to d/l the file. Uploads are always appreciated but if one has to jump through hoops to get it, that defeats the purpose. Also, DMCA pull down is the cause of an RLC request. You can give a step-by-step how to d/l a file you uploaded. But guess what...RLC can also read! No, couldn't d/l the file. I will also pass on your (or anyone's) future uploads to that domain not only because they're difficult to get to, but often to get there, I encounter spam/malware alerts. I have confidence your upload is clean. But too many pot-holes to encounter on the way to get to the destination.
  16. Don't wish either one bad. But as a couple they wont last. She's young (22 yrs) and vulnerable (and inexperienced in life). Yes, I can tell by her behavior/mannerisms. He's about 5 years older, has hash marks on his belt from life experiences, and he can be controlling. I question if his signs of affection (i.e. bringing her flowers) isn't due in part to his controlling nature. Again, other then observing/studying both their behaviors, I know nothing about them.
  17. While I can't argue with what you said, most sex between couples are repetitive (few have imagination to mix things up). With that said, if there were VH awards for sexiest figure & best cocksucker, I'd have to nominate Clara.
  18. Don't take it personally. Some people (like myself) are sensitive to what we d/l on our computers. Foolish of me to spend good money on anti-spam and/or anti-virus software and not take heed. I'm not saying your file is bad. But getting to the file is a different story. I'll take the well paved road to a destination vs one with pot holes that may damage my car.
  19. Of course it worked for you - you uploaded the file!! Possibly you don't have spam/malware software loaded on your computer (or another similar set-up). I'm just reporting what my results are.
  20. I did a copy and past on the URL you provided and a c&p on just the domain name. Got a malware alert. Proceed at your own risk (I'm not a risk taker).
  21. Link (C&P) no workie. UPDATE: Malwarebytes wont allow me to go to the domain name.
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