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Everything posted by Howard

  1. Did Paul bring her balloons, flowers or any other non-typical gift that we wouldn't otherwise see?
  2. DON'T ANSWER THE PHONE!! It doesn't apply to this situation, but how many times have we seen on RLC or VH two couples in heat, the phone rings and he/she goes to answer it. This generation sees sex an activity - like a sporting event. Romance, passion, emotional involvement - concepts that escape most of these 'kids'.
  3. Paul would rather watch Beavis & Butthead then attack that ass. (Video Content No Longer Available)
  4. Eva's backside as she loads the dishwasher.
  5. https://www42.zippyshare.com/v/CNlDnOqF/file.html
  6. I don't discount your opinion but he wasn't passionate in the old apartment. There may be some 'familiarity' as their relationship is established. But he still lacks emotional skills when it comes to passion & romance.
  7. She would. He doesn't. Not a romantic bone in him. If she had her way, they'd have sex 2x/day. But in this relationship, she is not the instigator.
  8. Twice I recall Paul getting physical with her. First time was in their old apartment. Leora was going bonkers about something. She was extremely agitated. Consensus at the time was she may have been on (or off) medication. Paul didn't argue back very much but there was a point where for a couple seconds, he grabbed her by the right bicep and sat her down (on that butt-ugly orange couch). She then calmed down and Paul listened to what she had to say. About an hour later Leora opened the couch, put some bedding down and they fell asleep. Second time was about 24 months ago. Yvonne was still a pup (they got the dog about 2 months before they moved) World War III (or so it seemed) broke out. They were yelling at each other for a solid 20 minutes. Yvonne went AWOL - couldn't find where she was (maybe hiding). Leora was hysterical, waving her arms in anger. Paul grabbed her by the forearms (face-to-face) to calm her down. It kinda worked. He eventually walked out of the apartment and was gone for a couple hours. Leora sat in the GR. Upon his return, things were civil and they started talking in normal tones. Other then these two incidents, they get along fine. An argument every once in awhile but nothing out of the ordinary that any couple haves't done before.
  9. BT is having pie for a late night snack. Carefully eating in bed so not sure if there will be any crumbs. If anyone can "'verify' whether or not there are crumbs, please share.
  10. ...which is why the DMCA exists. And if someone finds a work-around, it will be backward engineered and then back to step 1.
  11. This video is a good example how 'sometimes' (and I'm being generous using that word), Paul has NO CLUE what he's doing. Purely from a scientific position of observation, look how distant Paul is within the first 5 minutes into the video. Then at the end when Leora gets her 'cookie', Paul can't leave the room fast enough. He doesn't know how to connect with Leora during intimate moments. He knows the basics (A goes into B). But as for romance or passion, he's clueless.
  12. Almost 5 years watching Maya and I can't recall seeing her wearing a dress.
  13. You can twist data like a pretzel. Focus is on jobs CREATED, not lost. Granted, they are probably blue collar minimum wage jobs. But its work. And its work that keeps the economy going.
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