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Everything posted by letsdothis

  1. Kylie and Rus fuck hard and Viola gets horny and uses dildo to masturbate https://mab.to/ABCki8KzZ
  2. Masha orgasm masturbate in bathroom (Content No Longer Available)
  3. Sasha and Dasha suck and fuck in bedroom (Content No Longer Available)
  4. My conversation was with and about only Ridge. If anyone has a problem with someone else, that's up to them to contact whomever they disagree with. I think the hateful, filthy, vile name-calling should stop no matter who is responsible for it, but IMNSHO, Ridge is by far the ringleader and the biggest perpetrator of that hate speech. I certainly hope he doesn't resort to that sad and juvenile behavior with people who disagree with him in person. He might just find himself waking up in a hospital weeks later, or even worse.
  5. Moos, I know Amalia and Serafima and I think the blonde is Claire, which means these two are Amira and Lorraine, but which is which? If I had to guess, I'd say Amira is on the right with Lorraine on the left, but it's a total guess. Thanks.
  6. Ridge never says anything 'with tongue in cheek' when he's talking disparagingly about anyone who disagrees with him or anyone from the left. He's also an example of the worst the right has to offer. If you had read all the posts in this conversation, you would know at least two things. One, I wasn't defending Cuomo. In fact, I said specifically, "I'm not defending Cuomo, if he's guilty, he' guilty." I also said I was amazed he could dare call anyone a mass murderer in the face of what IQ45 is responsible for. Two, as I said before, I spoke only about the filthy names Ridge calls anyone in this topic who disagrees with him. It's childish and immature. It certainly doesn't lend him any credibility for anything he has to say. He lost all of that a LONG time ago. He's one of those people who believes, erroneously and to their detriment, that whoever yells the loudest and longest is the winner. "the two children from this forum you are referring to" I never referred to anyone else specifically in this topic. I was only talking about Ridge. Given my personal circumstances, you won't find a bigger proponent of free speech than the person you're talking to. I simply wanted to understand why he is so angry and hateful to anyone who doesn't agree with him. It's not just about what he says, but the 'why' of why he feels the need to go there, at all.
  7. I was just being funny about the law. But, you're right about the time of year, although I've seen pictures of naked women shoveling snow. Not my idea of a good time.
  8. what's the guest's name?she was the woman very beautiful
  9. Well, first off, I don't have a guy. But, I was referring to the hateful, filthy, vile names he calls the other users on this topic who disagree with him.
  10. Why do you have so much hate for anyone who disagrees with you? Why is it not OK to disagree with you? You couldn't possibly believe you're always right. No matter what you comment on, be it IQ45, Kamila, etc., it's always vitriol for anyone who disagrees with you. People disagree all the time and still get along. I can't say I've ever experienced anyone quite like you, who thinks they're always "right" about everything, even when they're wrong.
  11. What’s the definition of a will? (It’s a dead giveaway.)
  12. A bachelor is a guy who is footloose and fiancée-free.
  13. Mahatma Gandhi, as you know, walked barefoot most of the time, which produced an impressive set of calluses on his feet. He also ate very little, which made him rather frail, and with his odd diet, he suffered from bad breath. This made him … what? A super-callused fragile mystic hexed by halitosis.
  14. Did you hear about the Buddhist who refused Novocain during a root canal? He wanted to transcend dental medication.
  15. From The Odd Couple Oscar Madison (the sloppy one) says to Felix Ungar, “I can’t take it anymore, Felix, I’m cracking up. Everything you do irritates me. And when you’re not here, the things I know you’re gonna do when you come in, irritate me. You leave me little notes on my pillow. Told you 158 times, I can’t stand little notes on my pillow. ‘We’re all out of cornflakes. F. U.’ Took me three hours to figure out ‘F. U.’ was Felix Ungar!”
  16. The New York Post’s prize pun may have been, “Headless Body Found in Topless Bar.”
  17. The last time I was in a woman, I was visiting the Statue of Liberty. -Woody Allen
  18. Headline of an article about an escaped patient from a secure ward in a psychiatric hospital who rapes two laundry workers and flees the scene. Nut Screws Washers and Bolts
  19. Does the Name Pavlov Ring a Bell?
  20. Except to pass a new law that counteracts the old law.
  21. You are a totally immature, juvenile lost cause. It's sad to see someone of your age acting this way.
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