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Everything posted by letsdothis

  1. I've actually never seen her broadcast. Didn't even know what her channel was called until this page. These were pics she posted on her CB page. I didn't know you had asked about it, at all. I was replying to MDM.
  2. Thanks, but I'm a bit confused. To me, 'day' and 'weigh' sound exactly the same, as in 'way'.
  3. Happy, we don't agree politically, and that's fine, but I respect you as a person. Why is it no one ever asks Ridge to provide the proof behind his "facts", which I can't remember him ever doing? I could be wrong because I don't read very much of this topic (I still haven't finished #1, yet, and this is #5), but based on the COVID topic, Ridge is very slim to non-existent on proof to back up what he says. I have no reason to believe that has changed just because he changed topics. In all the years I've been on this site, I've never lied to anyone, not even Ridge. I just don't believe in it. I found this information in a single Google search. So, no offense intended to you, but I'm sure you won't have any trouble doing the same.
  4. Are these clear enough. View them at actual size. They're from her CB account.
  5. Not totally different. Gopnitsa is only off by one character.
  6. Thanks for the info. Are you talking about northern England or Scotland? 'Aye' and 'Ney' sound more like Scottish terms. BTW, what am I waiting for?
  7. I forgot to say it's because that's the name of the site it came from. They also aggregate voyeurhouse videos. Some places collect videos from other sites, as well, like chaturbate, camarads, etc.
  8. Serafima pussy play and relax (Content No Longer Available)
  9. I meant to comment on this before. When I saw "Ta", I knew for sure (I think) that you're from the UK. I first heard that on a TV show I was watching on the BBC. I have a few friends from the VHTV forum who live in Britain and Scotland who told me it means "thanks" or "thank you". I don't know if its use is very widespread, but I don't know of other countries that use it. Maybe countries under, or formerly under, British rule, IDK. First time I've ever seen it used on this site, though.
  10. There's lots of software out there that will "remove" watermarks from videos, but I have yet to find one that doesn't leave a blurry patch where the watermark was. I tried a couple on this new, ginormous watermark and it was a mess. The results were worse than the watermark. If you know of one that works without leaving a blurry area, I'd love to know what it is. Thanks.
  11. I'm not sure why, but most of the main sites that aggregate these videos seem to be using that style watermark, now, even though they already have a watermark(s) on the video. And, it's the same style and design on all the sites that are using it, which leads me to speculate that the sites are connected to the same owner or RLC is forcing them to use it to make them less appealing, or both. IDK for sure, I'm just guessing.
  12. Hey Slipper. I won't tread on you or beat you down. I appreciate the suggestion. Sometimes, I'll correct names if I know for sure who's in the video or fix typos that I notice. Since it's so simple to preview anything that's uploaded to mab, the filename is rather unimportant to what's in the video. I figure if it's important enough for someone to change the filename, Windows makes it simple enough to do so after it's downloaded.
  13. My wife asked me today if I had seen the dog bowl... I said I didn’t know he could!
  14. Leora and Malia masturbating (Content No Longer Available)
  15. Of the wealthiest 1% of Americans, 33% identify as Republicans and 26% as Democrats. Of the top 50 richest families in the US, 28 donate to Republicans, while seven donate to Democrats. Of the top 10 richest families in the US, 80% are Republicans. And 60% of the top 10 richest politicians are Republican.
  16. You might want to clean your glasses or get better ones or maybe just read a little better. I said outright that the pig-roasting comment was all me. That's the best laugh I've had all day. I don't belong to any select group, or any group at all, who think they have some intrinsic quality or high intellect or wealth or special skills or experience. I don't think I'm more constructive to society than anyone else. And, I certainly don't deserve influence or authority greater than that of anybody else. What on Earth gave you the impression that I'm an elitist? I'm about as far removed from an elitist as you can possibly be. And, even if I could be one, I would fight tooth and nail against elitism. That shit is for Republicans, white supremacists, magamites, the 1%, etc.
  17. I hate it when that happens. And you can't close your eyes to try and sleep because that just makes it worse.
  18. Wow, 'depth of field'. Now, there's a phrase I never expected to hear from you. That's a term you usually hear from professional or semi-professional photographers. Actually the depth of field on a wide-angle lens is inherently deeper than on a lens of a normal focal length. Kind of like the old cameras with non-removable lenses. Everything from about a foot to infinity was in focus. That's probably one reason they use cams with wide-angle lenses. I think all the cams in every apt could do with a good cleaning. Camera lenses pick up a film (no pun intended, although that was a decent one) over time just like the inside of your car windshield does, even if there's been no smoking. If there's smoking involved, cigarette, cooking, etc., the film is worse and can be difficult to remove. Not to mention the things that can get splashed on lenses during drunken brawls and the like.
  19. Megan is bored and tries to masturbate (the last several minutes are better than the beginning) (Content No Longer Available)
  20. Pam late toybate (Content No Longer Available)
  21. Serafima listen music, bath and shave (Content No Longer Available)
  22. Mirukawa and Dantez first suck and fuck at RLC (Content No Longer Available)
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