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Everything posted by letsdothis

  1. That was a fun video. She sure does loves her brother.
  2. Knowing Dave, I do believe he was agreeing with you, Arttie. Take the win. 👍
  3. Anyone know why they're sleeping on the sofa? (Image Content No Longer Available)
  4. Hey, Bubbleo. Open VLC and click on Help, then click Check for Updates. If there is a newer version of VLC available, it will tell you. If so, just install it to get any new or updated software or codecs. 👍
  5. You're welcome. Glad I could help. Just a heads up, none of your pics in any topic are visible.
  6. You're quite welcome. Choose the link at zupimages that says BBCode (forum) and post that.
  7. I don't understand. You're not a premium member, so you haven't paid anything.
  8. You have to be a premium member to post and view VHTV videos.
  9. I've never seen a single pic you've posted. And, when I right-click on the file name and choose View Image, it takes me to zupimages' landing page where you can upload an image. This page. https://www.zupimages.net/ Every time. I'm just guessing, but are your pics being uploaded? Do you see them in your history?
  10. It sounds like you're saying these people would have lived years longer had they not been infected with COVID-19, a virus that could have and should have been much more highly mitigated in this country. Had the psychopath responded as he should have and as any normal leader would have, the vast majority of these deaths could have been prevented. Here’s a jarring thought experiment: If the United States had done merely an average job of fighting the coronavirus — if the U.S. accounted for the same share of virus deaths as it did global population — how many fewer Americans would have died? The answer: about 145,000. That’s a large majority of the country’s 183,000 confirmed coronavirus-related deaths. No other country looks as bad by this measure. The U.S. accounts for 4 percent of the world’s population, and for 22 percent of confirmed Covid-19 deaths. It is one of the many signs that the Trump administration has done a poorer job of controlling the virus than dozens of other governments around the world.
  11. Like I said, good little Republican. Anyone, at this point, who doesn't see that the psychopath is a fascist, simply isn't paying attention. But, as I said, good little Republican. Just like the Senate Republicans.
  12. Careful now, Sniper, that's a four-letter word.
  13. So, because I have an opinion that differs from yours, I'm a fucking idiot. Hmm, that's a good little Republican.
  14. Hey, @Mark Thompson. Here's one to try out what I explained. When the picture in this post is deleted, click the mab link and do what I explained before and you should still see the photo on mab. The bone is bigger than the dog. (Image Content No Longer Available)
  15. LOL. I know you don't sub to mab and I don't want you to if you don't want to. I was only asking if you understood what I said and to maybe give it a try. You don't have to join anything just to visit the site. I wasn't asking you to download anything.
  16. Henri, I hate to disappoint you, but in order to think about you, she first has to know you exist.
  17. Thanks much, Mark. I appreciate that very much. And the acid test is, do you understand it?
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