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Everything posted by letsdothis

  1. You'd never know it by all the pics that were posted. Usually, by now, judging from what I've been reading, there'd be dozens of pics, like at Bev & Hugo's, for example. There were exactly three pics from the party.
  2. Simon's Cat - Copy Cat (Full Film)
  3. You should always write in Russian. That translated perfectly and was very easy to read and understand.
  4. I hope it's OK I stuck these in the watermark topic to make them easier to find. I'll delete it if you don't want them here.
  5. argy-bargy.mp4 But, it actually originated in Scotland and is an alteration of the word argue.
  6. Nice touch to use the pic where he's licking his chops!
  7. But, any "facts" you post to fuel your biased, right-wing agenda are OK, eh? You're as big a hypocrite as your psychopath.
  8. From an article written for Daily KOS. " Part of the problem with the lack of unity in governmental responses around the world stems from the fact that for the previous two decades, the United States of America has been the worldwide leader in pandemic crisis management. Our country has had the most experienced scientists and a well-oiled machinery that has been built and tested over many years. Countries around the world have allowed America to take the lead in containing very serious infectious diseases as they appeared. Donald Trump and his administration eliminated funding for these efforts, dismantled the machinery and ignored the combined experience of all these scientists prior to the appearance of COVID-19. I cannot stress enough how devastating the effect of this vacuum of leadership has been during this pandemic. We cannot simply look at the crisis in America that the trump mal-administration has caused due to the incompetent response to COVID-19, when the slow and chaotic response worldwide very likely could have been mitigated had the experienced pandemic response team still been in place. It is horrifying to contemplate how many deaths and how much economic misery might have been prevented around the world if trump had not been elected in 2016."
  9. Rachel Maddow Reads the Forward to Michael Cohen's New Book. And.......wow. Punches Pulled = 0 Rachel Maddow Reads the Forward to Michael Cohen's New Book. And.......wow. Punches Pulled = 0 WWW.DAILYKOS.COM I will be buying this book. If you’d rather just read it, than listen to the sweet tones of Rachel: disloyalthebook.com/… Michael Cohen has done...
  10. BREAKING: Senate Intel Report Confirms Trump Campaign Coordinated with Russia in 2016 Election! BREAKING: Senate Intel Report Confirms Trump Campaign Coordinated with Russia in 2016 Election! WWW.DAILYKOS.COM Don’t see any diaries on this huge news breaking today, so here some of what we have so far: CNN: The Senate Intelligence Committee released...
  11. Right after she just shaved it all off.
  12. Yeah, but the faces were GREAT!!! Loved those faces!!!
  13. I'm sure the person who created this meme meant it to be funny. I changed the number to reflect a more current reality, but I didn't post it as a joke. You're right, Happy, it isn't funny. It's nowhere near anything funny. It's extremely sad that the leader of any country, and especially one as technologically and medically and intelligently advanced as the US, would cause and allow tens of thousands of people to die needlessly from this virus. He is completely devoid of anything even remotely resembling empathy or compassion. He's callous. He's a pathological, serial liar. He's glib, superficial, manipulative, has an exaggeratedly high estimation of himself, completely lacking of any remorse or guilt. He has a shallow, superficial emotional response, a lack of realistic, long-term goals, failure to accept responsibility for his own actions, is sexually promiscuous, and on and on. He is completely unfit and inadequate for the job the Russians helped him steal. And because of all that and much more, he sat on his ass and did nothing to curb the spread of the virus in this country. He did nothing to protect the people he was sworn to protect. All he did was lie over and over and over, saying we are in great shape, it's completely under control, we're doing a fantastic job, it's going to be down to close to zero (infections), it'll disappear with the heat in April, like a miracle it will disappear, it will go away, just stay calm, it will go away, and on and on and on, ad nauseam. What a fucking joke. What's that you say? He issued a travel ban to China on 1/31? Oh, that's right. And, not only was that all he did, even that was already too late, and it was a slop-dash, half-assed, bungled, botched attempt at doing "something." And, oh BTW, how'd that work out for him? That's a rhetorical question, but let me give you a couple of clues. It worked so well that we currently have more than 5.6 million cases of infection by this virus and over 173,000 dead, the vast majority of which were absolutely unnecessary. You can spin it any way you want, all day long until the cows come home, this psychopath is directly responsible for the needless deaths of more than a 100,000 people and it will be much higher before it's all over. His irresponsible, deceitful, lying, woefully inadequate, nonexistent action to do anything of consequence to stem the spread of this virus when he should have, are the only reasons for the blood on his hands. No one else is to blame. But, he doesn't give a shit about those people or anyone else. He only cares about himself. With the possible exception of Brazil, no other leader of any country falls into the category of complete irresponsibility and absolutely inadequate leadership and unfitness as this fucking psychopath. The very same psychopath that some have the utter gall to call leader of this once wonderful nation. It wasn't perfect, but it's now the merest hint of a shadow of what it once was, thanks to the psychopath. There is nothing that could ever excuse the shambles he has made of this country, not to mention the laughing-stock we are in the eyes of the rest of the world. Why do think republicans are leaving him in droves, putting country before party? You were absolutely right, Happy, it's not funny, not even a little bit.
  14. I think someone is just a tad frustrated (horny).
  15. If the video has already been posted on another site, either the person who recorded it has already been banned or maybe they just decided not to renew their subscription. Either way, by the time it's posted on this site, there's no one left to get banned, so there are no worries that anyone will lose their RLC account.
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