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Everything posted by letsdothis

  1. There's an awesome little browser add-on/extension that makes translation quick and easy. Just highlight what you want to translate, press Alt+C (you can change that keyboard shortcut) and it translates right in place, and in a different color from your normal text. Just like what you see above. If you no longer want to see the translation, just press Alt+X or refresh the page. That's just the tip of the iceberg of what it can do, but it sure makes quick work of translating anything you want. It's called ImTranslator. Hope that's helpful.
  2. He just wanted to make sure we had the best view. That's one for the VH Funnies.
  3. Damn Ze, you don't want much, do ya? But, I agree, that would be one hell of a cash cow.
  4. I gotcha. I can't help sort the problem, but I understand what you're saying.
  5. What makes them contradictory? Spanish is spoken in Peru, Colombia and Barcelona. Did I misunderstand something?
  6. Don't stop on my account. I think you're enormously funny. I wish I knew how to find some of the GIFs you come up with. Keep being funny.
  7. Everyone is friends in Heaven. And, I believe Hell is where we live–the planet. 😊
  8. Why, because you don't agree with it? Or, maybe it's because it paints a negative, but true, picture of your psychopath in chief? Or, could it just be it's because so many Republicans are seeing the toxicity this pompous ass spreads throughout this country and are leaving him in droves?
  9. Well, thank God for small favors!! One more thing he can cross off his bucket list: Not being friends with rigid ridge. He must be the happiest man on the planet.
  10. I was just about to post that I went back and deleted the two previous posts of this video, so that wouldn't happen. Before I deleted them, I tested them and they both worked. I also tested another link someone else posted that wasn't working yesterday and it's also working now.
  11. One thing I forgot to mention. This doesn't mean it is a Secret video, i.e. one that he personally recorded. It may have been one of the 100s he posted, but he could just as easily have downloaded it from here or another site.
  12. @ashleyxyz, mab was updating their databases, which they claimed might cause the problems we had yesterday with transfers. They said everything should be back to normal, now. Let's see. This is a brand new link. Let me know what happens with it, please. Thanks. Linda and Tibor fucked and she sucks his cock in the bedroom (Video Content No Longer Available)
  13. No, I didn't think there was any disrespect, I just didn't get it.
  14. I get what you're saying and that's what I understood you to mean until Army posted his reply and then it didn't make sense anymore. The reasons I commented about their height difference is: I don't have a sub and since nothing much ever happens on the free cams, I don't usually watch them live. I rely on what I see in the forum. I sleep during the day, and by the time I wake up, it's already well into their late-night time. Again, not much to watch. Whenever I see L & M together, they're usually sitting or laying down, so it's difficult to judge a height difference. That video was the first time I had seen them standing in the same place, so it was easy to see the difference. But, I understood you both were making a joke, I just wanted to understand it. Army is notoriously funny, I just didn't get it that time.
  15. This was the answer I got from mab when I asked why everything was being deleted almost immediately. "We are currently globally updating our database, which might affect the functionality of our service and cause the issue you are mentioning. However, everything should be back to normal within the next 2 hours." I received that about 20 minutes ago.
  16. A one track mind. I'm sure it exists. Seems I read something about that, but it's been decades. However, apparently that's not her form of meditation.
  17. You don't have to watch anything you don't want to watch.
  18. Some people use candles, some use music, some chant, some use singing bowls. There are innumerable ways and places to meditate.
  19. Surely you guys know what meditation is. You must have seen someone meditating at some point, even if just in a book or a movie. Meditation is very beneficial and has been practiced for 1000s of years. Millions of people do it. You might be surprised who does: Paul McCartney, Oprah Winfrey, Kobe Bryant, to name a few. Clint Eastwood has been meditating for 40 years. Check it out. 32 Famous Celebrities and Successful People Who Meditate (The Ultimate List)
  20. @ashleyxyz, I hope you got it because it was gone in an hour or less.
  21. Yeah, it was.According to another user, it was shot in 2018. As far as it not being available, it was apparently deleted along with the other videos uploaded to mab today. Stone said they either have a problem or the DMCA has come calling. I don't know which. I'll repost the link, but you may have to be quick to download it.
  22. I thought I was being courteous. It still sounds, however, like you're telling me I shouldn't post what's been posted before. Big deal, so what. Maybe someone hasn't seen it before. Maybe someone else missed it the first time or the second, etc. Surely, you don't expect me, or anyone else, to go through the hundreds of videos Secret, or anyone else, has posted to see if it's been posted before. In addition to that, now you're telling how I should act. And, what's wrong with getting videos from other sites. CC forums rarely see content from paid cameras, unless someone quits their sub for good. And that's assuming they know how or even want to post what they have. You have the choice of not downloading any content posted. And if you do download it, and you don't like or already have it, you can always delete it. You may want to give a little thought to the fact that telling people what they should or shouldn't post or how they should behave is not the greatest way to win friends and influence people.
  23. Sometimes you're just unbearable.
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