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Everything posted by letsdothis

  1. Is this the one you wanted? There's nothing in his post to indicate which video he posted. Holly and Boyfriend having sex in the jacuzzi (Video Content No Longer Available)
  2. Tin? What tin? Tin didn't come along for 1000s of years after rubbing sticks together and stone and flint. And besides, that's what stone and flint are for, making fire.🤣🤣🤣
  3. Better than being a dumbass.
  4. Isn't Jax a Maine Coon cat? He sure looks like one with his size, his long, thick coat and that long, bushy tail.
  5. Don't misunderstand. I'm not saying it's not a Bengal cat, just that it reminds me of an ocelot. Yes, ocelots are wild, but then again, so are Bengal tigers.
  6. LOL!! Been around too long to be shocked by much, if anything. I don't even jump when watching horror flicks. I thought she wasn't into guys. 😊
  7. While Monopoly was licensed and sold at Waddington's in the UK in 1935 by Parker Brothers, a US company, it was invented by Charles Darrow in 1933, who was born in Philadelphia. He manufactured and first sold the game in Philadelphia department stores. As a result of its popularity, he was able to sell the marketing rights to Parker Brothers, who subsequently licensed and sold it in London. However, the earliest known version of Monopoly, known as The Landlord's Game, was designed by an American, Elizabeth Magie, and first patented in 1904 but existed as early as 1902.
  8. There are two people entwined on this sofa. One seems to be Karina and the other one looks like a guy. ???
  9. That was always my problem with her, too. Everything was always mostly covered. Then I capped these from a video someone posted. Carla on the sofa. (Image Content No Longer Available)
  10. Unfortunately, there are no free cams in this apt, so it may be a while before we get to see them.
  11. Bonnie and Rama fucked hard in every possible position (Video Content No Longer Available)
  12. On the evolutionary scale I may have used a rock and flint, but you were still rubbing two sticks together.
  13. Is this the one you were talking about? Alexandra and Bonnie take a shower and lick their pussy (Video Content No Longer Available)
  14. If you haven't already, sign up for a free mab account. It will double your transfer limit to 200 GB. You can also use a VPN to change your IP address.
  15. Olya check phone and pussy rub, June 23 (Video Content No Longer Available)
  16. They said it wrong. The first line should be reversed, so it rhymes with the last line.
  17. I've seen them before, but I don't remember ever using one. We graduated from Kira's type to one that looked similar to yours, but with handles that squeezed together to clamp onto the can rim. Then, you'd turn the handle, like yours, to open the can.
  18. Which one? The curtains blocking the camera or her sorting it out?
  19. Sure, for Lupus, but not for COVID-19. for which it was proved ineffective and even caused additional problems. In fact, the FDA even cancelled its Emergency Use Authorization for it to be used in hospitals and clinical trials.
  20. You're welcome. I don't think so, but I'll try to find it. No promises.
  21. @delon, this is the first post on the first page of every RLC topic. There are also other rules listed there. This Thread is for Pictures & Comments Relating to the Pictures - Commenting is allowed but it is to pertain to the Topic of the Pictures that have been Posted.
  22. He can have an opinion no matter where he lives. Just like millions of people in many, MANY countries have opinions about US politics, Trump, etc., and I'd be willing to bet that the vast majority of those opinions about Trump would be highly negative, as well they should. But, no matter where they live or what citizenship they carry, it does not preclude them from posting any opinion they choose to post in this or any other topic on this site. You need to stop telling people what they can and can't post or that they shouldn't post at all, if they don't agree with or fall in line with your beliefs. Or, maybe I should say they should post anything they want, especially if it disagrees with your beliefs.
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