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Everything posted by letsdothis

  1. You have the advantage here. I don't watch the apts because I don't have a sub and the free cams are simply shit. I only have what I read and see on CC to go by. Also, read my comment just above this one. If it was their mistake, I agree with your second statement. In either case, I think they should be reinstated.
  2. That's also possible. But, that was exactly my point. It's all just speculation, conjecture and hypothesis on our part because we will never know exactly what happened or why. You know VH would never tell us and even if they did offer some explanation, the chances of it being completely accurate and truthful are slim to none. They would always spin it in their favor. JMO
  3. It could be even better than that. It was said that N&K are their own managers. Whether that's true is anyone's guess, but it would make sense. Assuming that's the case, this is the payment method as it was explained in the past. VH takes 50% of the monthly subscriptions off the top and distributes the remaining balance to the managers based on the total number of views for each manager's group of apts. The mangers then take their cut, some more unscrupulously than others, as it was explained, then dole out what's left over to the tenants according to the number of views for each apt. A view being described as each time a subscriber views a tenant(s) through a paid camera. Tenants get nothing for views through free cams. Or, something to that effect. I'm sure people can make corrections if I didn't get something right.
  4. Not to play devil's advocate, but there is at least one other possibility here, guys. Maybe A&S were not expecting the minor to visit. It is possible the guest couldn't find a babysitter and decided to bring the minor with them. It's also possible they weren't aware of the cameras before they arrived or the type of apt it was. A&S certainly weren't going to leave them standing outside the front door until they could remedied the situation. Maybe the place went offline not because of complaints, but because A&S notified VH of the situation and it just took a few minutes to get the apt offline.
  5. Sounds like a variation of the name Audrey, but with a vastly different spelling.
  6. As the old saying goes, "Do what you love, the money will follow." 👍
  7. Maybe a better word is "people", instead of "you". I didn't mean you specifically. More like "you all" or "everyone".
  8. I thought this might tickle your funny bone. https://camcaps.net/forums/topic/13088-funny-part-2/?do=findComment&comment=1635761607
  9. Well, if she dropped it in there, it's gone forever. Cavernous.
  10. Thanks and you're right. I wish a lot of people were a lot LESS serious. 👍👍
  11. You may be right about L & J's apt, but I was only talking about the pics I posted and the overall lack of camera quality throughout VH. Both of the pics in my post have adequate lighting and that's why I chose them, to show the low camera quality even with good lighting. It could be just a matter of wiping the film off the camera lens that accumulates over time, similar to the film that gets deposited on the inside of your car windshield. I doubt that's the only problem, but anything's possible. (You might be amazed at how much clearer your windshield would be after cleaning the inside, especially if you haven't done it in a while and especially if you smoke in the car.)
  12. LOOOL! Jeez, if that's what you call quiet, I wouldn't want to hear what you consider loud. 🤣🤣
  13. Part of the problem, maybe a lot of the problem, IDK, is we may have been lulled into believing, thanks to the low quality cams in use at VH, that this pic is sharp. In fact, nothing could be further from the truth. Certainly, it's better than some we see posted, thanks to the adequate lighting in the room. But, compare it to the second pic and you begin to see what sharp is. (View them at actual size, which is 2453 x 1371, and in separate windows (not separate tabs), so you can switch back and forth between the two. You can better see the difference that way. It's the same pic.) Compare things around the room, like the print on the pillows, the square thing on the window sill, the reflections in the mirrors, her hair, etc. Here's another example. In the original, you can barely tell the redhead has wrinkles on her forehead, or the separation between her nipple and areola (they blend together like one, dark blob) or the pattern on the front of her panties. It looks as though someone put a soft-focus filter over the camera lens compared to the other two images. Also, the same pic. (BTW, a friend from across the pond got me thinking that possibly not everyone knows how to view pics, GIFs, etc., at full, actual size within the CC system. If anyone needs that info, let me know.)
  14. Ha Ha Ha!!! I was going to make a similar comment, until I saw yours. Good one!🤣🤣 "Don't show that to anyone," was good, too. You're on a roll. 🤣🤣
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