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Everything posted by letsdothis

  1. You are most welcome. It was a pleasure. Laughter soothes the soul. 😊💋
  2. Poor thing. That's what you get for living in San Diego. It got all the way down to a balmy 50 degrees in SF last night. And that was outside. 😊 I'm just messing with you. That would be a heat wave to a lot of VH tenants.
  3. You're quite welcome. Glad to be of help.
  4. "...all participants agree to our rules." That's just spin! Of course, they agree to your terms otherwise, you wouldn't sign them on as tenants. "...and do you really think that we would have worked so many people if we cheated someone?" How would they know if they were being cheated? Who's going to tell them? Certainly, not you. VHTV is not going to tell them. They don't have a clue what the managers are doing. The tenants only know what you tell them. More spin! "And if we make mistakes, VH will always point us to them!" If that's true, there needs to be way more transparency and much more oversight of all managers, with clear and precise rules, not guidelines, but exact rules stipulating what a manager can and cannot do and what they must and must never do. In addition, exact percentages for managers' pay should be made clear with ALL of the remaining viewer money going to the tenants. All tenants should have access to the same statistical app(s) that the managers have access to, no exceptions. And ALL of these rules should be provided to managers and tenants alike. Full transparency and complete oversight for managers. Alex and Lina, I have read every word you've posted concerning this subject and you have consistently sidestepped, avoided, spun and obfuscated not just Amy's questions, but everyone else's, as well. And you wonder why no one trusts you. You probably misunderstood, their presence is paid from the first day, no one lives for free  Spin, spin, spin and more spin. No one said that your tenants are not paid from day 1. What was said is your tenants don't get their full share of all the viewer pay from VHTV, from day 1.
  5. If that's Photoshopped, that's a master at work. I would have a hard time believing that's Photoshopped. Is it even possible to create something like that with Photoshop?
  6. She's looking more and more like the painted lady.
  7. Does anyone know why she stopped and covered her tits before walking through the door? It's almost as if she expected someone else besides Tibor to be in the apt.
  8. Possibly, she didn't like the size and/or shape of her aureolas. You'd have to ask her for a more precise answer. I'm not sure. 😊 HaHaHa. Kind of, I think. I'm no doctor, but I think it's like cutting out the original, shaping it to make it smaller and more round, then sewing it back in. I'm not exactly sure. You can probably find a video of that type of operation somewhere on the Internet. Maybe Youtube or on a plastic surgeon's website. They're fond of advertising their skills. Brings in more business.
  9. Is it my imagination or does May look a little like Ruby in this pic?
  10. I would, in a heartbeat...but only to have sex with her on the floor.
  11. Very possible. I just figured since you corrected Apricot's use of "Ukrania", you wouldn't mind if I corrected your misspelled word. Besides, I said I was just messing with you. You actually seem to have a very good grasp of the English language, as I said.
  12. That's what I ended up having to do. Well, kind of. When Stone told me about the code brackets, I tried it and got the results you showed. But, I got the same results using the link option. I just removed the URL portion of the link and left the text portion by clicking on the Remove Link button. This is what I ended up with. https://cdn.reallifecamhd.org/1211.mp4 The problem with that, and what I couldn't solve, was I wanted it to be an active link. Apparently, that's not possible if it's an MP4 file because it embeds automatically. That's why they should give us the option of embedding it or just showing an active link. IMHO.
  13. Thanks, I appreciate the info. That was the problem, though. I didn't want it to embed the video in the post, I just wanted it to show the link, instead. Unfortunately, that's not going to happen if it's an MP4 file. It should give us the option to embed or just post a link. IMHO.
  14. And it's not just about anal. There are LOTS and LOTS of pussies out there, as well!! LOOOOOOTS!!! 😊
  15. Have no clue but it looks like she went to the wrong butcher. Guys, that's not scarring. She apparently had an aureola reduction operation. The dark circles around her aureolas and the dark lines running down from her aureolas are not scars, they're sutures. When they are removed, or they may be the dissolving type, and there's been sufficient time for healing, you most likely won't even be able to tell she had an operation, at all. I don't think she'd be admiring them so much or showing them off as much if she thought it was a botched operation.
  16. You're not being stupid in my book, just funny as hell. I laughed out loud at "rotten Cowgirls" and I'm not even a sports fan! 🤣🤣
  17. It would appear that English is also one of your languages. You write it very well and you were soooooo close, too. You used it correctly, but it's interlocutor. I'm just messing with you. I know English is not your native language. 😊
  18. Ash, please, don't hold back. Tell us how you really feel. 🤣🤣
  19. Be careful what you wish for around here, you might just get it. 😁
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