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Everything posted by letsdothis

  1. Absolutely. Birds-eye views are not for voyeur sites...ever.
  2. Pages seem to be loading faster. As does the submission of text posts. Thanks to you and Admin.
  3. I always seem to have the other-side-of-the-coin view. I swear I'm not picking on you, Amy. Truly. It's just how I look at things. You give me food for thought. It might not be such a self-centered view if you look at it from a little bit different perspective. The cams are like a bridge between the subs and the tenants. It's what the subs are paying for, really. Without the cams, there would be no ability to peek into the lives of the tenants, ie. no VHTV. The cams are also how the tenants and managers procure their views. No cams, no views. No one gets paid and VHTV dies. I agree, making demands about things is probably not the best way to approach this issue. However, I would think it's in the best interest of everyone concerned, especially to everyone on the other side of the cams to accept input and information about things like cam quality, cam location, cam angles, amount and placement of lights, and the list goes on. I say, "...especially everyone on the other side of the cams," because if the subs have better views from this side of the cams, they'll have more views on the other side of the cams. Better views make the subs happy, more views make the tenants, managers and VHTV happy. Win/win.
  4. When there is a situation in your life to which you have an opportunity to affect change, that is something to devote your mind and intelligence to. By only worrying about things you can absolutely make a positive change to, a heavy burden will be lifted from your heart and soul and a thick fog will evaporate from your mind. But, to fret and agonize and stress and worry over things that not only can you not change even a tiny bit, but can't even influence in the slightest, is a most completely useless proposition. All you will succeed in doing is creating more and more stress in your life. (That's part of what keeps Big Pharma making billions each year.) I'd be willing to bet that if you asked Clara and Stas if they were totally, completely and truly in love with each other, you would hear a resounding and thunderous "YES!!!" How they express that love to each other and show it to others is completely and only their choice. There's not a single word that any of us could say to them that could change that in any way. For us to try to do anything to change what they do or influence them to do what we think they should do is useless and only creates stress for us. JMHO.
  5. They need some light shining from the foot of the bed. Way too dark.
  6. Every time I refresh a page, it takes a looong time to load.
  7. Could be. I guess we'll never know for sure unless Angie chooses to answer the questions.
  8. @ashleyxyz and @Amy3, I'm posting these here so I don't have to upload them to a 3rd-party host, first. Since you both have access to these PMO topics, it's not a problem. To answer your question, Amy, Nelly has more hair now than I prefer, unfortunately. Ash, here you go. I don't think Bogdan knows about her vibrators. She keeps them hidden in one or both of those two bags in front of the shelf unit to the left, on the bottom shelf. But she knows how to use them. I'm not sure about this first one, but the others leave no room for doubt. They're not the best caps in the world, but you get the idea. I misread who posted what. I see they were all your questions, Amy. 😊
  9. Good question hes always got her bent over. I've seen Bogdan try it once and Nelly got REALLY, ROYALLY PISSED! I think she hit him a couple of times, yelled at him and stormed out of the room, if memory serves. That may have been the only time I've ever seen her angry. That was a long time ago. Then again, I've seen Nelly with a vibrator in her ass, so go figure.
  10. 😁😁 I knew that was you before I even looked to see who posted it. 😁😁
  11. It could be swelling from the operation. This is my take on her tits before her latest surgery. JMO. Angie and implants...
  12. Now there's one for the VH Funnies. Sorry, Dana, but that face is priceless. You look like you just got poked by an electric cattle prod. 😁
  13. Oh, I wasn't trying to "get you". I forgot the smiley face. 😊 I just thought "dear friends" sounded more like Melissa, than Sergio.
  14. How do you know it wasn't Melissa who does the writing, composing and producing? Whoever answered didn't say if it was her or Sergio.
  15. I wonder if they built that thing to fit that alcove or if they built the alcove around it after they put it in place or if they just got lucky and it just happened to fit? It does have a sinister-looking face on it, though. 😊
  16. Granted, it's not covered in the US and, I'm guessing, in Canada, but it might be covered in her country. Just speculation.
  17. I don't know who put it there, but maybe they wanted to leave it there as an eternal reminder of, I'm guessing, Tibor's love for Linda...or, just the fact that he remembered her birthday. 😊
  18. "No, I'm not, but someone on the planet might be." 😁
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