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Everything posted by letsdothis

  1. I don't think you'll find her here. This is Mirana & Bahus' topic. If they went anywhere, they seem to be back. There have been many pictures of them posted from as little as an hour ago.
  2. It's just an age thing. We're too old to understand.
  3. Martina and Alberto sex and masturbate (Content No Longer Available)
  4. Nelly and Martina continue to kiss and rub their pussy in the bedroom (Content No Longer Available)
  5. Nelly and Bogdan, suck, hot riding and hard sex (Content No Longer Available)
  6. Hey Tetard. I'm not sure I could agree with that statement. Here's why. I watched them both side by side and there really is no comparison between the two versions. I lifted a screenshot from each and posted them below. Here's what I see. There's a grate under the curtain. In the larger version, you can barely tell there are slots in the grate. Check out the black lace on Malia's leg. Look at the clothes hanging on the door. Compare the basket just to the right of the mirror. The reflection in the mirror is sharper in the smaller version. Look at the little white crosses on the sheet and pillow cases. In the larger version, you can hardly tell they are crosses. Even the gigantic watermark is crisper, sharper and better defined in the shorter version, not that I wanted it to be. View these pics at actual size (1080p) to get the full effect. So, I'm afraid I am unable to agree with your observation. And, not at all because I made the shorter version a better quality, but simply because a side-by-side comparison clearly shows that it is a better quality. From the larger version (Content No Longer Available)
  7. Linda relax and selfie her pussy (Content No Longer Available)
  8. What is a spaghetto? A spaghetto is what you call a single strand of spaghetti. And now you know.
  9. Use VLC to play them. Not all players have the H265/HEVC codec, yet. VLC will play them with no problem.
  10. @bigbearhere's the new link. Linda rubs her pussy and films herself for onlyfans (Content No Longer Available)
  11. Hey @Devilmanhere's the new link. Radislava pussy play (Love the way she glances at the camera.) (Content No Longer Available)
  12. Lemme show you how it's done. Cats in a cage.mp4
  13. A cop breaks up a fight by two invisible men. As the crowd gathers, he shouts, "Move along, folks. There's nothing to see here!"
  14. His file is only about 1 GB, but here's the same video. I posted it a few weeks ago, and it's about 40% smaller. You can also preview the video at mab before you download it. Malia and Leora masturbate each other (Content No Longer Available)
  15. Rub-a-dub-dub, three (wo)men in a tub.
  16. According to their plans, all transfers are supposed to last a minimum of 2 days.
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