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Everything posted by Maturin

  1. Autocorrect my dude, autocorrect. 😂😂😂
  3. Dude, you could have even gone with "damn it was autocorrect choosing that weird way to write an MBA," and you probably would have gotten away with it but you then went on to attack me for pointing it out by saying that the correct way which I told you was wrong. You. Are. That. Guy! 😂
  4. You haven't got an MBA. You only started even writing it the correct way after I pointed it out, you weird little liar. There's literally no way that someone who has studied for an MBA would write it incorrectly, that would just never happen, ever. You are literally that bloke on the internet who lies to make himself seem better than he is. You're that guy and we all know it.
  5. Take a break from the computer for a bit mate, you sound like a cheap imitation of yourself now. "No, I'm not that thing you said I was. You're that thing you said I was, just stop it." - did you get your A M.B.A. in the subject of watching Ben Stiller movies?
  6. Fuck me, I go away to watch the football for a few hours and I get 4 notifications from you, chill out you obsessive weird fucker. In Nazi Germany it was illegal to give safe harbour to a Jewish person - with that in mind do you see why the issue of legality is not an argument when it comes to the correct and moral thing to do? In Nazi Germany the people that loaded up the Jews into internment camps and everything that came after that, were following the law - do you get that? Do you see the connection between Mr A M.B.A's like yourself justifying the inhumane treatment of human beings through the fucked up laws of your fucked up government and the reason why people are calling you people a bunch of fascist Nazis? Can you see the connection between what you are saying and Nazi Germans? Do you see now exactly what we mean? No of course you fucking don't but I'm a lot more patient than you are and I'm quite prepared to tell you 1,000 different ways until you get it.
  7. And we're back to this one again. Maybe in the US this tactic of going around and around each point of bullshit will actually get you called a clever person but it is a pretty stupid thing to do. I thought you were Mr A M.B.A? You are surely smarter than this, no? Myth: This is not a new policy and was practiced under Obama and Clinton - FALSE. The policy to separate parents and children is new and was instituted on 4/6/2018. It was the brainchild of John Kelly and Stephen Miller to serve as a deterrent for undocumented immigration, approved by Trump, and adopted by Sessions. Prior administrations detained migrant families, but didn’t have a practice of forcibly separating parents from their children unless the adults were deemed unfit. https://www.justice.gov/…/press-rele…/file/1049751/download…
  8. That's because you don't understand the problem, even after it was explained to you, plus: Decent people do not believe that people can be "illegal".
  9. Clearly know one knows more than you Mr I got a M.B.A.
  10. And the thing is, you've reread this a few times and you still don't fucking get it do you??!! 😂😂😂😂
  11. Haha, fuck's sake!! You are priceless!! This... Only a pseudo- intellectual fool like you would say "an Masters in Business Administration" rather than "a Masters in Business Administration." Fucking priceless!! Only an actual fool, of the type that you continue to be, will say A before then pronouncing the letter M It is an M, not a M. You divvy. Thanks for the laughs though, looks like CC has its new village idiot. hahahaha 😂
  12. p.s it is an MBA Nobody who actually does an MBA writes it as "a M.B.A" Hahahaha! Fucking lying chump!! hahaha 😂
  13. That's a blatant lie mate, only an idiot would believe that you've got the mental capacity to achieve those qualifications. You cannot construct a compelling argument and you cannot deconstruct someone else's - you did not study to the level that you claim. Liar.
  14. Maybe if you try to stop being such arrogant, ignorant arseholes and instead of trying to dominate everything and everyone, you try instead to work with your neighbours as partners you'll find that people will want to stay in their own countries because the living standards there are not totally shit. Same with the refugees that you despise that are coming from Iraq and Syria, stop bombing the fuck out of these people - of course they don't want to stay in their own countries after you've bombed the fuckers out of hearth and home. To solve your immigrant "problem," you need to understand what has caused the "problem," and believe me it is not the little brown guys that only own the clothes they are wearing when they are picked up by ICE that you should be so afraid of. These people are the least powerful people to walk on US soil. Despite what you are told every day, they are not they problem. Here is the main thing - understand that you are being lied to every second of your lives. Ask yourselves why is your news media constantly claiming that immigrants are the issue that you should get mad at - because they just aren't - Immigrants didn't steal your jobs - US business owners gave your jobs to people who will work for less money than you are wiling to work for. It is as simple as that and your government lets that happen. Whether it is business owners paying immigrants less within your borders, or business owners taking their manufacturing bases abroad - your government is allowing this to happen because their biggest donors are the very same business owners. And these very same business owners are getting their friends, the owners of your media, to make you blame the immigrants for your problem of having no jobs and shitty wages when it is the fucking business owners and your government that you should be angry with. Your government is willing to spend 1/2 billion dollars on just one of these detention centres in order to keep the illusion that you are under attack from immigrants - just imagine what that money could be spent on in your local area in the form of business grants to local employers so that they can expand and create jobs for American citizens - but I guess that is too much like Communism for your indoctrinated souls (spoiler alert - it really isn't Communism). I get that you don't understand this - if you did then you wouldn't be taking the tone that you do nor would you be writing the nonsensical stuff that you do but... that's fine, you know that it's alright to be wrong and when people say "educate yourself," they don't actually mean that as a put down. What they mean is that you are displaying gaps in your knowledge about some critical issues and that you could benefit from getting a more balanced view of whatever it is you are wrong about. They aren't saying you are stupid, they are just saying you could know more, and usually, if you aren't a dick about it, they will be happy to help you.
  15. The thing is, once Mueller proves that Trump is in Putin's pocket, the Trump Junkies on here and across America will find some way to lie to themselves and convince each other that he is a traitor because he wants to MAGA!! 😂 Once it's proved that Donald💩 used campaign funds to pay off a hooker, all the Trump Junkies will start taking second mortgages on their houses and having affairs with hookers to MAGA. I'm sure that all the Trump Junkies are already building cages in their yards out of chicken wire and are listing all the brown children and babies in their neighbourhoods for collection, to MAGA. LLLLLLLLLosers! 😂💩😂
  16. Haha, you're are full of such bullshit, you always have been! 😂
  17. I quite literally do not believe any of what you've written mate. The person that you are describing is not the person you are on this forum, there is a serious disconect between who you are claiming to be and the person that you are here - sorry but the fact that there is such a clear difference between what you are claiming and how you act here is your problem and not mine. There is literally no chance that I'm telling someone like you the slightest thing about my personal life, none.
  18. It's pointless really. Any actual facts that are posted are subject to "Oh it's from liberal news, so it's fake and even though it is a fact it doesn't change the views and opinions that have been implanted into my conscious by the right wing propaganda machine." Whilst their "facts" are just memes and opinion pieces created by some of the most reprehensible human beings alive today.
  19. Absolute nonsense, if you try to insult me then you're going to get it back. Most of your rhetoric and that of your pals is schoolyard insults and copy/pasted propaganda, you people never come back with any facts at all. The fact that your president's administration has paid nearly 1/2 billion to ONE detention centre is a fact - but you boys brush it off because that fact was brought to light by liberal bullshit progressive media? Of course your right wing propaganda rags don't let you know this information- but it is still a fact. Just this one fact, that one centre has been given half a billion of your tax money, when the reason you hate immigrants is because you are told they are a drain on your economy, should make you angry as fuck with the people that are mismanaging your country. But nah, you stay mad at whoever they tell you to.
  20. I rather feel that it is yourself that needs to research it. I'm not American or in the US, if you are either of these things and you are not livid and ready to take action about what is happening then you are the person that needs to research more about the situation Here you go - https://www.vox.com/2018/6/20/17484546/executive-order-family-separation-flores-settlement-agreement-immigration
  21. All good except your clown's arsehole of a president has had them all arrested (for what was usually regarded as a misdemeanor) and put their children and babies in cages. They are now part of your pathetic prison bureaucracy and people have no idea when they will be released and reunited. They cant just be released and sent home now, thank Trump for that you stupid dumb fuck. They are going to end up costing you far more than the 458 million USD that just one of these concentration camps has cost. You don't understand a thing do you, it's like you're trying so aggressively to be the internet's most simple wanker.
  22. So that means they are not true? You self-delusional, sheep fucking, barely literate, navel fluff eating, shop window licking, redneck's ballbag cheese tasting, 14th choice for Elton John's bum boy. Don't try to insult a Brit mate, you quite simply do not have the skill.
  23. This is a tale of decent, proper Americans trying to make their country great again. None of you people are worthy of walking down the same street as them. " When Dave and Charlotte Willner saw the photo of a 2-year-old Honduran girl crying at the border, they thought immediately of their own 2-year-old daughter. And they knew they had to do something. So they started a fundraiser on Facebook, hoping to raise $1,500 for a nonprofit that works to help immigrant families. It soon became clear that this was no ordinary fundraiser. And $13 million later, it's still going strong. At one point, people were donating between $2,000 and $4,000 a minute, the family shared in a statement to TODAY. RAICES will use the money to make sure that families separated at the border have lawyers. “In the justice system if you don’t have access to legal representation, you don’t have a shot,” Hixon said. “We are going to be able to serve so many unaccompanied kids.” People like this and those that donated represent that real people that made America great in the first place, not you mindless parrots, you grown men that are afraid of immigrants, you poor little snowflakes that need big strong Donald 💩 to lie to you and tell you that you aren't responsible for your own demise. When the rest of the world talks about great Americans they mean the sort of people that raised this money to help other human beings, they don't mean all you pitiful right wing fantasists. Shame on the lot of you. Shame. https://www.today.com/parents/facebook-fundraiser-immigrant-kids-raises-9-million-t131382
  24. Pathetic mate, just pathetic. Are you not tired of constantly attacking sources of evidence because they do not fit the lies you choose to believe? At what point and how will you accept the truth that's in front of your eyes instead of the propaganda that's being fed to you? This story is all over the fucking news, you fucking weirdo - except for Fox News who say these detention centres are like summer camps. https://www.texastribune.org/2018/06/20/separated-migrant-children-are-headed-toward-shelters-history-abuse-an/ https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2018-06-19/trump-migrant-child-detentions-mean-458-million-for-nonprofit https://www.dallasnews.com/news/immigration/2018/06/19/texas-company-earns-half-billion-federal-dollars-year-operate-shelters-immigrant-children-southwest-key Educate yourself, you sorry excuse for a human being.
  25. "What a fucking weird thing, EVEN, for you to say." 😂
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