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Everything posted by Maturin

  1. In which case any population of humans that do not live on the African continent would be considered illegal immigrants, since that is the only place that humans are native to. Ahh, glad to see that reductio ad absurdum is still going strong.
  2. It's not even weird though, it's just really sad actually. Making stuff up on the internet so strangers think you're worth something? The more I think about it the more I think you must be in a dark place right now. I feel sorry for you mate and I've got no interest in continuing whatever this is any more. I hope you're able to work through whatever it is that is going on with you.
  3. You did lie, it is very obvious. We keep going back to this man, you do not display the level of cognitive ability that is needed to successfully study to the level you claimed, nor were you able to correctly spell the thing you studied and when corrected you laughed at the correction and tried to claim that you were still correct. I've got the knowledge I've got, no more, no less. I don't feel the need to go around lying about it. In fact, I don't even feel the need to tell strangers on the internet where or what I studied in order to get respect from them, what a fucking weird thing to do.
  4. Yeah dude, I'm the suppressed best part of your personality that has been subsumed by the wanky other part of you. I'm not really here!
  5. You feel the need to lie about your level of education, that's weird but why would I tell you where and what I studied? I genuinely don't care what you think because going by your opinions on important things, you strike me as an arsehole. It's really that simple.
  6. "No, I'm not the thing you called me, you're the thing you called me." For fuck's sake man. P.S. Nobody believes that you could possibly have gone to college, you really have ruined that perception for yourself. And stop dropping details about your personal life every now and then, I'm not interested mate!
  7. As I do. Another one, seeing as you asked so nicely: An educated person would know when someone has got the beating of him and wouldn't keep coming back for more like a smacked dog desperate for attention like you do. You do not have to keep doing this to yourself, you really don't.
  8. 1) Educated people know how to spell the thing they were educated in 2) Educated people do not unquestioningly believe everything that Fox News tells them 3) Educated people do not need to lie in order to get some authority for what they are talking about 4) Educated people do not call people that disagree with them all the primary school aged epithets that you call people that disagree with you 5) Educated people accept that there might be other people who have different views to them and accept that those views are opinions which are as valid as their own 6) Educated people do not get me on their radar because they generally engage in calm, rational discourse with other educated people 7) Educated people do not need to ask other people how an (an not "a") educated person would talk Is that enough for you to go on? Follows these tips, (remember that you asked for them so don't try to give me abuse for answering your question), and you will find that you have a much better time on the internet and at life in general. Good luck with it buddy, I mean that sincerely - realizing that you have a problem is the first step to solving it.
  9. "No, but I bet you get bored of yourself. You probably get so bored of yourself and something about mommy and daddy because I'm Mr A M.B.A. and this is how educated people talk."
  10. "No, I'm not the thing you called me, you're the thing you called me." Do you ever get bored of yourself?
  11. Nobody believes a liar like you has a girlfriend either mate. Might as well let you know that too, we think she's made up like your M.B.A. Sorry, that's just the impression that you've given everyone now.
  12. Yep, the words as they were written were incorrectly used. I'll stand up and admit to that because it's really no biggie - it's not like I told a lie and was caught out in that lie because I didn't know how to spell the thing I was lying about - and it's not as if I went on to then compound mine and the lies idiocy for all to see by making fun of the correct way that I should have spelled the lie I wrote.
  13. Autocorrect my dude, autocorrect. 😂😂😂
  15. Dude, you could have even gone with "damn it was autocorrect choosing that weird way to write an MBA," and you probably would have gotten away with it but you then went on to attack me for pointing it out by saying that the correct way which I told you was wrong. You. Are. That. Guy! 😂
  16. You haven't got an MBA. You only started even writing it the correct way after I pointed it out, you weird little liar. There's literally no way that someone who has studied for an MBA would write it incorrectly, that would just never happen, ever. You are literally that bloke on the internet who lies to make himself seem better than he is. You're that guy and we all know it.
  17. Take a break from the computer for a bit mate, you sound like a cheap imitation of yourself now. "No, I'm not that thing you said I was. You're that thing you said I was, just stop it." - did you get your A M.B.A. in the subject of watching Ben Stiller movies?
  18. Fuck me, I go away to watch the football for a few hours and I get 4 notifications from you, chill out you obsessive weird fucker. In Nazi Germany it was illegal to give safe harbour to a Jewish person - with that in mind do you see why the issue of legality is not an argument when it comes to the correct and moral thing to do? In Nazi Germany the people that loaded up the Jews into internment camps and everything that came after that, were following the law - do you get that? Do you see the connection between Mr A M.B.A's like yourself justifying the inhumane treatment of human beings through the fucked up laws of your fucked up government and the reason why people are calling you people a bunch of fascist Nazis? Can you see the connection between what you are saying and Nazi Germans? Do you see now exactly what we mean? No of course you fucking don't but I'm a lot more patient than you are and I'm quite prepared to tell you 1,000 different ways until you get it.
  19. And we're back to this one again. Maybe in the US this tactic of going around and around each point of bullshit will actually get you called a clever person but it is a pretty stupid thing to do. I thought you were Mr A M.B.A? You are surely smarter than this, no? Myth: This is not a new policy and was practiced under Obama and Clinton - FALSE. The policy to separate parents and children is new and was instituted on 4/6/2018. It was the brainchild of John Kelly and Stephen Miller to serve as a deterrent for undocumented immigration, approved by Trump, and adopted by Sessions. Prior administrations detained migrant families, but didn’t have a practice of forcibly separating parents from their children unless the adults were deemed unfit. https://www.justice.gov/…/press-rele…/file/1049751/download…
  20. That's because you don't understand the problem, even after it was explained to you, plus: Decent people do not believe that people can be "illegal".
  21. Clearly know one knows more than you Mr I got a M.B.A.
  22. And the thing is, you've reread this a few times and you still don't fucking get it do you??!! 😂😂😂😂
  23. Haha, fuck's sake!! You are priceless!! This... Only a pseudo- intellectual fool like you would say "an Masters in Business Administration" rather than "a Masters in Business Administration." Fucking priceless!! Only an actual fool, of the type that you continue to be, will say A before then pronouncing the letter M It is an M, not a M. You divvy. Thanks for the laughs though, looks like CC has its new village idiot. hahahaha 😂
  24. p.s it is an MBA Nobody who actually does an MBA writes it as "a M.B.A" Hahahaha! Fucking lying chump!! hahaha 😂
  25. That's a blatant lie mate, only an idiot would believe that you've got the mental capacity to achieve those qualifications. You cannot construct a compelling argument and you cannot deconstruct someone else's - you did not study to the level that you claim. Liar.
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