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Everything posted by Maturin

  1. You should see if you can get a job as his press bitch. It seems your nose is definitely long enough.
  2. Seems like you're the one melting down. Go outside and take a fucking walk man then come back and change the record. Is this sort of shit really how you want to spend your twilights years?!
  3. Mate, you rant and rave on here like you've got it too! Every hour of the day, tap tap tapping at your keyboard whenever someone says something you don't like against Trump, like some kinda bitch. 🤣 Please tell me where Trump would have had time to fit in world wars 3, 4 and 5 since he gave Bolton a job? Is World War 6 the proper one and the other imaginary ones were hors d'oeuvre? Basic maths mate, I hear it gets more difficult to do as the disease takes over the elderly mind, mmm?
  4. How come there's no snow on the house roofs? Are they heated or something to make it not stick?
  5. Trump is tweeting about World War 6 now! Seriously! That cunt's brain is so full of syphilis! 😂
  6. Precisely. Most of the world couldn't give a monkey's ass and the only reason there is so much royal celebrity news about it is to hush up Prince Andrew's connection to to Jeffery Epstein and the very real possibility that Andrew was one of Epstein's clients. I think we'll see Andrew take an "accidental" long walk off a short pier before the year is out.
  7. Cry me a river snowflake. Making bullshit assumptions about people so that you can attack your assumed weakness in them is the stock in trade of all you right wing old farts. You club together and try to bully people that disagree with you by calling them names, telling them to shut up, questioning their ability to post comments with you etc etc. You're all a cliche of yourselves, one that became old years ago and you've made the forums utterly toxic. I don't give a rat's arse about your opinions on anything mate; you and the others were helping me make a point that you toxic blowlimps like to dish it out but sure as hell can't take it back. I've turned off notifications for this thread as the point has been made and it is shite having to operate on your level.
  8. Easy now Steptoe, you've all given us ample evidence to guess where you stand on the peado thing. p.s. Gross mate, dial it down a bit.
  9. There's a thread for that, take it over to rants and flame wars if it will give you a reason to carry on living. Otherwise stay on topic.
  10. Maturin? (Maturing) is that what you hope to do one day? Witty one here mind, well done Steptoe. No answer on the on topic peado thing then? You don't mind that the Royals support it?
  11. That's a non-sequitor. You alright mate? Banging around talking bollocks like you have and then putting the above as a response in a pathetic attempt to get the last word, shows you up for a proper chump mate. Q - why (seeing as you are on this thread) is Harry and Meghan more important to you than the peado Royal Family?
  12. Anyhoo, this thread is about Harry and Meghan, my original post was that if you actively try to sucker people into talking about them rather than the evidence that Prince Andrew is a peadophile then by association, you support peados in the British establishment. That you good old boys then tried to bring this down to taunts and name calling, rather than talk about that fact.... Hmmm kinda says it all, huh? But yeah, please do come at me personally with your 1970s format putdowns and the weird shit about holocaust poisons (WTF, you odd little man?!! 😂) - it's obvious that you'd prefer to do that rather than call out establishment peados. Or we could leave it all here and I'll apologise... Sorry for bringing up that the Royal Family covered up peado crimes and for questioning why any decent human being would support evil such as that - I hope I didn't hurt your fweelings too much 🥀
  13. This is an absolutely weird thing to write. Did you seriously think about what you were going to write before you did or is this fresh from the depths? You remember that thing about projection - what the fuck is going on in your mind mate? Not so nuts that I rely daily on a voyeur forum circle-jerk of old right-wing divvies to vent my rage at the world whilst they agree with everything I'm saying. A support group of the cognitively and physically incontinent, no less. Tell me, which feelings did the 17-year-old autistic girl hurt for you? What an utter pansy! 😂
  14. Rambling, the go to word of irrelevant old timer pansies who go on voyeur forums every day to pretend to each other that they know what is going on and that they have a quantum of importance in the modern world. 😂
  15. Hence the lack of you making any sense. Carry on not actually reading, hopefully that will stop my notifications pinging me for only your weird level of replies.
  16. Again, no sense. Take a walk mate, you aren't very good at this. Have a good think about what it is you want to say first.
  17. This makes no sense. Have you every read any interaction between Woodworker's bullshit and my replies?
  18. This is an example of projection. mate. We read it up and down all the threads that you and your right-wing schlepps have infected here on CamCaps. Old men raging at a world that they no longer understand or can influence, seizing every opportunity to project their own insecurites on to anyone that disagrees with their narrow-minded bullshit. If you support the Royal Family then you are supporting an institution that has covered up peadophilia within its ranks - that's not an insinuation, mate.
  19. Let me grab my popcorn before all the right-wing forelock tugging nonce supporters tie themselves up in logical knots whilst trying to defend Prince Andrew the Peado (by insisting that the Harry/Meghan story is more important) without coming across as dirty old men that don't mind a bit of it themselves.
  20. The very strong evidence that Prince Andrew is a peado and his family have covered it up isn't interesting for you? Does he get a pass in your mind because he's a prince? Does he get a pass because you, an old man, are more interested in the celebrity lives of the Royals? Or does he get a pass in your mind because you don't care if your "betters" are fiddling with children? Stay passive Dave, that's exactly how your Lords and Ladies prefer you to be.
  21. Who gives a shit? The only reason that this is in the news is because Prince Andrew is a peadophile and they know that the type of forelock tugging chumps who would be interested in the Harry and Meghan news cycle will be easily distracted from the fact that all the Royals at least knew and covered up the fact that Andrew is a nonce. It's fucking pathetic how people are so easily led to discuss bullshit like Harry and Meghan when Harry's uncle touches up kids - this thread is a new fucking low even for CamCaps. Have a word with yourself.
  22. In which case, it would be nice to see Trump honour his election promise and pull US troops back to America. After the assasination of that Iranian general, sunnis and shias are united in grief and Iraq has already called for the US to leave the country. Europe honoured its trade treaties with Iran and international monitoring agencies confirmed that Iran was honouring its nuclear agreements, so why has the US tried to fuck it up? Because that's what the US does, plain and simple. Europe doesn't want to be defended by nations that go around executing people so please spare us your "protection." The US won't have peace in the middle east because its military industrial complex has identified it as the best place to increase their stock portfolio worth. Apparently you don't need the oil, and we don't need to be "defended," so just stop. Bring your boys home and let the world work out its problems without you. If only that would happen, eh?
  23. Give it a rest, you boring old fart. Digging up 2 day old comments just to give yourself a reason to carry on living? Take a fucking walk mate, turn your computer off for a while at least because you aren't very good at using it.
  24. @jabbath1987 Check out this clip of her highlighting just how broken and corrupt the US political system is - this is what the US needs, representatives actually doing their jobs. So obviously this has put her on the shit list for right wing Americans because she doesn't just shout convenient lies.
  25. "Although she didn't explicitly attribute her source for the 12-year time frame, Ocasio-Cortez was likely citing a report by the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) released last October that predicted that there's only a dozen years left to keep global warming to a maximum of 1.5 degrees Celsius." It's there in the article if you didn't just have read up to and take away the part that confirmed your preconceptions. Are you saying that suggesting actions to save the planet is wrong?
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