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Everything posted by Maturin

  1. Yeah, James' reply will be along the lines of, "What? Is it illegal to give money to someone????! I spoke to the manager and he says that this very young girl is not a prostitute, so it's his responsibility. We just provide the platform and if people want to give us money to watch young girls receive money after having sexual relations with men then it is up to them. P.S. the manager says she's not a prostitute and streaming what is going on there is not my responsibility, we're good, yeah?" In a couple of days there will be an update from VH; "Dear subscribers that give us money to watch definitely-not-prostitution, we have taken your feedback onboard! We now require that all monetary transactions happen off cam. We hope this solves the issue but once again state that the manager said this young girl is not a prostitute and it is not our responsibility. Thanks!! P.S. We are changing our name to Not-Whore-House-TV as this better reflects our future business direction. Thanks!!" I can't see VH lasting much longer.
  2. Thanks for the response but these answers don't ring true with what people are saying. And of course cam girl apartments are not real life. Good luck, you're gonna need it.
  3. To sum up as apparently you have read, That the quality of the apartments has taken a massive dive. New apartments are opened that have crap cameras and positioning The number of camgirl apartments does not fit in with the marketing statement of "Real Time. Real Lives." The number of fake drunken sex parties in which nothing happens or is likely to happen, whilst fitting with "Real Time. Real Lives," is not actually interesting or worth re/subscribing. There have been multiple instances of money seen to be passed after females have had sex with people that it was apparent were strangers to them The feel of the apartments, in which the tenants are obviously pressured into having multiple sex partners (Misty for example) has nothing to do with "Real Time. Real Lives." There is a general dissatisfaction with the ongoing state of knowing that we are subscribing to watch our favourite tenants yet there is some "manager" in the background taking a cut of the money that should be due to the performers This site is no longer a voyeur style site. This is disappointing because it used to be - the people that are being told to shut up would like it to return to those roots - the tenants under managers are paid sex performers, that do not work or do anything interesting with their lives except hang about their flats. that is not "Real Time. Real Lives." There have been reports of violence and the feeling is that you as the network provider are not taking enough responsibility for your tenants. It is not acceptable to lay the blame on "managers". That's pretty much it. You might be doing OK now but I don't see a very bright future for your business if you place the blame on irresponsible managers, it just needs one openly illegal act and it will be you guys that will be held responsible.
  4. Whatever. Jesus Christ, you've no doubt read all the comments here. If not, then start there and get back to us.
  5. In other words, "The likelihood of "managers" using their apartments to stream prostitution on our network has not hurt our profits yet, so meh, we're fine with that thanks."
  6. You can't remember what you wrote an hour ago? Basically like I said, you're telling people you don' agree with to shut up or go away. Like a little toddler!! It was only an hour ago, has this whole situation about being pissed about people being pissed off with prostitution on a voyeur site wound you up so much that you can't remember what you've said? I mean yeah, what you're hacking away is blatant zero-thoughts stream of consciousness bullshit, but really? You need to go to some conflict management courses because it seems you really don't cope well with people having a different opinion than you. Take a break from the computer mate and a few deep breaths.
  7. You realise that you are just going around telling people that you don't agree with to shut up, right? This is a forum for and about VH. Telling people to shut up just because you don't agree with their comments about VH is pointless, especially when so many people are pissed off with VH (which this forum is about). You don't control here and are not part of VH, so if all you are going to do is tell people to shut up then please ask yourself whether or not it's really worth posting those comments.
  8. Wow, your inability to surprise me with the simplistic shit you come out with never fails to surprise me! You are hearing from current and former subscribers about the shit state that the thing they subscribed to (or have stopped) is in. Take your own advice and skip over this conversation if it is offending you so much. It really says a lot about you that you are taking an issue with people complaining about the prostitution rather than the prostitution itself. We liked VH and want it to go back to where it was and we will subscribe again. You haven't added anything to the conversation here and I'm sure typing the above has put you right out, so please, please,spare the rest of us your oh so superior ummm, oh so superior ability to come across as a dick on the internet. Don't take it so personally that I think you wasting your money to pay to watch Eastern European hookers is pathetic - it's just a thing, I'm sure apart from that you're a real stand up guy, yeah, you really seem like it.
  9. Damn. I was actually starting to think something similar :(
  10. Why is it such a weird accusation Jabbath? VH's tagline = Real time. Real lives, what single women in their real lives have sex with multiple people that are obviously strangers in a week or even a day? How is that real? RLC isn't a competitor of VH is it? RLC have their business and they don't give a shit about competitors or even viewers, they are silent on everything and are probably making 10x what VH does - and in truth they are 10x closer to the "voyeur style," experience. I genuinely thought you were one of the good guys bobbing about on this forum but your refusal to see what is clearly happening on the screen has surprised me. The possibility that we are watching Eastern European low class prostitutes (ladies that have very little say about the course or direction of their lives) is one that you keep defending despite the weird evidence in front of you. Why are you doing that?
  11. I wonder how many low class (as opposed to high class independent) prostitutes are doing it by their own will, especially in Eastern Europe. Not many at all.
  12. What I don't get is why people want to subscribe to this shit. Is their money burning such a hole in their pockets and they are so deprived of other stimuli in their lives that paying to watch prostitutes (who are likely to be part of the Eastern European white slave trade) is something they genuinely feel is a great thing to do. How fucked up is this? All it needs is for one person to report this site to the authorities and they are fucked, just saying...
  13. Really? Pretending to be a voyeur watching Eastern European women that by your own reckoning are highly likely to be part of the white slave trade is what gets you off? Really?
  14. For sure! That incident and just the general feel of that grim sex compound marked the turning point for VH and it's a shame to see that instead of listening they have carried on down the same path to an even greater degree. It's weird because they could be making so much more money (or at least saving money by not having to pay out for the crap freeloading tenant apartments) and the tenants would be so much more obviously happy if VH just cut out the middle man, paid their tenants directly and let them live their own lives instead of by a manager's approval and schedule. What a ridiculous system! The more I think about it the more I see that the only winner here is these managers, they are ruining VH's reputation and their tenants are essentially economic slaves yet the managers are making a pretty penny from VH. Wake up @Voyeur House TV there is something rotten going on and I hope you can see it after so many words by multiple people written to you about it. Seeing Misty those times desperately phoning around for people to fuck... Umm, nah I'm not going to support that kind of carry on and VH is ultimately responsible.
  15. It's the managers that have spoiled this as has been said many many times before. They open up apartment after apartment with not even a little quality control because they get 50% of the cut. That is an obscene amount of money to get for basically signing a rental contract and setting up cams (which they fail to do properly every time). Just remember that if you have a favourite tenant then there is some greasy "manager" creaming 50% of the money that they earn. That just is not right and it has led to the fakeness and bullshit apartments and many dissatisfied current and (like me) former customers.
  16. He was in the guest room playing computer games. The thumbnail showed that he probably wear headphones and it looked like she got up to check that out before.
  17. I've helped quite a few people out with proxy information after they were banned by RLC and that policy is the reason why I'll never subscribe to them. As you can tell I'm not a fan of RLC but so far today we've had one masturbation, one sex and there's blatantly going to be more before the day is done. It's still not enough to make me consider giving RLC Corp my money but paying for a VH subscription used to be a no brainer. Now, as I mentioned, I feel like a mug knowing that my subscription is subsiding cynical VH couch potatoes that are playing a supply and demand game. I'm not really interested in the archive. It is necessary with VH though because so much seems to happen at 4am my time (usually when everyone is wasted).
  18. Over at RLC there is a preview of one apartment having sex, Julia is in a flimsy gown with no underwear with a very real chance that she's gonna masturbate within the next 2 or 3 hours, (on the freecam, what great advertising huh?!) Linda and TIbor are having a regular day playing board games (not fake just a regular couple doing regular things, much better than the fake camgirl shit apartments at VH anyway) - for example. Has VH actually slipped behind RLC? It is looking that way. P.S. VV have a call out on their page for new tenants they say that the wage is 1,000pm plus bonus.
  19. "Interesting," is of course subjective. One person might find people that wake up at 12pm their time and sit around for the rest of the day on a sofa, speaking a language that they don't understand interesting but I'd wager that the majority of non-Russian speakers that are here do not. There are a couple of points that VH needs to make compulsory for them to consider offering a "voyeur type" experience and being clothed all day and having sex only when it's part of some type of well planned out and advertised "event" is not it. Freeloading was mentioned above, and there are so many freeloaders living in the apartments that it is ridiculous to expect people to pay to watch them. I'm not unique and I got fed up of waiting for the once a month "party" for something "interesting" to happen, I'm sure many others are at the same stage as well. Nudity and sex or the the very real possibility of sex is all that's "interesting" to someone that doesn't speak Russian or else it's just like watching someone play a shit version of the Sims (but with photo realistic graphics). I'm looking at the preview bar now, there are human beings in only one of the panes, David and Carrie in the bedroom, in black and white. Is that going to make me or anyone else resubscribe? Of course it isn't. There are complaints about how boring or fake the majority of tenants are all over the forums, you're very active here so I'm sure you are aware of all of them. Edit: One pane has someone asleep on the sofa at 17:16 their time in Bree and Drew and there is someone not naked in Nina and Alan's = wow, shut up and take my money!
  20. Completely agree. Have stopped subscribing because I feel like a complete mug paying for the rent and food of strangers I don't know that don't do anything interesting in return. VH has really fucked themselves up and this has been after a few months with plenty of warnings from us that this was going to happen if they carried on down this route. What is the point of having so many apartments and paying the wages and rent for so many people to do nothing interesting? Voyeur Villa pays their tenants 1,000 bucks per month, I bet VH pays more than that - what an incredible waste of money. And don't get me started on the fucking camgirl apartments making this site as shit as Camarads. You may well be a freeloader but I actually would respect your opinion a lot more than anyone that continues to pay for this bollocks as they are being willingly ripped off. RIP VH.
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