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Everything posted by Maturin

  1. This guy actually represents the US's problem. He thinks he's winning because he gets to keep more of his earnings yet people are being fucked over left right and centre in his country because there's not enough tax revenue to pay for the social and infrastructure liabilities. But he bangs on about patriotism and his brilliant country, yet he is a parasite to it. He claps himself on the back for not paying tax money that will help out his fellow Amrericans and local services and only thinks of himself. What a pathetic way to live ones life.
  2. US infrastructure https://www.businessinsider.com/asce-gives-us-infrastructure-a-d-2017-3?r=US&IR=T Healthcare and Education https://www.theatlantic.com/international/archive/2012/06/heres-a-map-of-the-countries-that-provide-universal-health-care-americas-still-not-on-it/259153/ What a joke your institutions are, all so wood worker can keep a bit more tax and fuck everyone else in America.
  3. Does it not matter to you that the infrastructure in your country is abysmal? Does it not matter to you that your education system is in ruins? Does it not matter to you that people go bankrupt just from getting sick? Does all that not matter to you just so you can pay a little less tax?
  4. How To Lose Friends How To Influence People to Disrespect You From the University of Bullshit, eh?
  5. Like I siad, he keeps on giving!! You're enjoying this are you? Fuck's sake, mate!! This is fun for you, really? Oh, yeah, you're a lonley nasty old troll and this is the only social experience that you get in your life.
  6. It's the number one marker for someone that has very little education. "I stand by my beliefs so.." "Yeah, well please go and stand somewhere else!" 🤣
  7. Repeat this every day when you look in the mirror: Beliefs are not facts. Beliefs do not give me the autority to be a stupid dick Beliefs are not facts.
  8. Haha, fuck's sake! Donald Trump isn't in this thread, you did write the above to Donald Trump, right?
  9. You really have no sense of irony do you? That you, after all the baseless, factless bull that you write every day can then talk about indoctrination in others?! You're the idiotic gift that just keeps giving 🤣 😂
  10. What I will always find funny is that you wouldn't be typing so much bull if other people's opinions weren't important to you!! You can't let a single post go without smearing your Fox News regurgitated lies in response! You're a troll mate and absolutely nbobody thinks that you're smart or a stand up guy, you come across as a nasty, lonely old man who missed out on a lot of hugs and book reading when he was younger. Take a 'kin day off mate and stop embarrasing yourself.
  11. It really is remarkable how you take on Europeans, who in just a few short sentences show that they have a better understanding of global politics and events than you, yet with each one of your many, many posts you show the ignorant dullard that you are. You're the very definition of a troll, offensive, dull and the couple of boards that you hang out in are the perfect metaphor for the bridge that trolls hide under. You merely have a one-sided tenuous grasp of politics in your own nation yet think that you can preach to infinitely better educated Europeans about politics in our part of the world??? Wood worker, you continue to make an idiot out of yourself. 😂😂😂😂
  12. They used to do a fair bit of drugs back when they were new to the apartment. The openly were sniffing poppers whilst high, I'd guess and say it was ecstasy they were doing and they would lie about all day gurning and playing with themselves and each other. Was quite funny actually, there should be more like that. Except, Eric was a total wanker when he was on a come down and was verbally and physically violent to Julia - seems like they realised that and they stopped doing the drugs and became really boring but better that then watching him trying to smash her laptop and grabbing her round the neck etc etc.
  13. Are you asking me or telling me?! If Prince Andrew was invloved in it, and lets face it, things don't look good for him, then he and any of the Royal Family that knew about it need to answer some questions in front of a detective.
  14. Absolutley. The thread is about Trump, however, the sooner all of them are brought to justice, the better.
  15. So, nothing then. Gold star for you mate. Live your best life, etc etc.
  16. It doesn't matter what non-US country I'm from because no matter which, the insults from you fellers will be the same cookie cutter bullshit, so I'll save you the trouble of embarrasing yourselves, again. Every country has it's problems, I recognise the ones in mine and do my part to change them. What have you guys done recently to help your communities?
  17. Aha, got it, thanks. We've not had snow here yet but usually get about a meter or so on the roof. I'll look into getting one of the peelers if it gets bad this year.
  18. Oh great, it's the meme brothers time of day is it? Yeah please post more memes that no one looks at, because that's what it's all about, eh?
  19. Ah, i see what you are trying to do. As I explained it is one of Trump's defining characteristcs, well before he ran for president, that he was constantly involved in litigation. Suing and being sued, as a business choice to save himself a buck. That's like literally the thing he is was well known for, apart from the Apprentice. When I posted that item, I could have checked to see the break down of the cases because I didn't know them, so thanks for setting me straight on that - doesn't change the fact that the bloke is a nickle-and-dimer. So no, I didn't lie or change the facts, I didn't check the intricacies of something I posted that is a common perception of one of the world's most famous shucksters. Sue me! 😂 I don't hate anyone or anything. It's you two fellers who are getting their panties in a twist about a grifter that doesn't give two shits about you. Neither do I care about Democrats that have been involved in lawsuits, as I've said many times, your whole political class is full of shysters, yet every four years you working Americans dutifully pick sides and argue over who is the best of the two candidates that have been chosen by the elites to govern you. Your country is fucked until you get rid of all the elite wankers that control you. Simple as that. But yeah, please do keep focussing on the one thing that you can get a handle on.
  20. Hahahaha, you're a joke man! This is a self-aware, self-deprecating joke, right? You're literally a pastiche of yourself!! 😂
  21. So, you're saying they weren't friends? What is it you are saying to refute me? The article has Trump's quote, who says something like that about someone who is not a friend? You throw the term "fake news" around too easily.
  22. Ah, ok, so that makes all the other stuff not true too then? It wasn't a lie, it's common knowledge that Trump sues and has been sued a ridiculous amount of times to hang on to any shred of credibility - Thanks for the breakdown, I'll remember that, still, the fact that so many US wealthy people are involved in lawsuits to protect their wealth is one thing, but that one of them then becomes the president? That is something quite sad really.
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