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Everything posted by Maturin

  1. Haha, you're are full of such bullshit, you always have been! 😂
  2. I quite literally do not believe any of what you've written mate. The person that you are describing is not the person you are on this forum, there is a serious disconect between who you are claiming to be and the person that you are here - sorry but the fact that there is such a clear difference between what you are claiming and how you act here is your problem and not mine. There is literally no chance that I'm telling someone like you the slightest thing about my personal life, none.
  3. It's pointless really. Any actual facts that are posted are subject to "Oh it's from liberal news, so it's fake and even though it is a fact it doesn't change the views and opinions that have been implanted into my conscious by the right wing propaganda machine." Whilst their "facts" are just memes and opinion pieces created by some of the most reprehensible human beings alive today.
  4. Absolute nonsense, if you try to insult me then you're going to get it back. Most of your rhetoric and that of your pals is schoolyard insults and copy/pasted propaganda, you people never come back with any facts at all. The fact that your president's administration has paid nearly 1/2 billion to ONE detention centre is a fact - but you boys brush it off because that fact was brought to light by liberal bullshit progressive media? Of course your right wing propaganda rags don't let you know this information- but it is still a fact. Just this one fact, that one centre has been given half a billion of your tax money, when the reason you hate immigrants is because you are told they are a drain on your economy, should make you angry as fuck with the people that are mismanaging your country. But nah, you stay mad at whoever they tell you to.
  5. I rather feel that it is yourself that needs to research it. I'm not American or in the US, if you are either of these things and you are not livid and ready to take action about what is happening then you are the person that needs to research more about the situation Here you go - https://www.vox.com/2018/6/20/17484546/executive-order-family-separation-flores-settlement-agreement-immigration
  6. All good except your clown's arsehole of a president has had them all arrested (for what was usually regarded as a misdemeanor) and put their children and babies in cages. They are now part of your pathetic prison bureaucracy and people have no idea when they will be released and reunited. They cant just be released and sent home now, thank Trump for that you stupid dumb fuck. They are going to end up costing you far more than the 458 million USD that just one of these concentration camps has cost. You don't understand a thing do you, it's like you're trying so aggressively to be the internet's most simple wanker.
  7. So that means they are not true? You self-delusional, sheep fucking, barely literate, navel fluff eating, shop window licking, redneck's ballbag cheese tasting, 14th choice for Elton John's bum boy. Don't try to insult a Brit mate, you quite simply do not have the skill.
  8. This is a tale of decent, proper Americans trying to make their country great again. None of you people are worthy of walking down the same street as them. " When Dave and Charlotte Willner saw the photo of a 2-year-old Honduran girl crying at the border, they thought immediately of their own 2-year-old daughter. And they knew they had to do something. So they started a fundraiser on Facebook, hoping to raise $1,500 for a nonprofit that works to help immigrant families. It soon became clear that this was no ordinary fundraiser. And $13 million later, it's still going strong. At one point, people were donating between $2,000 and $4,000 a minute, the family shared in a statement to TODAY. RAICES will use the money to make sure that families separated at the border have lawyers. “In the justice system if you don’t have access to legal representation, you don’t have a shot,” Hixon said. “We are going to be able to serve so many unaccompanied kids.” People like this and those that donated represent that real people that made America great in the first place, not you mindless parrots, you grown men that are afraid of immigrants, you poor little snowflakes that need big strong Donald 💩 to lie to you and tell you that you aren't responsible for your own demise. When the rest of the world talks about great Americans they mean the sort of people that raised this money to help other human beings, they don't mean all you pitiful right wing fantasists. Shame on the lot of you. Shame. https://www.today.com/parents/facebook-fundraiser-immigrant-kids-raises-9-million-t131382
  9. Pathetic mate, just pathetic. Are you not tired of constantly attacking sources of evidence because they do not fit the lies you choose to believe? At what point and how will you accept the truth that's in front of your eyes instead of the propaganda that's being fed to you? This story is all over the fucking news, you fucking weirdo - except for Fox News who say these detention centres are like summer camps. https://www.texastribune.org/2018/06/20/separated-migrant-children-are-headed-toward-shelters-history-abuse-an/ https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2018-06-19/trump-migrant-child-detentions-mean-458-million-for-nonprofit https://www.dallasnews.com/news/immigration/2018/06/19/texas-company-earns-half-billion-federal-dollars-year-operate-shelters-immigrant-children-southwest-key Educate yourself, you sorry excuse for a human being.
  10. "What a fucking weird thing, EVEN, for you to say." 😂
  11. I did not say that the KKK flag was in the first photo. What a fucking weird thing for you to say?
  12. There's a lot of what the world considers real Americans in this photo This is the US that I love. Decent people fighting against fascism and oppression. Fighting for the real American values of peace and liberty, taking a stand against the right wing bigots that lie and disgrace your flag- shame that there are only a couple of those real Americans in this thread but this photo gives me hope for your nation.
  13. This is getting ridiculous now. You people cannot live in the US. The levels of your underinformed opinons is simply staggering. Charlottesville, KKK Unless you provide some alternative evidence it is obvious that none of you live in the US as it appears that you've got no fucking idea what is going on in that country. There were no decent people marching along side, in front or behind the Nazis and the KKK. Period.
  14. Yeah, you paid your taxes for Donald 💩 to remove children and babies from their parents to be kept in cages under armed guard, so why not pay for that not to happen? In fact your taxes, 458 million USD of your taxes, went to ONE company in order to lock up children and babies in cages. http://time.com/5316722/nonprofit-paid-458-million-trump-administration-detain-migrant-children-family-separation/ SERIOUSLY DO ANY OF YOU LIVE IN THE US, HOW DID YOU NOT KNOW ABOUT THIS FOR FUCK'S SAKE?
  15. The march had nothing to do with decent people, decently marching to keep a monument glorifying those that fought on the side of the slavers (first point, do you see the disconnect between "decent people marching" and the reason for this march?) The march was organised by white supremacists and other fascist terrorist groups such as the Nazi element in order to come together under the purpose of Unite The Right - the right in this case being all the extreme right wing terrorist organizations that you have in your country now. Trump knew this very well as the KKK and other fascist groups have been some of his most vocal supporters. Stop lying, either to us or yourself, there were no decent people marching under the Nazi or KKK flags that day. I'm seriously questioning if you live in America at all, how can I know this and you not?
  16. "There are good people on both sides," Donald 💩
  17. Seriously? What do you call it when children are taken by force from their parents? I guess for you it depends on the colour of the childrens' skin. Your ignorance is just tiring mate. You aren't very good at this whole debate thing, these threads always seem to go well until you start typing and lower the IQ level by about 50%. You don't have to do this, it's obvious you're getting pretty annoyed, perhaps at your lack of ability to express yourself in a decent manner? You don't have to do this, step away! 😂
  18. Are you talking about yourself? It appears so.
  19. Oh good grief, here he is. The debate was actually taking an upturn in quality for a few brief replies. Let me guess, you read about that story on Alex Jones or Breitbart, right? Which means you only read half the story, the one that probably comes out saying that American healthcare is the best and that white supremacist Americans are the best of the best. Ridgerunner, from the tone and content of your previous posts, I know that you are not in possession of all the facts and do not understand the thing that you are referencing. I'm not going to explain it to you pal. Suffice to say, 2,500 children were kidnapped and the US government has no clear idea of how they can reunite them with their parents. If talking about one tragic medical decision by trained professionals in the UK is the burning issue that you want to address, then go and actually read about it first and start a new thread.
  20. Myth: The children have to be separated from their parents because there parents must be arrested and it would be cruel to put children in jail with their parents - FALSE. First, in the case of economic migrants crossing the border illegally, criminal prosecution has not been the legal norm, and families have been kept together at all cost. Also, crossing the border without documentation is a typically a misdemeanor not requiring arrest, but rather a civil proceeding. Additionally, parents who have been detained have historically been detained with their children in ICE "family residential centers," again, for civil processing. The Trump administration's shift in policy is for political purposes only, not legal ones. See p. 18: https://www.aclu.org/…/ms-l-v-ice-plaintiffs-opposition-def…
  21. I'm English. Yes we have our own wannabe Trump here and our own problems, but we do not separate children and babies from their families and incarcerate them under armed guard - if Theresa May started doing that there would be fucking riots.
  22. For exactly the same reason that Foamy seems to think it is acceptable to imply that the US would have been better off to stay out of the two world wars. Implying that we owe you a debt when the US was part of an alliance. No, I don't hate the US at all. I hate small minded right wing bigots and unfortunately your country seems to be led by one and the most vocal people of your nation also seem to be small minded right wing bigots. And if you are not actively speaking out against the overt American neo-Nazis that are walking your very soil then you do not get to invoke the sacrifice of much better Americans than exist today against the original Nazi tyranny. What is really nice to see is the decent people in America that are resisting Trump and the right wing bigots - the rest of the world considers them the true Americans and that they are the people that are really standing up for the fine notion of what you call America values.
  23. One hopes that you will learn from previous "mistakes" and keep your nose out next time around. I fail to see how citizens of a nation that cannot decisively beat Afghan farmers that are armed with only AK-47s and plastic explosives can reference past conflicts, in which they did not fight alone, as a statement of intent for future struggles. The Swedish sank one of your aircraft carriers using a cheap diesel sub in a wargame - the USN was so embarrassed that now all wargames with other nations are strictly controlled regarding what the other nations are allowed to do to attack you. 😂 Nah, we'll be ok mate. http://nationalinterest.org/blog/the-buzz/swedens-super-stealth-submarines-are-so-lethal-they-sank-us-18383
  24. I really thought Uruguay would score at least 5 against the Saudis. I put a hundred bucks to go all the way on those guys at 30/1 but they've been one of the most boring teams so far. I've already said goodbye to my money! 😂
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