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@jabbath1987 Check out this clip of her highlighting just how broken and corrupt the US political system is - this is what the US needs, representatives actually doing their jobs. So obviously this has put her on the shit list for right wing Americans because she doesn't just shout convenient lies.
"Although she didn't explicitly attribute her source for the 12-year time frame, Ocasio-Cortez was likely citing a report by the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) released last October that predicted that there's only a dozen years left to keep global warming to a maximum of 1.5 degrees Celsius." It's there in the article if you didn't just have read up to and take away the part that confirmed your preconceptions. Are you saying that suggesting actions to save the planet is wrong?
As Southpark put it, it was a choice between a giant douch and a turd sandwich. Yet US voters are happy to wave the flag for either one if it means they don't have to look at how ridiculous their democratic process is. Agreed, I doubt he'll get the nomination this time around either because as I wrote, he's not part of the oligarchy that dominates both parties. I hope that the US gets a party and representatives that are for the people rather than for the elite but until they realise that that is what they need, it'll never happen. Projecting into the future, can you imagine the amount of bullshit that will be generated when/if AOC decides to run for president?!
Aye, that swamp draining that was promised is going about as well as everyone thought it would, eh?! 😂
It's a mixutre of all of them excepting the first one representing actual democracy, isn't it. US politics has degenerated into elite broad hereditary rule in which you can only join the club if you've gotten rich by fucking over the citizens. So we have the interest groups, and in the US it's the military industrial complex and the oil and gun lobbies that have the most influence there, yet, they are also the ones that dominate business - of course there are the shysters like Jeff Bezos who is able to join in because he has become rich by underpaying his staff and cuting benefits etc. Meanwhile, the US citizens consistenly vote against their own interests and actively hound and trash talk polititcians that want to give the citizens more power. This trash talking comes in the form of merely repeating the lies that they hear from their rightwing TV channels - which exist to serve the propaganda aims of interest and business groups that make up the oligarchy. Oh and to be leader of this oligrachy, the so say "leader of the free world," you need to raise at least a billion campaign dollars (donated by factions within the interest and business groups) in order to prove that you've got what it takes. Meanwhile, yeah, homeless problems, unemployment, ill-health bankruptcy and all the other good stuff that defines the US nowadays. This is the reason why US politics is so partisan, with citizens making unreasonable arguments to bolster the appearance of loyalty to their "team. The oligarchy has wifully allowed education standards and critical fuctioning to degenerate to such low levels, in order to stop American citizens from taking a look around and seeing how shit everything is. They are too busy character assasinating politicians that want to give them things like health care that is free at the point of need - like most of the developed and developing world! And yet, there is still a large population of these people that come on international forums and message boards who think that saying, "your country sucks. Your PM is a pussy. We saved you in WW2 because the US used to be good," is actually a genuinely viable way to communicate with people around the world. It's fucking mental really! 😂
Absolutely spot on. Especially when US voters treat their elections in the same way the support their sports teams. They trash talk each other and trash talk the politicians like the only thing that matters is the affiliation and the colour of the party/team. None of them actually talk about policies amd when they do the policy "discussion" is used only to precede the trash talk of the opposite party or representative. I'm convinced that if any Republican came out with bona fide socialist policies then Republicans would vote for them anyway. All they would have to do is lie and say the policies are not socialist, infact the policy are blah blah. Republican voters would still vote for it because policy isn't important - fame, size of fan rallies, celebrity profile, that's what's important to American voters. And they dress it up in a two party system where both parties arten't really that different and the leaders of the parties are in thrall to unelected lobby groups anyway - democracy in the land of the "free," eh? Sad!
Of which country you still don't even know. Why have you, the least cognitively qualified, taken on the role of Mr Voice Of The USA? The bile that you spew with every post, the pathetic playground name-calling and the ill-informed assumptions confirm for everyone all their worst knowledge about the people of the USA. You come across as crass, uncultured and barely literate mate, yet you keep hammering away at your keyboard, confirming all the stereotypes that everyone else has about your people. Give it a rest mate because we know that you don't speak for America and those of us with genuinely decent American friends realise that you represent the views of the embarrassing part of their population. But yeah, please do reply by calling my country (that you continue to fail to guess) names and wave your virtual pecker around some more like that's a valid way to engage with non-US people - oh wait, that's actually what your government is doing now. America used to be better than your representation of it and it's a shame to see your like bringing it so low.
Despite at least 3 US Presidents declaring victory or the job is done in the ME, the US had its ass handed to it by peasants armed with only AKs and handfuls of plastic explosive. The fact that the US is still in Iraq and doesn't know if it should leave or not is not a victory - hell, even the Iraqi gov wants the US to piss off back home, that's not the sentiments of an ally. hy wasn't the US industrial military complex able to install a friendly gov, seeing as it "won". What are Trump and his merry band of yes men and war shitehawks possibly hoping to achieve in Iran? A country with a large, well-funded military that have not only been preparing for this for 40 years but are also a strategic partner of Russia. That same Russia who intervened and declared a no-fly zone in Syria to dare the US to break it - which sensibly the US didn't dare to. Now, a civilian jet has been shot down, a jet that wouldn't have been targetted if the US hadn't executed the Iranian general meaning that Iran wouldn't have been on a war footing meaning whichever idiot that controlled the missiles would not have fired. The only thing I supported that Trump said in the election was something along the lines of pulling US troops out of harms way, which amounted to "fuck everywhere else, I'm going to bring our troops home and concentrate on US matters internally." I should have known that the US military industrial complex would never allow him to do that. They have finally managed to do what they've been trying to do to American presidents for the past 40 years' worth of administrations. They must be delighted to have such an imbecile in power that they have finally managed to convince a president to attack Iran - just so that the defense industry stock price goes up. Because that's what's all this maddness is about. It is about rich US wankers that don't care about normal US soliders or US civilians that are stuck living paycheck to paycheck - they just care about moving their portfolio wealth higher and they don't care how many civilians they have to burn along the way. I ask again, have none of you right wing sheep ever stopped to wonder if your government might be the bad guys?
You obviously have assumed incorrectly which country that I'm from but your attitude represents everything that is reprehensible about the US. You aren't one of Trump's in circle are you? Because you sound as intelligent as Don Jr!
---double posted--
The US is once again breaking international law and that's the long and the short of it.Dress it up with all your "But they did this and they said those horrible things," but the truth of the matter is that President Trump needs a war to distract from the fact that he's an utterly shit President that has spent nearly 1/4 of his time playing golf and fucking off other world leaders whilst showing up the US for a joke. American service personal and a heck of a lot more Iranian civilians are going to get killed just to give that chump another term. Everyone is wary of America's military might but nobody respects the US for anything else, kinda like the playground bully - do you right wing sheep ever stop to wonder if your country might actually be the bad guys?
I give that site 2 months. No one is going to pay for that fake ass shit, anyone that does needs their head examined.
COV - Lana & Robert - General Topic 2019 #1
Maturin replied to Noldus's topic in Kylie & Rus (02/28/20 - 07/14/20)
Lana isn't boring at all. There's plenty of fakers on the other cams to watch if that's obviously your thing. I'm glad there's some genuine nice, and really sexy apartments to watch like Lana. -
Carla and Yanai General 2019 Chat #1
Maturin replied to Daleys's topic in Carla & Yanai (07/02/19 - 10/27/20)
It's on her TV now. She's watches it on many days and will probably again today. It's a pornstar getting dp'd. Just generic porn, surely you would get bored of it after the 2nd or 3rd time! -
Carla and Yanai General 2019 Chat #1
Maturin replied to Daleys's topic in Carla & Yanai (07/02/19 - 10/27/20)
Why does she watch the same 3 minute video over and over every time? -
The SNP doesn't represent "our Scottish friends" -eh? They are Scotland's governing party and have 50 odd seats at Westminster which they rightly use to advance Scottish interests as they see fit. All the rest of your post is stuff that you're parroting from the various LBC radio phone-ins or Daily Mail propaganda, nobody thinks that you're an expert on the economic, political and cultural impact of Scottish secession. You've got no credibility to pontificate in such a greasy, patronising manner mate, so yeah, I don't know why you bother either.
They don't hate the English, they hate the shit deal that Scotland will get from the predominately English backed Brexit debacle.
Hear hear. It is absolutley disgusting that the right wing parasites in Westminster can fuck around with the constitution in order to take the UK out of the EU yet not give Scotland the chance to reasses its position within the UK after that fact. And I say that as an Englishman that believes the UK is (or has the potential to be) much better united than divided.
Of course you fucking aren't prepared to converse at this level! I've said that you've demonstrated that you do not know how to correctly use the terms that you are throwing around. I then predicted that you would evidence this fact by offering up some bullshit about Venezuela , you didn't disappoint. Of course you cannot raise your argument to a level in which you are required to back up the bullshit that you are throwing out, so jsut like your right-wing bullshit artist heroes, you try to do a runner.
Fuck me, there we are, didn't even get a chance to reply before the window was licked!! 😂
You are using a lot of words there to illustrate that you do not know what socialism means. If you receive hospital treatment, free at the point of need, then your country has that socialist policy. If you enjoy maternity leave, male or female, then that country has implemented that socialist policy. If you are able be helped financially by the state should you lose your job or are unable to work, then you live in a country that has adopted that socialist policy. That's every country in Europe mate, even the US has some of these policies. Philanthropic aspects? Get your thumb out of your arse you phoney before you start pontificating about a subject whilst illustrating your lack of knowledge about it in the same fucking sentence!! But yeah, please do bore us with your next comment by illustrating for us your lack of a fundamental grasp of economics by repeating what you heard some right-wing bullshit artist say on YouTube said about Venezuela in order to fleece some money out of you on Patreon. 😂
I wonder if you know that what you're typing is a lie or if you, like so many of your type, believe the convenient lies that your right wing toffs tell you. The UK has always been better off economically under Labour. Labour gave us the NHS and the welfare state that lifted people out of poverty. There's an actual graph that shows how the economy always falls under the Tories and rises under Labour, I would find it to show you but if Brexit has taught us anything it's that there's no fucking point presenting actual facts to people like you.
Actually we're still waiting for a coherent argument regarding how Britain will be better off outside the EU. I can't wait for an election. The Tories are toxic and the Brexit Party are lying opportunists but these two camps are leading the news and shouting the loudest to the utter embarrasment and shame of the rest of the country. I think you'll find that every right wing nugget that was ever going to vote has signed up already but now we'll see the rest of the rational, respectful part of the country that don't usually vote signing up to fight against this creeping fascism.
I think the people that keep repeating, "Leave means leave end of," are scared of another referendum because the country didn't actually find out what leaving would mean until after the vote. We now know that Leave actually means massive economic uncertainty and a contraction of the ecomny by at least a disasterous 5%. Now the rational leave voters know what it would do to the country to vote leave, they will vote to remain and the "leave means leave," fanatics will lose. So in the words of Jagger, you can't always get what you want. End of.
Why can't you do anything against it? You do have the right to reply to whatever they said, whether you choose to use it is up to you. The Rants and Flame wars section was set up after the forums exploded due to an influx of overtly rascist, homophobic and all the rest, weirdos who tried to push their 4chan memes and shit in here. The mods did very little to moderate it with one of the mods, who shall remain nameless (because everybody knows which one I mean) actively supporting the base posting that was going on. A few people took issue with these posts and challenged the posters who felt empowered by the support of people the were mods so the forums broke down for a while as flame wars errupted everywhere. I might have got the timeline wrong but the whole forum was effectively reset (whether because of the above or not) by moving to a new server and format which deleted all the various posts by all the various usernames that people, including me, burned through and the chosen method of "moderating" the forum after that was a rants and flame wars section with a timeout/ban hammer to those that didn't use it. It took away the potential audience for the shitposters and you don't see that sort of behaviour now in the general forums (although I'm sure that shit is still going on in the dark corners of the "Old Dudes Board and their "Satirical Jokes" section but meh, they've moderated themselves into that corner so that's a thumbs up from me). Yeah, I've been around from the start and the only reason I don't post more is that the quality of the Pretend Voyeur Experience on offer today as compared to the early days doesn't give much to actually constructively comment on and I feel the only time I'm moved to make a comment is when someone posts something that I don't agree with and I've got better things to do with my time rather than try to convince a stranger that their opinion on some Russian girl doing sex tricks on the internet for other strangers is wrong. Now, this poll isn't in the rants or flames wars section, as a few people posting above seem to have forgotten so I'm not going to trash you @jabbath1987, but, as per your above personal quote, you've made this about you so: I find your posting highly hypocritical compared to the cool guy/open-minded persona that you fashioned for yourself in the early years of your participation here. You have tens of thousands of posts but the majority of them are generally in support of your VH buddies in an effort to try to negate what you believe are anti-VH comments made legitmately by other forum users - it's as though you think that defending some of the nasty shit that goes on in these apartments is a means to boost not just VH business but also your own reputation on these forums - and absolutely the opposite has happened. It seems that no one can have a negative opinion on VH with you jumping through logical hoops to reply to everything with the same old, "It's fine, this is normal, VH is still great, it's just human nature," bollocks that you always come out with. You've set yourself up as some kind of VH opinion filter that tries to react and redefine every negative VH post - I actually don't think you meant to do that but by this stage - it's old, it's expected and it's ineffectual.