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Everything posted by Maturin

  1. It would be a start to show that she's interested in the relationship! Can't help but think that those two barely know each other and are only together as a "couple" for this site!
  2. I think Betty needs to learn how to harness and accommodate Daniel's load.
  3. I've got no intention of ever paying for RLC. It is absolutely shit for me, nothing happens in the majorty of the apartments (and I don't count grown adults painting other adults as an event!). Plus the actual company seems like it's run by dicks. Look at the customer service and engagement from VH and look at how, even though everyone seems to rag on it, VV really is trying to do interesting things - they might not all work but at least they try. The owners of RLC genuinely believe that all they have to do is put some cameras up then sit back whilst we throw money at them. You'd have to be nuts to spend nearly 50 bucks a month to view pretty much what happens in your own living room anyway. RLC can fuck right off. I'd be sorry not to see only a few of the tenants but the company and the way they "run" it doesn't deserve a cent of my cash.
  4. I'm getting bored of this apartment becase of that. Teases and pretends all the time but nothing happens. If it did I bet she would be better than Leora but she always stops short then her dick of a boyfriend comes home. Even when they have sex all you can see is his hairy steroid filled arse flopping up and down.
  5. She's in Czech Republic though. I didn't see that incident you mention but hope it's true. Ask her to play with herself a bit more without her stupid boyfriend ruining the picture! :D
  6. I don't think she's one of them though mate. It would be nice if she was and did half of what you asked but nah, I don't think she knows about CC.
  7. Shit (literally), that came out a bit larger than I was expecting! Yes that is an ultrasound of a chap's rectum! Looks similar to the what Alex is looking at.
  8. So yeah, I've just spent the last 10 minutes looking at male ultrasound pics SHe's not acting like a woman that's just found out she's pregnant, you'd expect at least some change in her behaviour, right? The closest pics I could find are of male prostate ultrasounds, like below. Maybe he's gone to have the ole anal probe and these are the results?
  9. That sounds like a pretty good idea for an apartment. All of it. Alex's Fuck/Fight Club.
  10. Yawn. Take it to the flame war section if you want to continue this ridiculous conversation, I probably won't join you though!
  11. Not really. I don't know what is going on in your head but it can't be a very nice place. Why are you having a go at this other person if its what I said that has triggered you? Chill out pal.
  12. You've really got a pretty shitty axe to grind here mate. Ankaboott just made a pretty unambiguous statement and now you are putting words in their mouth after complaining of the same just a page back. You are coming across like a bit of a dick mate. It's a free country, it's your right to be be a dick of course but just thought I'd let you know, in case you weren't aware.
  13. Even just on her own would be better than with him. She loves to sort herself out so there still be plenty to tune in for even if she didn't have a significant other!
  14. Yeah, so it's all her fault then right and she deserves it?
  15. Ah right! Add my name to the call to warm these folks up then! VHTV, get these folks warm (and a big ass TV) and I'll subscribe!
  16. Free cam 3 is in a good angle but the sofa it's pointing at doesnt seem to be the focus point of the household. If they put a TV on the wall opposite so the tennants can actually sit on the sofa more regularly then I'd think about subscribing but right now I don't fancy watching them squeezed onto the tiny chair and hunched up at a laptop where Layla is now!
  17. Yeah welcome to CC and all that. You might want to check again where the, "image area," is.
  18. (The Image Content is No Longer Accessible) Last night's abuse.
  19. All the stuff I descrobed yesterday happened just before I typed it. I bet today he is smiley and fake to try to make up for it but give it a few days and he'll do the same. I think he might have crossed the line last night by trying to seal her wallet, try to snap her laptop then making her go out late at night to (I think) withdraw more money for him. Before he made her go out she was about to sleep on the sofa without him and she's never done that before - I hope she is seriously considering getting out of the relationship before it's too late.
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