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Everything posted by Maturin

  1. Maturin


    Looks like a really good first day, thanks for the photos.
  2. Maturin


    Mate, if you've got something to say to me, say it directly instead of jumping to disagree with the first thing I post for a while yet and not having the balls to quote me directly. There was a post by the mods this morning about being curteous, seems like you failed to read it or you did read it but you're just a sleazy cunt. I'm sure the question was asked because nobody reads your boring, depressing monothematic "detailed posts". You're a cliche of yourself and fucking hell do you ever need to get over yourself. Remember when you said you were just going to ignore me, what the fuck happened to that? Take it to the flame thread if you're going to reply - but please don't bother as typing this is spending too much time on you already, you sad sad bollocks of a man
  3. Maturin


    Because penises are better than breasts for some people apparently.
  4. Maturin


    Wow, the new girl is gorgeous! I seriously hope you aren't thinking about getting some guys they don't know to move in with them. It's good as it is, just need more nudity. I've reset the clock on whether I get a subscription or not, if things get better (not worse by introducing guys which will kill the nudity) then you'll have me as a customer!
  5. I agree, I really think these two "mature" adults have some life and/or mental issues! They do literally nothing all day. Get up at 2pm, go back and forth between sofa and bedroom, sometimes for a change one of them wil spend 40 minutes in the guest room, they might go out for an hour presumably to do shopping - and spend all day watching 26 year old reruns of Friends! And have you seen their flippin diet??? Nachos, lollipops, assorted boxes of sweets that you usually get around Christmas, KFC or McDonalds at least twice a week. Jesus! They aren't young like Kitty and Smith or Silvia and Josh but those two couples could teach Julia and Eric quite a few things about cooking!! The sex when it happens is 'kin awful too! She's reasonably hot but they must be the worst boring couple in the history of voyeur sites!
  6. Maturin


    Definitely, it takes a certain type of person as we can see to be comfortable with the situation. There's no point hating the people that aren't but I just hope that VV recognise those situations and move them on quickly - it would be best for the tenant and the subscribers.
  7. Maturin


    So.. anyway, in case you missed it because the unwelcome piss-storm VV @VoyeurVillaNews When you interview people, all you need to do is ask them - "Do you like to have sex and masturbate a lot and are you fine with doing that regularly whenever you want in a house with cameras?" Only hire people that you believe have answered truthfully - YES Then just let them do their thing. If they told the truth then you don't need to stage parties or big events because the people in the apartments will just be doing what comes naturally and people will have a genuine reason to pay. Look at Leora on RLC, no one is suggesting to her that she have sexy parties or that she do "wild" things but she likes to masturbate regularly, is aware but doesn't care about the cameras - and is probably the only reason the majority subscribe to RLC. I discount the Barca apartments because if you read the threads for them, those "fans" are pretty fucking creepy! Personally I find it a bit distasteful that people are saying that "VV should get a man for Mona to have sex with," - there's probably a human rights violation in that statement! She doesn't appear to be a very sexual person and is too aware of the cameras and is making Volga as frustrating as RLC Barca - that's fine for her, she's obviously not suited to the voyeur project and it would be better for all if she left, please don't make her try do something or put her in a situation that she isn't comfortable or is doing against her will. It's time to say goodbye to her and get people that you believe answered truthfully to the above question. It really is that simple.
  8. Maturin


    Seriously though, I'm not going to give the time of day to people with some weird argumentaive agenda that would just like to flame in order to justify their existence on this board. If I've said something that has triggered you for whatever sad reason, just tag me on the flame board, no need to politely ask, I won't respond to you on this board, so don't bother! :)
  9. Maturin


    But, but, but, he started it
  10. Maturin


    I don't want to argue with people that clearly aren't up to it buddy. As you can see in your post history, you are the one after attention, constantly trying to call out people into an argument and miserably failing. You funny sad fucker! Cheerio then. Hahahaha!
  11. Maturin


    Still laughing at you!! wow! But yeah, if you wanna go ahead and start something on the flame thread, just tag me in it buddy. Spoiler alert: I aint gonna read it, nothing can get better(worse) than what you just posted!!
  12. Maturin


    Flame thread? With you? Haha! You must be kidding! You need to display much better chops than this to even make it worth merely considering wasting time over there with you. Well done reading through my posts in order to find something to argue about, you sad little boy. Likewise reading through yours it shows that you're merely desperate to get into arguments with people but the quality of your taunts are so pathetic you don't get many takers. Hahaha, politley asking to go over to the flame thread?!!!!!! How fucking pathetic is that?! Fucking seen it all on here now!!! Go out side mate and give yourself a dry slap, that has made me laugh so hard!!! 'Kin hell, hahaha!!! !
  13. Maturin


    Uhh, thanks for your input there pal. Nice one, yeah.
  14. Maturin


    To be honest then mate why are you commenting? VV have said they are working on making the site better and would like to recieve feedback and opinions. It's the micro-managing that I'm against and if they followed my feedback they wouldn't need to do such. It is quite a simple concept but as they said earlier it's hard to find the people to do it. Failing that, let's not say anything and have to put up with and pay for people that actively hide from the cameras and spend 90% of their time with noses buried in phones. Some people obviously love that sort of behaviour, maybe they've got an odd sado-macho thing of wanting to pay for shite - but VV is struggling - obviously there aren't enough sad people that love that type of non-thing in order to make the site a success. VV are working on it, I believe them, I'm simply offering advice on what it would take to be more successful, it aint rocket science. Once they come out and say - these are the new tenants and this is how the site will be - then if it meets my expectations I'll stop offering advice and subscribe. If it doesn't meet my expectations then I'll stop offering advice and won't subscribe. Easy.
  15. I look forward to seeing who they come up with.
  16. Maturin


    Ok maybe not on the same level Bashar Hafez al-Assad but it's still pretty dodgy ground :D Do they want to be a voyeur style site or a paid sex cam site with inconveniently placed cameras?
  17. Maturin


    @VoyeurVillaNews When you interview people, all you need to do is ask them - "Do you like to have sex and masturbate a lot and are you fine with doing that regularly whenever you want in a house with cameras?" Only hire people that you believe have answered truthfully - YES Then just let them do their thing. If they told the truth then you don't need to stage parties or big events because the people in the apartments will just be doing what comes naturally and people will have a genuine reason to pay. Look at Leora on RLC, no one is suggesting to her that she have sexy parties or that she do "wild" things but she likes to masturbate regularly, is aware but doesn't care about the cameras - and is probably the only reason the majority subscribe to RLC. I discount the Barca apartments because if you read the threads for them, those "fans" are pretty fucking creepy! Personally I find it a bit distasteful that people are saying that "VV should get a man for Mona to have sex with," - there's probably a human rights violation in that statement! She doesn't appear to be a very sexual person and is too aware of the cameras and is making Volga as frustrating as RLC Barca - that's fine for her, she's obviously not suited to the voyeur project and it would be better for all if she left, please don't make her try do something or put her in a situation that she isn't comfortable or is doing against her will. It's time to say goodbye to her and get people that you believe answered truthfully to the above question. It really is that simple.
  18. Maturin


    I no longer have any reason to pay any more attention to anything you have to say. Excellent.
  19. Maturin


    Fuck knows what goes on in your head mate, the amount of assumptions that you make in order to start an argument with someone is just pathetic. Your posts are becoming increasingly more desperate, perhaps you could do with a break. Hey ho, ok then let's give what you wrote far more credit than it deserves, here goes.. Do you really think VV is going to call her and order her to play with herself or take clothes off? Where did I tell them to call her and order her to do that? This isn't a cam site. I'm glad it's not but you've begged the question as to what sort of site it is then. What sort of site is it? A watch people on their phones all day type of site? A watch people do ridiculously staged events like the RLC-like naked dancing that's going on now in Volga? A watch as people put themselves in clearly awkward social situations because they've been told that that will get subscribers type of site? To me it's all of those things and as I mentioned in my comment they are not going to get me to subscribe by just watching a half-naked lady on her phone or any of the above. Which is it for you? Actually don't bother answering, I'm not interested and my comment was clearly marked for VV.
  20. Maturin


    @VoyeurVillaNews Mona is sat on the sofa playing with her phone when she could be sat on the sofa at least without panties on, would be better if she was playing with herself. Sorry but this does not make me want to subscribe.
  21. Arggh, it's gone exactly the opposite way from what they made me hope when they did their big announcement about being under new management and were going to improve and make things different. Wow. For the record, I want to subscribe to one of the 4 sites and I was really hoping that after VV's announcement that things would be worth it for this site but really, it hasn't improved to the point of making me want to buy a subscription :(
  22. Precisely!! I'm more bored of all this scripted bullshit everytime tenants decide to have sex. Parties that go on for hours that lead to rubbish drunken sex. Contests that lead to no sex. Flashing lights etc etc. It's gone beyond boring. Silvia and Josh are two regular people who, whilst aware of the cameras, aren't that bothered by them and do their own thing. It works because they are horny people and have lots of sex. It's far more closer to the "voyeur" experience than any of the other apartments and I wish there were more couples the same.
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